加拿大 大多贵族 中学 都有非常多的 招生要求,其次 学区招生代表官员需要和通过初审的候选人进行电话或当面的的交谈,对学生的背景、能力等多个方面进行考察(我们所称的面试)。面试的结果和招生代表的评语将作为学校在申请人选拔过程中非常重要的参考因素。
能介绍一下自己吗 ?
Can you introuce yourself?
你现在几年级 ?
What grae are you in now?
能介绍下你现在就读的学校吗 ?
Can you tell me about the school you are stuying in?
学习英语多久了 ?
How long have you been learning English?
为什么选择我们学校 ?
Why choose our school?
之前对我们学校有了解吗 ?
Di you know anything about our school before?
你有什么爱好,特长是什么 ?
What are your hobbies,what are your specialties?
将来想做什么 ?
What o you want to o in the future?
在老师眼里,你是怎么样的学生 ?
In the teacher’s eyes,what kin of stuent are you?
在同学眼里,你是怎样的人 ?
In the eyes of your classmates,what kin of person are you?
你有外教吗 ?有过出国的经历吗?
Do you have any foreign teachers?Have you ever gone abroa?
最感兴趣的体育项目是什么 ?
What are the most interesting sports?
你最喜欢的课外活动是什么 ?哪个最重要,为什么?
What are your favorite extracurricular activities?Which is the most important,why?
你如何看待友情 ?
What o you think of frienship?
留学前,你的计划是怎样的 ?
Before stuying abroa,what was your plan?
如何安排留学前的时间 ?
How to arrange the time before stuy abroa?
你有什么想问我的吗 ?
Do you have anything to ask me?
除此之外可能会问一些个人喜好等的附加问题:可能有关 foo,book,sports travelling,photo,frien,season,weather 等等。
二、 学习背景和经历 相关问题
Where i you grauate from?/ From what school i you grauate?
When i you grauate?
What/where are you stuying NOW?
What ’ s major now?
When will you grauate?
Why o you give up stuy in such a goo Chinese university an go to Canaa?
Why o you change your major? / Give me reasons that you change the major.
What is your acaemic recor?
Why not goo?
Have you ever taken TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE test?
What is your TOEFL/ IELTS/GMAT/GRE score?
Have you tanke China’s National H igh S chool Entrance Examination? Your score report?
Have you been amitte into China’s h igh s chool?
三、 关于申请学校的情况
Which school will you stuy in? / What’s your school in Canaa?
Why o you choose this school?
How o you get to know this school?
Which state are you going to in Canaa? / Which part of Canaa are you going to?
How many schools i you apply for?
All the schools accepte you? / You were amitte into all these schools?
Who applie for this school’s amission for you?
Di you apply by yourself?
Do you have scholarship?
How much is it?
Who apply for you?
四、 关于赴加留学的动机.
Why o you go to Canaa? / What is your purpose to go to Canaa?
Why o you choose Canaa to stuy rather than other foreign countries?
Do you have clear stuy plan? What’s your stuy plan? / Please let me know you stuy plan.
Is it necessary for you to spen so much money stuying in US?
If you stuy this major in China,you can cost less while obtain the same knowlege,why choose the expensive way?
五、 家庭背景情况
Do you have brother or sister?
Why on’t they go to Canaa to stuy?
Do you have any relative in the Canaa? / Are there any family members of yours in Canaa?
What o they o in US?
Why on’t they come back to China? / Why o they stay in Canaa?
Will you stay in Canaa like them?
Have you gone to Canaa? / Have you been to Canaa in the past?
Di your parents go to Canaa?
Have you ever been to abroa? / Di you go to other foreign countries?
Why i you go there? / What i you o in the country?
Why on’t you choose to further your stuy there?