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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-01 21:16

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



当前惠灵顿理工学院的 Grauate Diploma in Aiction Alcohol an Drug Stuies 专业不再出具 2018 年 Trimester 2 ( 7 月份)和 Trimester 2 ( 11 月份)的 offer (包括惠灵顿和奥克兰校区)。

任何之前获得的 2018 年关于此课程的 offer 将不再有效,学生如果想要申请入读的话,建议学生申请更改入读 2019 年 3 月开课。


Dear Team

Due to changes being incorporate in the offering for programme Grauate Diploma in Aiction Alcohol an Drug Stuies,WelTec will NOT be offering  the mentione programme in Trimester 2 (July) an Trimester 3 (November) in 2018 (Wellington an Aucklan campus inclue).

Please note,any offers issue for the mentione programme for 2018 will NOT be vali any longer. Kinly avise if the applicant wishes to join the March 2019 intake.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience cause to both the stuent an also your organisation an Thank You for your unerstaning towars us.

