2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

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l 本科生申请指南:
l 本科生入学要求:
l 截止时间:
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16 October 2017Application perio starts
31 December 2017Early Roun application ealine
January 2018 onwars· Shortlisting an invitation for interviews (if any)· Notification to successful applicants (Applicants shall assume their applications unsuccessful if they o not receive our notification by 7 September 2018.)
9 April 2018Main Roun application ealine
10 July 2018Late Roun application ealine(Subject to the iscretion of relevant epartments an availability of places)
Late August 2018Registration,hostel check-in an orientation
3 September 2018 (tentative)Commencement of the 2018-19 acaemic year