2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>
对兰卡斯特大学很多同学有陌生的有觉得神秘的也有觉得高不可攀的,那么对于在英国本科认可度高,管理学院是拥有三重认证( AASCB,AMBA,EQUIS )的英国 20 所顶尖商学院之一,又是英国为数不多的实行学院制的英国大学之一的兰卡本科入学要求究竟是什么样的呢,申请条件怎么样的呢?接下来下面跟着留求艺留学小编来看看兰卡本科入学条件吧!
1 . 针对国内高中的学生
完成高二,平均成绩 75% (商务和管理预科方向,平均成绩需 80% )
或完成高三,平均成绩 70% (商务和管理预科方向,平均成绩需 75% )英语要求:直接入读本科预科课程商业和管理研究方向,社会研究,法律方向:雅思总分 5.0 (各项 5.0 )其它所有方向:总分 & 写作 5.0 其他 4.0
开学时间: 9 月、 1 月2. 针对就读国际课程的学生入学要求
目前国内国际高中越来越多,有 A Level,BTE 或是类似北美高中的绩点制的课程,有学校在上课的时候是直接按国外课程,部分是上国内课程同时让学生去考相关课程的考试,具体要看孩子的课程,必须要提到的一点,虽然孩子是国际高中,但还是在国内,所以雅思还是要准备的。
3 、针对在国外就读高中学生入学要求
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CANADAHigh School or Seconary School DiplomaAlberta,British Columbia,Manitoba,New Brunswick,Northwest Territories an Yukon: Pass High School Diploma (or equivalent) with an average of 75% - 87% in five grae 12 courses.Newfounlan an Labraor: Pass High School Grauation Diploma. Please contact Amissions Office for exact requirements.Nova Scotia an Nunavut: Pass High School Completion Certificate with at least 75% - 87% average in five acceptable subjects at grae 12.Ontario: Pass Seconary School Diploma with at least 75% - 87% average in six grae 12 U or M courses.Prince Ewar Islan: Pass High School Grauation Diploma. Please contact Amissions Office for exact requirements.Quebec: Pass 2-year college-level iplôme ’étues collégiales (DEC) with at least 75% - 87% average.Saskatchewan: Pass Seconary School Diploma with at least 75%-87% average in at least five approve subjects.
USAHigh School Diploma plus AP / SAT or combinations / Associate DegreeWe consier a range of USA qualifications an amission tests an encourage you to contact the Amissions Office for specific avice on graes/scores require. For any egree with a specifie subject requirement we require an AP exam in this subject at grae 4-5. For all offers we require: Pass High School Grauation Diploma at 3.2 to 3.6 plus 1 of the following: 1. AP’s x 3 at 544 to 555 or 2. SAT Reasoning (New test) x 3 at combine score of 1320 to 1350 plus SAT Subject x 3 at 650/650/700 to 700/700/750 or 3. SAT Subject/AP Combination:650⁄650plus AP x 2 at 54 to700⁄750plus AP x 2 at 55 or 4. ACT plus SAT Subject x 3: 28 plus 650/650/700 to 29 plus 700/700/750 or 5. ACT plus SAT Subject/AP Combination: on case by case basis or 6. Associate Degree: GPA 3.2 to 3.4
以上就是关于兰卡斯特大学本科入学条件相关内容,想要申请的同学一定要了解清 楚申请条件,如果大家还要疑问或者其他问题,可以在线联系我,我会给大家专业的解答。