l 宏观: 教育类宏观上主要是教育学,即 Eucation; 主要专业有:教育研究、教育管理、教育学与社会研究等;
l 微观: 微观上的教育即细化为教学,即 Teaching; 主要专业有: TESOL、早期教育、数学、化学、物理、体育、艺术教育与管理、音乐教育、英语教育等等;
l 无论是刚刚毕业的大学生,还是已经从教多年的教师,都可以根据自己的情况找到适合的英国大学的相关教育专业。
l 即使是对于刚刚毕业,非教育专业背景,但希望攻读教育类硕士课程的学生,英国大学都提供有相关的衔接课程。
l 同时,英国的教育硕士的课程设置非常灵活,学生可以根据自己的兴趣爱好和将来的发展方向来自己选择专业领域和相应科目,使得学生们可以有的放矢 ;
l 再加上英国的学制比较短,使得在众多留学国家中,在英国获取该专业硕士学位的优势脱颖而出。
根据 2013年最新申请数据显示,申请教育学、TESOL以及教育管理的学生占到教育类非常大的比重,接下来我们通过详细的分析来解开他们的面纱。
l 普通高校是教育学原理、教育史、高等教育学等理论性比较强的专业毕业生的主要去向。但是目前在硕士阶段能够进入高校工作的难度越来越大,基本上都要求博士学历。
l 全国中小学进行课程改革,具有较强教育理论素养的人才受到欢迎,随着中小学老师待遇的不断提高,以及教育职业的稳定性,越来越多的教育学专业毕业生开始进入到中小学。
l 特殊教育专业主要培养具备普通教育和特殊教育的知识和能力的高级专门人才,他们毕业后主要在特殊教育机构及与特殊教育相关的机构从事特殊教育实践、理论研究、管理工作等。
l 与教育相关的出版社、报社出版社,尤其是和教育相关的新闻传播机构也是教育类专业毕业生倾向选择的,主要从事教育类图书的策划和编辑工作。
l 政府单位,还有一些毕业生毕业后参加公务员考试进入教育行政单位,但要求教育类专业的公务员招考很少。l 新技术教育领域是教育学毕业生的一个去向,在新技术教育领域从事教学媒体和教学系统设计、开发、运用、管理和评价等。
杜伦大学( Durham University)MA Eucation
Research Methos Eucation 研究方法教育
Dissertation 论文
21st Century Technology: Implications for Teaching an Learning 21世纪的技术:影响教学和学习
Arts in Eucation 艺术教育
Curriculum Analysis 课程分析
Intercultural an International Eucation 跨文化国际教育
Management,Leaership an Change 管理,领导和改变
Policy Stuies 政策研究
Psychology of the Learner 学习者的心理学
Teaching an Learning in Science 科学 的 教学和学习
l入学要求:申请者必须有 2:1以上荣誉学位或者相关水平;有相关教学经验的在某些领域类也可以被考虑。
l语言要求: IELTS score of at least 7.0 (with no element uner 6.5) or equivalent.
华威大学( University of Warwick)MA Eucational Stuies
Founation Research Methos 基础研究方法
Teaching,Learning an Assessment 教学、学习与评估
Dissertation 论文
Foreign Language Teaching Peagogy an Methoology 外语教学与方法论
Learning an Information an Communications Technology 学习、信息与通信技术
Special Eucational Nees: Peagogy,Policy an Practice 特殊教育需求 :教育学、政策和实践
l语言要求:IELTS 6.5
爱丁堡大学( University of Einburgh)MSc Eucation
Ethics an Eucation: The Normative Dimensions of Eucation 道德和教育:道德的规范性维度
Eucation Policy an the Politics of Eucation 教育政策和政治教育
Research Methos 研究方法
Ault Eucation an Life Long Learning 成人教育与终身教育
Chil an Aolescent Development 青少年发展教育
Curriculum: Context,Change an Development 课程设置:内容、变化与发展
Eucation an Training Systems of the UK 英国的 教育和培训系统
Eucational Planning an Aministration 教育规划与管理
International Perspectives on Eucation an Training 国际视角的教育与培训
Learners,Learning an Teaching 学习者、学习和教学
Philosophical Founations of Eucational Theory,Policy an Practice 哲学基础教育理论、政策和实践
l入学要求:最低 2:1的荣誉学位或者国际相当学历水平,有工作经验和相关教育经验也会被考虑
l语言要求:IELTS total 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each moule)
格拉斯哥大学( University of Glasgow)MScEucational Stuies
Moern eucational thought 现代教育思想
Introuction to eucational an social research 教育和社会研究概述
Seminar on contemporary issues 当代教育问题研讨 Science eucation 科学教育
English language teaching 英语语言教育
Eucational psychology 教育心理学
Arts in eucation 艺术教育
l语言要求:overall score 6.5 no sub-test less than 6.0
Avance eucational research 先进教育研究
Work-relate eucation 工作相关教育
Eucational management an leaership 教育管理与领导
约克大学( The University of York)MA in Eucational Stuies
Research methos in eucation 教育研究方法
Theories of learning an evelopment 理论学习和方法
Planning an Communicating Research 规划和沟通研究
Approaches to English teaching 英语教学方法
Citizenship eucation 公民教育
Discourse Analysis 话语分析
Eucation an social justice 教育和社会公正
evaluating ESOL classroom practice评估ESOL课堂实践
Ientity an foreign language teaching 外语教学
International perspectives on language eucation 国际视角的语言教育
Psychology of language an language learning 语言心理学与语言学习
Science,eucation an society 科学,教育与社会
Teaching an learning in schools 学校的教学与学习
Teaching Worl English 教学世界英语
Theories of learning an evelopment 理论的学习与发展
Computer assiste language learning an e-learning计算机辅助语言学习和在线学习
l入学要求 :英国 2:1以上学历,美国绩点3.0,中国均分80以上
l语言要求:6.5 (minimum score of 6.0 in each of the four sub-scores)
伯明翰大学( University of Birmingham)
International Stuies in Eucation (Eucation an Development) ME/MA
Eucation as an International Issue
Eucation Observation,evaluation an Supervision教育观察、评价和监督
Practitioner Inquiry in Eucation教育 教育领域从业者调查
International Stuy Skills an Communication国际研究技能和沟通
Human Rights,Citizenship an the Environment人权、公民权和环境
Leaership for School Improvement 领导 学校改进
Personal an Professional Skills for Eucation Management个人和专业技能教育管理
Curriculum Design in Global Contexts 全球语境下的课程设计
l语言要求:7.0 with no less than 6.5 in any ban
谢菲尔德大学( The University of Sheffiel)MA Eucation
Critical Issues in Eucation an Eucational Research教育和教育研究 的关键问题
Designing,Conucting an Writing Up a Research Stuy 设计、制作和编写研究
Reflections on Practice in Teaching an Learning
Qualitative Methoologies in Eucational Research
Globalisation an Eucation
Globalising Curriculum
Developmental Psychology
Psychology an Learning Communities
l入学要求: A goo honours egree in a relate fiel.
l语言要求:English language requirements: overall IELTS grae of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each component,or equivalent.
利兹大学( University of Lees)MA Eucation
Critical Stuy allows you to esign an unertake a small-scale research project relate to your own interests in the fiel of eucation.
You choose four to five of the following moules.
Introuction to Eucational Research Methos an Approaches to Data Collection
Directe Stuy in Eucation 1 (30cr)
Science Eucation: Teaching an Learning
Science Eucation: Curriculum an Professional Development
Issues in ICT an Eucation
Learning with Virtual Worls
Design an evaluation of Web-base Learning Environments
e-Learning: Principles an Practices
The Practice of Supporting Language Teacher Learning
Lifelong Learning in Changing Contexts
International Eucational Management: Developing Leaership
International Eucational Management: Developing Staff for Institutional Improvement
International Eucational Management: Developing Financial an Material Resources
International Eucational Management: Effective Development of Policies an Plans for Change
The 14-19 Curriculum
Assessment in Eucation
Mathematics: Curriculum an Assessment
Learning an Teaching Mathematics
Trens in Research in Mathematics Eucation
Special Eucational Nees: Principles an Practice
Special Eucational Nees: International Perspectives
Developmental Disorers I: Dyslexia an Developmental Coorination Disorer
Developmental Disorers II: Attention Deficit Disorer an Autistic Spectrum Disorer
Teaching Chilren with Learning Difficulties
Developmental Disorers in the Early Years
Teaching Chilren with Social,Emotional an Behavioural Difficulties
Learning an Teaching Vocabulary
Grammar,Learning an Teaching
Learning an Language in Primary Classrooms
Teacher Eucation for TESOL
Assessing Language Learning
Materials Development for TESOL
Language Learning an Teaching with ICT - Online
Teaching Languages to Young Learners
Global Citizenship in the UK Primary Eucation System
l入学要求R equire a goo first egree in a relevant iscipline,Two years experience in the fiel of eucation. We consier applicants with alternative experience on an iniviual basis.
l语言要求:IELTS: 6.5 overall,with no grae less below 6.
卡迪夫大学Cariff UniversityMScEucation
Working an learning in the further eucation an post compulsory sectors
Managing an improving learning in schools an classrooms
Leaership an management in schools an further eucation
Psychological perspectives in teaching an learning
Critical ebates in eucation
Sociology of chilhoo: Policies,perspectives an practices
The Knowlege economy
阿伯丁大学( The University of Abereen)MScEucational Stuies
Personal Effectiveness in Eucation Stuies
Eucational Issues an the Global Society
Enhance Practice in Learning an Teaching
Exploring Leaership
Professional Enquiry
l入学要求:Applicants will be grauates or able to provie evience that they can work at postgrauate level an have an appropriate level of competence in English. They must have previous relevant experience.
l语言要求:IELTS of 6.5 with 6.0 in the writing an reaing
布鲁内尔大学( Brunel University,Lonon)MA Eucation
Founation Disciplines in Eucation
Literature an Policy Analysis
Action Research
Research Methos in Eucation
l入学要求:Usually a first egree with appropriate professional experience. Suitably qualifie caniates from other relate professions will be consiere. Associate stuents who register for iniviual moules may progress to the Master’s course by successfully completing four moules
l语言要求: IELTS: 7 (min 6 in all areas)
牛津布鲁克斯大学( Oxfor Brookes University)MA Eucation
Compulsory moules
Reflective Professional Development
Eucational Research
We offer moules within three pathways:
Leaership an management
l入学要求:This MA course attracts stuents from a wie range of backgrouns an nationalities,normally grauates with a recognise teaching qualification,or other eucational professional experience.Applicants normally have: a goo honours egree or pass egree,QTS (Qualifie Teacher Status) or other equivalent professional qualification,relevant professional experience.
l语言要求:IELTS: level 6.5 or above with a minimum of 6.0 on EACH of the four skills
英国学校 TESOL专业分析
TESOL是“Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages” 的缩写,中文翻译是“对外英语教学”。TESOL专业适合人群
Ø 有语言专业背景的申请人
TESOL专业一般会要求学生有语言学方面的背景。在 英国大学 设置的课程里,几乎找不到与国内英语专业完全衔接的课程,除了接受转专业的商科专业、传媒等,MA TESO课程就是一个很好的选择。
Ø 无语言背景但钟爱英语教学的申请人
此外,还有一些院校也可以接受没有语言专业背景但是热爱英语教学专业的申请人,比如 Newcastle大学。
Ø 有工作经验的申请人
杜伦大学( Durham University)MA TESOL
Language for Teaching
Syllabus Design an Assessment
Language Teaching Methos an Practice
Worl Englishes
English for Specific Purposes
ELT Materials Development an evaluation
Discourse Texts an TESOL
Language Teaching Methoology
Research Methos
ELT Management
Teaching Young Learners
l入学要求:MA TESOL: a goo first egree (normally a UK 2.1 or equivalent)/MA in Applie Linguistics for TESOL: a goo first egree (normally a UK 2.1 or equivalent) plus at least two years English language teaching experience
l语言要求:English language requirement for non-native speakers (both egrees): IELTS minimum score of 7.0 with at least 7.0 in each section
爱丁堡大学( The University of Einburgh)
MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
TESOL Methoology
Language an the Learner
Secon Language Teaching Curriculum
Research: Founations,Assumptions An Praxis
Research Methos (Part One) Sources of Knowlege
Research Methos (Part Two) Conceptualising
Research Methos (Part Three) Planning Research
Optional courses may inclue:
evaluation an Design of TESOL Materials
Language in Use
Language Testing
online Language Learning
Teaching Text Across Borers
Techniques & Processes of Teacher Eucation & Supervision for TESOL
TESOL for Young Learners
Theory an Practice of Secon Language Learning
Language Awareness for Secon Language Teachers
Investigating Iniviual Learner Differences
Language an Culture Peagogy
l入学要求: A UK 2:1 honours egree,or its international equivalent,in a relevant iscipline is normally require. Alternatively,you may be consiere on the basis of employment or relevant experience. No previous teaching experience is require.
l语言要求:IELTS total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in “writing” an at least 6.0 in the other moules)
布里斯托大学(Bristol University)
MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Phase 1 (normally Autumn Term)
This is an intensively-supporte learning experience,esigne to support those from unergrauate stuy fiels other than TESOL /Applie Linguistics,an those new to the UK cultural context of learning. Support mechanisms inclue electronic resources (Blackboar) an formative assessment in the evelopment of portfolios.
Assignments will facilitate a focus on the particular elements which are essential for effective grauate learning:
critique of publishe research stuies
focusse literature review
specification of contextual factors which shape language learning an teaching,an ata collection an analysis.
Phase 2 (normally Spring Term)
This is a transition phase where the learning experience is increasingly self-irecte,an through stuy in the specialist units,increasingly oriente to iniviual learning goals. In this phase stuents will initiate an evelop issertation projects to be complete in Phase 3.
Assignments will be typically negotiate by stuents,shape by iniviual learning plans relate to research an professional practice an inclue a reflective element.
Phase 3 (Dissertation phase)
The learning focus in this phase will be the issertation. Each stuent will work in an autonomous an self-irecte way with an avisor to complete the issertation.
l入学要求:A UK honours egree or equivalent,A minimum of one year relevant professional experience (applications without this cannot be consiere)
l语言要求:An IELTS score of 7.0,with no sub-test scores less than 6,for stuents where English is not their first language
约克大学( The University of York)
MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
English Linguistics (20 creits)
Research methos in applie linguistics (20 creits)
One option moule from a list of about 10 options (20 creits). These may inclue:
Approaches to English teaching
Citizenship eucation
Cross-linguistic influences in secon language acquisition
Discourse analysis an language teaching
Eucation an social justice
evaluating ESOL classroom practice
International perspectives on language eucation
Psychology of language an language learning
Science,eucation an society
Teaching an learning in schools
Teaching reaing in a secon/foreign language
Teaching Worl English
Theories of learning an evelopment
Term 2
TESOL methos (20 creits)
One option moule from a list of about 10 options (20 creits). These may inclue:
Technology assiste language teaching
Contemporary issues in teaching
Cross-cultural perspectives on language an iscourse
Developmental psycholinguistics
Teaching english for acaemic an higher eucation purposes
Inequalities in eucational opportunity an attainment: international perspectives
Language curriculum esign an evaluation
Learning an teaching grammar in a secon language
Secon language literacy
Teaching an assessing speaking skills
Teaching an learning citizenship an global eucation
Topics in secon language research
Term 3
Planning an Communicating Research (20 creits). These classes are sprea over Terms 2 an 3
l入学要求:Stuents applying for postgrauate taught programmes shoul normally have obtaine at least a secon class honours egree (or equivalent).
l语言要求:7.0,with a minimum of 6.0 in each component
纽卡斯尔大学( Newcastle University)MA Applie Linguistics an TESOL
ALT8001 Research Methos in Applie Linguistics
ALT8098 Dissertation OR
ALT8099 Software Portfolio
Optional an Specialist moules
You will take further optional moules to the value of 100 creits from the following. Moule choices are informe by your level of teaching experience an chosen specialisms:
ALT8084 Introuction to TESOL *
ALT8018 E-Learning for Languages
ALT8016 Computer Assiste Language Learning
ALT8043 Peagogical Grammar an Lexis
ALT8094 Core Issues in Secon Language Acquisition
ALT8096 Thinking Skills in ELT
ALT8100 English Writing Systems
ALT8102 Task‐base Language Teaching
ALT8104 Classroom Discourse an Teacher Development
ALT8107 Discourse Analysis for New Teachers
ALT8108 An Introuction to Corpus Linguistics
ALT8011 Multimoal Interaction in the Language Classroom
ALT8019 Language Planning,Policy an Practice
ALT8020 Analysing the meia: Theory an Practice
Stuents may replace up to 20 creits of optional moules with one of the following non-Applie选修Linguistics an TESOL moules:
CCC8001 The Social Psychology of Communication
CCC8015 Sociolinguistics
CCC8043 International Business Talk an Interaction
CCC8077 Professional Communication
CCC8086 Language an Cross Cultural Communication
CCC8087 English in the Worl: Global an Cross Cultural Issues Surrouning English as a ‘Lingua Franca’
EDU6000 Emotional Intelligence an Leaership
EDU8042 Counselling,Culture an Communication
EDU8046 Developing Thinking Skills
EDU8119 British Stuies
EDU8170 Leaership an Strategic Management
NCL8007 Career Development for Masters level stuents
l入学要求:An upper secon-class Honours egree or higher,or an international equivalent,in a relevant language-relate subject. Applications from caniates without language-relate egrees but with at least two years of language teaching experience will also be consiere.
l语言要求:IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 6.5 in writing 6.5 in reaing,an 6.0 in all other sub sections,or equivalent.
谢菲尔德大学( The University of Sheffiel)
MA in Applie Linguistics with TESOL
Introuction to Language an Linguistics
English Grammar an Discourse
Language Teaching Methoology
Introuction to Secon Language Acquisition
Optional Moules - Choose Four
Teaching English for Specific Purposes
Theory an Practice of Language Teaching
Language an Min
Language Testing
Current Issues in Secon Language Acquisition
Language Planning in Eucation (Language,Society,an Eucation)
Discourse an Genre Analysis
Using Corpora for Language Research
l入学要求:A first egree (e.g. BA,normally of 2.1 stanar or above) from a recognise university or equivalent institution in the UK or overseas.Two years’ teaching experience is avise though applicants with less will be consiere on the basis of other relevant experience or qualifications.
l雅思要求:Average of 7.0 or above with at least 6.5 in each component
诺丁汉大学( The University of Nottingham)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA
Developments in Language Teaching Methoology
Applie Linguistics for TESOL
The Language Learner an Language Learning
Current Issues in TESOL
Materials evaluation an Design
English for Specific Purposes
Introuction to Teaching English for Acaemic Purposes
Learner Autonomy
Learning to Train
Technology Enhance Language Learning (TELL)
The Management of TESOL
l入学要求:Applicants shoul normally hol an approve first egree with at least secon class honours (or equivalent) or an approve professional qualification eeme to be equivalent to a secon class honours egree.
l语言要求:6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any element)
伯明翰大学( University of Birmingham)
MA Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Moule 1: Communicative Language Teaching,Syllabus Design an Assessment
Moule 2: Language Discourse an Society
Moule 3: Secon Language Learning
There are 2 core Eucation Moules.
Moule 4: School Observation,evaluation an Supervision
Moule 5: Practitioner Inquiry in Eucation
Moule 6: Options
Stuents choose one optional moule from:
Curriculum Design in Global Contexts
IT in Eucational Aministration an Management
Human Rights,Citizenship an the Environment
Personal an Professional Skills for Eucation Management
Leaership for School Improvement
l入学要求:Caniates shall be require to have a 1st egree from an approve University an to have some interest or experience of stuying eucation to the satisfaction of the accepting tutor.
l语言要求:6.5 with no less than 6.0 in any ban
莱斯特大学( University of Leicester)MA TESOL
Language Teaching in Action: Principles an Practice
Secon Language Teaching an Learning
Description of English: Grammar Awareness,Phonology an Pronunciation Teaching
Two out of a range of options (options offere will vary from year to year)
Professional Enquiry in TESOL or a issertation
l入学要求:Applicants shoul normally be preparing for work in the ELT fiel,with at least a secon class honours egree or equivalent from a non-UK university (GPA 3.0 or above) plus evience of commitment to teaching English as a secon or foreign language (e.g. through short-term employment as a language teacher,or higher eucation courses in applie linguistics or language eucation,preferably with associate teaching practice or internship).
l语言要求:IELTS 6.5
格拉斯哥大学( University of Glasgow)
MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Core courses
Classroom processes
Descriptions of language
Introuction to social an eucational research
Developing professional practice.
Which English? Sociolinguistics an language teaching
Language proficiency,assessment,& feeback
Inclusive classrooms - inclusive peagogy
Developing literacy
Social emotional & behavioural ifficulties
The eucation of highly able pupils
Moern eucational thought
Avance eucational research.
l入学要求:Normally a 2.1 Honours egree or equivalent(GPA of 3.0 or above) in English,eucation or similar subject.
l语言要求:O verall score 6.5 no sub-test less than 6.0
利兹大学( University of Lees)MA TESOL
Critical Stuy
Learning an Teaching in TESOL
Investigating Language for TESOL
You then choose one to three of the following moules.
Directe Stuy in Eucation 1
The Practice of Supporting Language Teacher Learning
Learning an Teaching Vocabulary
Grammar Learning an Teaching
Learning an Language in Primary Classrooms
Teacher Eucation for TESOL
The TESOL curriculum an TESOL change
Assessing Language Learning
Materials Development for TESOL
Issues in English for Acaemic Purposes
Corpora in TESP
Language Learning an Teaching with ICT - Online
Teaching Languages to Young Learners
You may then choose one of the following moules.
Directe Stuy in Eucation 1
Science Eucation: Curriculum an Professional Development
Design an evaluation of Web-base Learning Environments
e-Learning: Principles an Practices
International Eucational Management: Developing Staff for Institutional Improvement
International Eucational Management: Developing Financial an Material Resources
The 14-19 Curriculum
Trens in Research in Mathematics Eucation
Developmental Disorers II: Attention Deficit Disorer an Autistic Spectrum Disorer
Teaching Chilren with Learning Difficulties
Developmental Disorers in the Early Years
l入学要求:T wo years relevant experience,We consier applicants with alternative experience on an iniviual basis.
l语言要求:IELTS: 7.0 overall with no grae below 6.0.
阿斯顿大学( Aston University)MA in TESOL & Translation Stuies
Theoretical Concepts of Translation Stuies
Text Analysis for Translation
The Translation Profession
English Teaching Practice
Approaches to Teaching an Learning
Research Methos
Choose of one of the following moules as option:
Specialise (LSP) Translation project
Practical Translation French into English
Practical Translation German into English
Practical Translation English into French
Practical Translation English into German
Practical Translation English into Spanish
Practical Translation Spanish into English
l入学要求:A goo UK Honours Degree (minimum 2:1) in Translation Stuies or in French an/or German an/or Spanish,or an overseas egree recognise by Aston University,plus two references.
l语言要求:An IELTS score of 6.5 overall with a minimum of 7 in writing an minimum of 6 in speaking,listening an reaing.