建议大家最多 15 分钟完成。论点在最后的方框里很容易找到,先看主旨再读文章会容易一些。
需要最先关注的是 reasoning,structure,其次才是用词和各种措辞手法。然后很快的选三个点--依旧按照上面的规则,reasoning 放在前面写,修辞一般我放在第三个 boy 段写
In his essay +标题,X elivers a masterful issertation that + 文章的主旨 ….. By the en of the piece the reaer will likely fin themselves noing in agreement with what X has to say,an this isn ’ t just because s/he ’ s right. X,like any goo writer,employs 1,2 an 3 to plea with the auience to take his sie.
这里的“ 1 、 2 、 3 ”为你要写的点,如:
-various reasons
-creible evience
-meticulous iction
-effective structures
-effective rhetorical evices
-use of first-person pronouns
专用于像 OG4 “ let there be ark ” 理由条理十分清晰的文章,这样所有的理由作为一个论证手法就可以放在一段来写。这里大家可以注意一下句式十分丰富。
– Clear an multiple reasons empower the persuasiveness of this essay.
-The author inclues such possible ailments to remin reaer that…
-After revealing the first reason to..,the author transits smoothly to mention …
-Now the reaers realizes the secon reason … is essential.
-X further strengthens his argument by mentioning …
-By reaing this reaers woul probably come to the revelation that …
-With three comprehensive an critical reasons,the author structures a soli argument that cannot easily be argues against.
The truth in the numbers is uneniable,an he cites his sources promptly,making the statement that much more authentic. Knowlege is often viewe as power,an with information as irect as a statistic,X is haning that power to the reaer-the power to agree with him.
These facts back up X ’ s claims that …. Without these evience,X ’ s passage woul not mean a thing to us reaers an we woul never be able to believe what he has sai.
The author not only create a powerful caence but also inclue him an the reaer in a unifie boy. … the reaer feels that x no longer argues from the opposite sie but from the same sie as the reaer. The first person pronouns invoke a special feeling of camaraerie … In this way,X is able to affect the reaer emotionally through his repetitive use of “ we ”
His humor iction provies a link between he an the auience,revealing not only an opportunity to laugh,but also reinforcement of the concept that X is trustworthy an just like someone else.
It is so authoritative that it instantly grasps the attention of the reaer.
X is certainly no amateur author,as he unerstans how to utilize 1,2,an 3. It is his utilization of these practices an more that make this article worthy of recognition. once one reas the piece,he will be noing along in accorance with X,an it is not for no reason.
最后的小 Tips
写的每一句都不是废话,不要重复同样的意思,不要只是空洞的写很 persuasive,以上的套路就是帮助你的分析可以不那么空洞。
每一段 Boy 分析的长度大约是内容的两倍。