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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-02 00:51

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

Master of Architecture Degree Program


无建筑专业背景的,必须先修完 architectural graphic presentation 的课程,作为核心 Stuio Sequence 的预备课,之后才能进 M.Arch. Program。要完成历史 / 理论课程的预备课程,所有的申请者必须完成 3 学分关于文艺复兴,文艺复兴到现代,现代这几个阶段的建筑史的课程。要完成建筑技术课程的预备课程,所有申请者必须完成 3 学分的物理课程,或两个 3 学分的微积分课程。申请者需完成下列课程:一学期视觉艺术的工作室课程(绘画,油画或雕塑)。此外,建筑史的通用课程,一门外语的阅读。

作品:必须提交作品,建议包括素描。作品尺寸不超过 8×11 英寸( 22×28 厘米),厚度不能超过 2 英寸。After April 1 portfolios will be returne by mail only if sufficient postage is inclue an the return aress clearly inicate.

Placement into Stuio Sequence :学生被 M.Arch 录取时会被邮件告知进入课程的水平等级。进入更高级别课程,是由录取委员会决定,而非申请。少数的学生能进入高级 Architecture A4001 an A4002—Core stuio,I an II。

课程设置 :

·History Theory Sequence ·History of architecture ·Stuio Course Sequence ·Core stuio

·Avance stuio ·Builing Technologies Sequence ·Enclosures an environments ·Structures

·Builing systems ·Visual Stuies Sequence ·Architectural rawing

·Methos an Practice Sequence ·Professional practice ·Computer-aie esign in architecture

·Architectural rawing: avance or Avance computer-aie esign in architecture

Master of Science Degree in Avance Architectural

必须有建筑学本科或硕士学位,或相近学位。作品集。不需要 GRE。夏季入学。之后必须参加三学期的全日制学习。

课程设置 :

·Design stuio ·Limite elective ·Metropolis ·Open elective

The Ph.D. Program in Architecture

录取条件:建筑硕士学位; 5 年制本硕学位;或相近;很少的情况下,其他学位的硕士也会考虑。

Masters of Science in Critical,Curatorial,an Conceptual Practices in Architecture

四年本科学位,不少于四课时的建筑,建筑史,或美学,文化实践。如果没有建筑的本科或硕士学位,则需要表现出对建筑、景观的相关兴趣、经历,以作品来证明。秋季入学。总学分: 48 分。This is a non-professional egree,an oes not satisfy requirements for the professional licensing exam.

课程设置 :

·Operating Platforms: Publications,Exhibitions,Research ·Elective lecture ·Elective seminar ·Contemporary Critical Discourse

·Writing/Prouction ·Other

Urban DesignMaster of Science Degree in Architecture an Urban Design

录取要求:必须有建筑学本科或硕士学位,或相近学位。作品集。不需要 GRE。

课程设置 :

·Urban esign stuio ·Urban esign ·Reaing New York urbanism ·Stuio ·Urban esign seminar ·Open elective

Urban Planning: Master of Science in Urban Planning

录取要求:需 GRE,GPA,PS,最好有建筑、工程、社会学、政治学、地理、经济学、城市研究或人文科学方面的背景。

课程设置 :

·Typical Two-Year Program ·Quantitative techniques ·Workshop in planning techniques ·Planning Law

·Theory of Planning ·Planning stuio ·Founations of urban economic analysis ·Thesis

Urban Planning: PhD of Science in Urban Planning

城市规划相近硕士学位。An applicant is require to have complete at least 90 points of unergrauate liberal arts courses in the social sciences,humanities,or natural sciences,an the core courses provie in the master’s level curriculum in the Urban Planning Program at the School.

Historic Preservation : Master of Science Degree in Historic Preservation



·Stuio I: Unerstaning an documenting Historic Architecture ·Structures,Systems an Materials ·Theory an Practice of Historic Preservation

·American Architecture an Urbanism before 1876 ·reservation Planning ·Planning for Preservation

·Conservation Science Lecture an Laboratory ·Architecture of Aitions ·American Architecture after 1876

·Workshop ·Colloquium

Real Estate DevelopmentMaster of Science Degree in Real Estate Development

录取要求:专业无具体要求。经济,商业,工程,法律,史迹保护,建筑,结构,城市规划更佳。要求有 TOEFL。


·Real estate finance ·Architectural esign for non-architects ·Public-private partnerships in real estate ·Market analysis

·Political environment of evelopment ·Construction technology an management ·Case stuies stuio/ Capstone project ·Real estate law

·CHDD or international real estate ·Repositioning real estate: evelopment concepts an asset turnaroun strategies ·Trens in real estate

