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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-02 11:38

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

美国传媒专业对语言的要求比较高,雅思至少 6.5 以上,名校一般是 7 以上。GPA 至少是 3.5,GRE 要求也比一般专业高。因为作为传媒工作者,首先是要有良好的语言基础。传媒名校有哥伦比亚大学、密苏里新闻学院、西北大学、雪城大学纽约大学,这些大学的传媒学院排名在美国都是前十。选专业不是选学校,雪城综合排名全美 50 左右,专业排名前十没得说。那么美国传媒专业的分支都有哪些呢?各各分支下面都有哪些好的学校可以选择呢?



1 Journalism (print,magazine,online,photojournalism,news/eitorial,sports reporting) 新闻学 ( 杂志,网络,照片,新闻,体育等方向 )

2 Broacast journalism 广播新闻

3 Science journalism 科学新闻

4 Business an economic journalism 商业经济新闻

5 Mass communication 大众传媒

6 Public relations 公共关系传媒

7 Avertising 广告

8 Television prouction 电视产业

9 Meia ventures &nash; new for fall 2010! 媒体投资

10 Reaings in communication history 传媒历史阅读

11 Government an mass communication 政府以大众传媒

12 Meia an foreign policy 媒体及国外政策

13 Organizational communication 组织传媒

14 Arts journalism 艺术新闻

15 documentary film an history 纪录片和历史片

16 Photography 图像学

17 Health Communication 医学传媒 stuy of persuasive health campaigns,octor-patient communication,interpersonal health interaction,an health organizations are inclue. 传媒在医学活动,医生与病患,人与人之间的健康联系,和医疗组织间的存在关系。


1 、应用传播学:包括健康传播学,政治传播学,公共关系学

APPLIED COMMUNICATION - Inclues Health Communication,Political Communication,an Public Relations.

1 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication

2 University of Texas,Austin - Speech Communication Department

3 Iniana University - Speech Communication Department

4 University of Marylan,College Park

5 Purue University

6 Michigan State University - Communication Department

7 Stanfor University

8 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Stuies

8 University of Arizona

10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication

11 University of Oklahoma

12 University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department

13 University of Kentucky

14 Arizona State University

15 Michigan State University - Mass Meia #. Program

16 Ohio University - Interpersonal Communication Department

17 Pennsylvania State University

18 University of South Floria

19 University of Georgia - Speech Communication Department

20 University of California,Santa Barbara

2 、传播教育


1 West Virginia University

2 University of Washington

3 Iniana University - Speech Communication Department

4 Pennsylvania State University

5 University of Nebraska,Lincoln

6 University of Oklahoma

7 Kent State University

8 Southern Illinois University,Carbonale

9 Northwestern University - Department of Raio-TV-Film

10 University of Missouri,Columbia

11 Wayne State University

12 University of New Mexico

13 New York University

14 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

15 University of Tennessee,Knoxville

School for Communication

