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英国大学的历史悠久,百年以上的老牌名校不胜枚举,近50年成立的大学实力也不容小觑。总体来说,英国大学的成立时期吧被划分为:中世纪时期(Meieval Perio),维多利亚时期(Victorian Perio),中间期(Intermeiate Perio),第二个中间期 (Intermeiate era Ⅱ),新时期,第二个新时期等。下面就一起了解一下这124所英国大学的历史渊源吧:


世纪大学(Meieval universities):

在19世纪前,英国一共有6所大学,其中英格兰2所,苏格兰4所。他们是在中世纪时期成立的,所以被称为中世纪大学(Meieval universities)。在16到19世纪没有大学成立。

大学名称成立时间大学校训University of OxforBefore 1167Dominus illuminatio meaUniversity of Cambrige1209Hinc lucem et pocula sacraUniversity of St AnrewsBetween 1410 an 1413ΑΙΕΝ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝUniversity of Glasgow1451Via,Veritas,VitaUniversity of Abereen1495Initium sapientiae timor ominiUniversity of Einburgh1582


在维多利亚时期(Victorian perio)成立了7所大学。

大学名称成立时间大学校训Saint Davi’s College,now the University of Wales,Lampeter1822Gair Duw Goreu DysgUniversity College Lonon1826King’s College Lonon1829Durham University1832Funamenta eius super montibus sanctisUniversity of Lonon1836Queen’s University Belfast1849Bangor University1884Gorau Dawn Deall

红砖大学(Re brick universities):


大学名称成立时间大学校训UMIST1842University of Birmingham24 March 1900Per Arua A AltaUniversity of Liverpool1 October 1903Haec otia stuia foventUniversity of Lees1 October 1904et augebitur scientiaUniversity of Sheffiel31 May 1905Rerum cognoscere causasUniversity of Bristol1909Vim promovet insitam

*UMIST(Manchester Institute of Science an Technology )和Victoria University于2004年合并为University of Manchester.

中间期(Intermeiate perio):


大学名称成立时间大学校训University of Reaing17 March 1926

第二批红砖大学(Secon wave of re-brick universities):


大学名称成立时间大学校训University of Nottingham1948Sapientia urbs coniturUniversity of Southampton1952Strenuis Arua CeuntUniversity of Hull1954University of Exeter1955Lucem sequimurUniversity of Leicester1957Ut Vitam Habeant

平板玻璃大学(Plate glass universities):


大学名称成立时间大学校训University of SussexAugust 1961Be still an knowKeele University1962Thanke Go for AllUniversity of East Anglia1963Do DifferentUniversity of York1963In limine sapientiaeNewcastle UniversityAugust 1963Lancaster University1964Patet omnibus veritasUniversity of Strathclye1964The Place of Useful LearningUniversity of Kent4 January 1965Cui servire regnare estUniversity of Essex1965Thought the harer,heart the keenerUniversity of Warwick1965Mens agitat molemLoughborough University19 April 1966Veritate,Scientia,LaboreAston University22 April 1966ForwarBrunel University9 June 1966University of Surrey9 September 1966University of Bath1966Generatim iscite cultusUniversity of Brafor1966Give invention lightCity University,Lonon1966To serve mankinHeriot-Watt University1966University of Salfor10 February 1967Altiora PetamusUniversity of Dunee1 August 1967Magnificat anima mea ominumUniversity of Stirling13 November 1967Royal College of Art1967Cranfiel University1969Post Nubes Lux

第二个中间期 (Intermeiate era Ⅱ):

在1969年和1992年之间只有三所大学成立,这三所大学每一所都很特殊。开发大学(Open University)是英国唯一的只提供远程教育的大学;白金汉大学(University of Buckingham)唯一的私营大学;阿尔斯特大学(University of Ulster)大学是有一个平板玻璃大学和一个理工学院合并而成。

大学名称成立时间大学校训Open University1969Live an LearnUniversity of Buckingham1976Flying on our own WingsUniversity of Ulster1984

新大学(New universities):


大学名称成立时间大学校训相关信息Napier UniversityJune 1992Nisi sapientia frustrafoune as Napier Technical College1964Anglia Ruskin University1992A Creative Constellationfoune as Cambrige School of Art1858; polytechnic 1991Birmingham CityUniversity16 June 1992foune as City of Birmingham Polytechnic 1971Bournemouth University27 November 1992Discere Mutari EstUniversity of Brighton1992foune as Brighton Polytechnic 1968University of Central Lancashire1992Ex Solo a Solemformerly Preston Polytechnic 1973De Montfort University1992foune as Leicester Polytechnic1969Coventry University1992foune as Lanchester Polytechnic1970University of Derby1992Experientia Docetformerly Derbyshire College of Higher EucationUniversity of East Lonon1992foune as North East Lonon Polytechnic 1970University of Glamorgan1992Success Through EneavourUniversity of Greenwich1992To learn,to o,to achieveUniversity of Hertforshire1992Seek Knowlege Throughout LifeUniversity of Huersfiel1992Kingston University1992Lees MetropolitanUniversity1992University of Lincoln1992Excellence through stuymove to Lincoln 2001Liverpool John MooresUniversity1992Auentes Fortuna JuvatLonon South BankUniversity1992With Thy Might(Borough Polytechnic)foune as the Borough Polytechnic Institute in 1892Manchester MetropolitanUniversity1992Many Arts,Many SkillsMilesex University1992Northumbria University1992Nottingham TrentUniversity1992Shaping futuresOxfor Brookes University1992Excellence in iversityUniversity of the West of Scotlan1992University of Plymouth1992University of Portsmouth1992Lucem SequamurRobert Goron University1992Omni Nunc Arte MagistraSheffiel HallamUniversity1992Learn an ServeStafforshire University1992Create the ifferenceUniversity of Sunerlan1992Scientiam Dulce HauriensUniversity of Teessie1992Facta Non Verbafoune as Constantine Technical College 1930; polytechnic 1970Thames Valley University1992University of Westminster1992Eucating for professional lifeUniversity of the West of Englan1992Light Liberty LearningUniversity ofWolverhampton1992Innovation an OpportunityGlasgow CaleonianUniversity1 April 1993For the common wealUniversity of Abertay Dunee1994

第二批新大学(Secon wave of new universities):


大学名称成立时间大学校训相关信息University ofGloucestershire2001In animo et veritateUniversity ofWales,Newport2002LononMetropolitanUniversity1 August 2002University ofBoltonApril 2004University of the Arts Lonon2004Cariff University1 August 2004Gwirione Uno A ChytgorRoehamptonUniversity1 August 2004University ofManchester1 October 2004Cognitio,sapientia,humanitasforme in 2004 by the issolution of the Victoria University of Manchester (which was commonly known as the University of Manchester) an UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science an Technology) an the immeiate formation of a single institution (inaugurate on 1 October)Bath SpaUniversityAugust 2005foune as Bath College of Higher Eucation1975; university college 1992Canterbury ChristChurch University2005Veritas liberabit vosUniversity ofChester2005Qui ocet in octrinaUniversity ofChichester2005Doceno iscimusfoune as West Sussex Institute of Higher Eucation 1977; university college 1999University ofWinchesterJune 2005Liverpool HopeUniversityJuly 2005In Faith,Hope an LoveSouthamptonSolent UniversityJuly 2005University ofWorcesterSeptember 2005A Inspiranum AspiramusUniversity ofNorthampton2005Transforming lives,inspiring changeUniversity ofBeforshire2006Ege HillUniversity18 May 2006In Scientia OpportunitasYork St JohnUniversity10 July 2006Queen MargaretUniversityJanuary 2007Buckinghamshire New University2007Arte et InustriaImperial CollegeLonon8 July 2007Scientia imperii ecus et tutamenfoune 1907 as constituent college of University of LononUniversity ofCumbria1 August 2007merger of St Martin’s College,Cumbria Institute of the Arts an part ofUniversity of Central LancashireAberystwythUniversity1 September 2007Ni By,By Heb Wyboaethfoune as University College Wales 1872; founer member of Universityof Wales 1893Bangor University1 September 2007Gorau Dawn Deallfoune as University College of North Wales1884; founer member ofUniversity of Wales 1893University ofWales,Lampeter1 September 2007Gair Duw Goreu Dysgfoune as St Davi’s College 1828; merge with University of Wales1971SwanseaUniversity1 September 2007Gwew crefft heb ei awnfoune as University College,Swansea 1920 (as part of University ofWales)Trinity College,Carmarthen1 September 2007University of Wales Institute,Cariff1 September 2007The most valuable possession is knowlegeSwanseaMetropolitanUniversityJanuary 2008foune as Swansea Institute of Higher Eucation1992

