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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-11 02:12

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

“ 杜老师您好,我的孩子目前在澳洲留学,以后从澳洲高中毕业后,如果申请加拿大大学,需要什么条件? ”


   加拿大 留学专家老师介绍,澳洲高中申请加拿大本科的要求是:澳洲所在省或领地所在高中的毕业证书,以及 ATAR (Australian Tertiary Amission Rank) 或 T.E. ( Tertiary Entrance Statement )的结果,还会重点参考高中最后一年成绩。



新南威尔士州( NSW ) - 首府悉尼

昆士兰( QLD ) - 首府布里斯班

南澳大利亚( SA ) - 首府阿德莱德

塔斯马尼亚( TAS ) - 首府霍巴特

维多利亚( VIC ) - 首府墨尔本

西澳大利亚( WA ) - 首府珀斯


澳大利亚首都领地( ACT ) - 首府堪培拉





Minimum Amission Requirements:

ACT:Year 12 Certificate an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Amission Rank)/Tertiary Entrance Statement/UAI (Universities Amission Inex)

NSW: Higher School Certificate an ATAR/T.E. rank/UAI

NT: Certificate of Eucation an ATAR/university aggregate/SACE an TER

QLD: Senior Certificate an QTAC Selection Rank/T.E. Statement showing OP (Overall Position) an FP (Fiel Position)

SA: Certificate of Eucation an ATAR/TER

TAS: Certificate of Eucation an ATAR/T.E. score

VIC: Certificate of Eucation an ATAR/ENTER an stuy score

WA: Certificate of Seconary Eucation an ATAR/T.E. scores an rank

以下是 UBC 大学对澳洲高中申请的要求:

Grauation from a university-preparatory program at a senior seconary school:

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Year 12 Certificate — UBC competitive-level “High Stanar of Achievement’

New South Wales

Higher School Certificate

Applicants must have complete Boar Develope courses

Assessment base on both school-base assessment an external examinations

UBC competitive grae 80% (Ban 5)

Northern Territory

Northern Territory Certificate of Eucation — UBC competitive-level “High Achievement”


Queenslan Certificate of Eucation — UBC competitive requirement “High Achievement”

South Australia

South Australian Certificate of Eucation

Assessment base on both school-base assessment an external examinations

UBC competitive requirement in the “High Achievement” to “Very High Achievement” range


Tasmanian Certificate of Eucation — UBC competitive level “High Achievement”


Statement of Results,Victoria Certificate of Eucation — UBC competitive grae B or equivalent

Western Australia

Statement of Results,Western Australia Certificate of Eucation — UBC competitive level “High Achievement”

Amission average calculate on final year acaemic courses/exams (all regions):

Graes require for amission vary by program,but in orer to fall within the competitive range,the minimum average require will generally be as inicate. Certificates must be official. Photocopies are acceptable if certifie by school principal,hea,or counsellor. Notarize copies are not acceptable.

Degree-specific Requirements: Commerce (UBC Sauer School of Business)

Senior-level Math (Pre-Calculus )


