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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-06 09:14

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



设计本科 - 数字媒体 bachelor of esign (igital meia)

设计本科 - 游戏 bachelor of esign (games)

设计本科 - 传达设计 bachelor of esign (communication esign)

信息技术本科 - 游戏与平面编程 bachelor of information technology (games an graphics programming)

设计本科 - 动画与交互媒体 bachelor of esign (animation an interactive meia)

建筑设计本科 bachelor of architectural esign

纯艺本科 bachelor of arts (fine art)

摄影本科 bachelor of arts (photography)

景观建筑设计本科 bachelor of lanscape architectural esign

工业设计本科(荣誉) bachelor of inustrial esign (honours)

室内设计本科(荣誉) bachelor of interior esign (honours)

纺织品设计本科 bachelor of arts (textile esign)

时装本科(设计技术) bachelor of fashion (esign technology)

时装本科(设计)(荣誉) bachelor of fashion (esign) (honours)

时装本科(商品管理) bachelor of fashion (merchanise management)


bachelor of engineering (automotive engineering)(honours)/bachelor inustrial esign (honours)


bachelor of engineering (mechanical engineering)(honours)/bachelor of inustrial esign (honours)


bachelor of engineering (sustainable systems eng)(honours)/bachelor of inustrial esign(honours)


建筑学硕士 master of architecture

景观建筑硕士 master of lanscape architecture (by coursework)

城市设计硕士 master of urban esign

城市规划与环境硕士 master of urban planning an environment

灾难,设计与开发硕士 master of isaster,esign an evelopment

设计未来硕士 master of esign futures (要求设计相关专业毕业,并有五年行业工作经验)

设计创新与技术硕士 master of esign innovation an technology

动画,游戏和交互硕士 master of animation,games an interactivity

传达设计(平面)硕士 master of communication esign

时装设计硕士 master of fashion (esign)

时尚创业硕士 master of fashion (entrepreneurship)

服装与纺织品设计硕士 master of esign (fashion & textiles)

服装与纺织品工程硕士 master of technology (fashion & textiles)

公共空间艺术硕士 master of arts (art in public space)

艺术管理硕士 master of arts (arts management)

纯艺硕士 master of fine art

