四月初,相信大家已经拿到了自己心仪的 Offer 开始着手准备美国签证。
1 、签证和签证照片一定要照好。在签证官见到你本人之前,从照片得到对你的第一印象,这在一定程度上将影响签证官对你的初步看法。
2 、面签时要面带微笑,表现信心。当然,信心是建立在你对各种签证问题的精心准备基础上的,但现场表情也非常重要,笑一笑能拉近人与人的距离,会让人感到放松,会感染签证官的情绪。
3 、说话时声音要清晰,语速要慢。声音清晰意味着说话有底气,分量足,显示出你的自信。语速要慢,对英语口语不太好的人来说,可以让签证官听清楚你要表达的意思,还能让自己有时间来思考签证官的问题。
4 、心态一定要坦然。不要受当前形势的影响,无论前边有几个人签过都与你没有关系,你要做到的就是保持正常的心态去迎接面试。
5 、不要有侥幸心理。有时候签证官因为主观因素,由他面谈的申请者通过得多,称之为 “ 放水 ”。但一心想着靠签证官放水是不行的,因为放水的窗口和时间是你永远无法预料的。只有精心地进行签证准备,按照最严格的模式来进行模拟面试训练。
What’s your name?
How long have you prepare your visa interview? Have u prepare the interview in an eucation agency?
Where are you from? Where is your hometown?
Have you ever been to nations asie of China? Have you ever gone abroa?
What’s your favorite foo?
How ol are you?
How long have you been in ( city’s name ) ?
What’s your hobby? What o you o in your spare time?
Where is your HUKOU( 户口 )?
Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)?
Where o you live? Where will you live?
Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?
what kin of computer o you have?
what is your favorite color?
Do you have any relatives in the Unite States?
What o your parents o?
Do you have sisters or brothers?
What is your favorite American movie?
What will you o in USA?
What is your purpose for the visa?
Are you going to stuy in USA?
How long will you stuy in USA?
Why o you want to stuy in USA?
Why o you want go to the Unite States for further stuy? (if the accent is on &lquo;Unite States&rquo;)
When are you going to enter US?
How o you know this school?
Why o you choose this school.?
To how many institutions have you applie,an who are they? Any other school amits you?
Why i you choose ****** school? How much o you know about the school?
Is ****** the first school to give you the offer?
How long have you prepare for TOEFL? Di you cheat?
When i you join the TOEFL test?
What score i you get in TOEFL test?
How i you take SAT?
What is your plan? What will you o after grauation? Why?
Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
Can you explain why 90% Chinese stuents in’t come back?
Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have complete your stuies?
What is your ream?
You can also make more of this kin of money in US,why on’t you want to earn more? why you come back to China instea of fining a job in America?
Will you come back to this company after grauation?
What is the thing you like best in America,or the thing you like best in China?
Then what is the thing you on’t like most in China?
What o you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?