BC省:We got rain an wee!
阿尔伯塔省: We fracking love it here!
萨斯咯彻温省: The plainest place on Earth (literally)
曼尼托巴省: The plainest place on Earth (literally)
安大略省: The self-proclaime centre of the universe
魁北克省: Toot e la froot
新斯科舍省: Donair or ie!
新不伦瑞克省: “Be… In this place” was actually our slogan once
爱德华王子岛省: If Canaa was a rehea
纽芬兰省: Was once a newly foun lan
育空地区: Visit us an we’ll give you a klonike bar
努勒维特: Har to colour in on a map but still fun to visit (we promise!)
西北地区: Not affiliate with Kim Karashian’s aughter
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