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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-01 19:43

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Cognitive psychology 认知心理学


Cognitive psychology in psychology is a relatively moern approach to human behavior that focuses on how we think,with the belief that such thought processes affect the way in which we behave. It is concerne with unerstaning mental processes such as memory,perception,thinking,an problem solving,an how they may be relate to behavior.


Social psychology 社会心理学

Social psychology is intereste in stuying iniviuals in a social context,such as family,friens,institutions,an wier society. Social behavior may involve activity within a group or between groups.


Development psychology 发展心理学

This branch of psychology looks at evelopment throughout the lifespan,from chilhoo to aulthoo. The scientific stuy of human evelopment seeks to unerstan an explain how an why people change throughout life. This inclues all aspects of human growth,incluing physical,emotional,intellectual,social,perceptual an personality evelopment.


Physiological psychology生理心理学

Physiological psychology is concerne with the biological basis of behavior. It is also known as biological psychology,biopsychology,or psychobiology,an is closely relate to neuroscience. Physiological psychologists stuy the electrical an chemical functions an activities of the brain,an how they relate to a person’s mental experience an behavior. This branch of psychology is an approach to psychological research,which is use to stuy many ifferent psychological phenomena.


Abnormal psychology反常心理学/变态心理学

Abnormal psychology is the area that looks at psychopathology an abnormal behavior. The term covers a broa range of isorers,from epression to obsession-compulsion to sexual eviation an many more. Counselors,clinical psychologists an psychotherapists often work irectly in this fiel.


Eucation psychology教育心理学

Eucational psychology is the branch of psychology concerne with schools,teaching psychology,eucational issues an stuent concerns. Eucational psychologists often stuy how stuents learn or work irectly with stuents,parents,teachers an aministrators to improve stuent outcomes.


Behavioral Psychology行为心理学

Behavioral psychology,also known as behaviorism,is a theory of learning base upon the iea that all behaviors are acquire through conitioning. While this branch of psychology ominate the fiel uring the first part of the twentieth century,it became less prominent uring the 1950s. However,behavioral techniques remain a mainstay in therapy,eucation an many other areas.


Health psychology健康心理学

Health psychology is a specialty area that focuses on how biology,psychology,behavior an social factors influence health an illness. Other terms incluing meical psychology an behavioral meicine are sometimes use interchangeably with the term health psychology. The fiel of health psychology is focuse on promoting health as well as the prevention an treatment of isease an illness.




