2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>
1.申请Cultural & Creative Inustries MA这个专业时一定要提供一份最少2000字的写作材料。如果没有这份写作材料,学生的申请会被搁置无法审核。所以申请时请务必提交这份材料。写作材料的具体要求和说明可见学校官网。2. Cultural & Creative Inustries MA专业和Digital Culture an Society MA专业的PS不能超过500字以及一张A4纸大小,否则学校无法接受,会被打回并让重写。PS要求都可参照KCL官网描述。。(其中Cultural & Creative Inustries MA专业的我摘录如下The personal statement shoul explain why you wish to apply for this program an why you feel it matches your interests,acaemic backgroun,an,if relevant,your career plans. The personal statement shoul be a maximum of 500 wors,if you submit a personal statement which is longer than this it will not be accepte,an you will be require to submit a shorter version,thus elaying application assessment. )