4W 语言课: 2018/08/04&nash;2018/9/8&mash; 682.50 磅
6W 语言课: 2018/7/21—2018/9/8&mash; 955.50 磅
10W 语言课: 2018/6/23—2018/9/8&mash;1501.50 磅
下面信息介绍链接: http://www.sheffiel.ac.uk/accommoation/eltc
Ensuite rooms may be allocate in mixe gener flats - please confirm that you unerstan this.* You will have private bathroom facilities but may share a communal kitchen/ining area with male an female stuents套间有可能会分到不同性别的同学一起居住,但是学生会有单独的洗漱间,不过厨房和餐厅是公共的。
**Please confirm that you have rea & agree to the ELTC Conitions of Reservation ***请学生申请住宿之前一定阅读下面链接的条款,阅读完之后定在下面打勾:
Please confirm that you have been accepte onto the ELT course,which matches the accommoation package* 请确认学生已经接受语言课 offer,接受完 offer 之后才能申请住宿