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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-09 13:42

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>


作为计划赴澳留学军团的一员,你肯定很想知道关于悉尼大学等 澳洲八大名校的种种:世界排名,院校特色、优势专业,本硕学费、申请方案等等,留求艺留学老师 为您奉上澳洲八大名校 排名、 申请攻略 、专业解析、院校新政等方方面面的解读,助您如愿入读 Dream School! 更多资讯,请关注 老师 官网或者拨打 177 1031 3721  和老师联系吧。


悉尼大学基本信息 >

  • 中文名:


  • 英文名:

The University of Syney

  • 位置:

New South Wales NSW

  • 简称:


  • 学校性质:


  • 建校时间:


  • 又名: USYD|悉大|Syney U


Siere mens eaem mutate; Translate into English: Though the stars may change,the min remains the same

(悉尼大学 校徽)








悉 尼属于副热带湿润气候,全年降雨。最暖的月份是1月,沿海地区的气温是18.6–25.8℃,年中平均有14.6日是30℃以上。夏天略微凉快,沿海地区 的气温很少降至5℃以下。最冷的月份是七月,平均极端值是8.0–16.2℃。陆地的最低最小值是2.1℃。夏天和冬天的雨量相当平均,由于东风调节,上 半年的雨量稍微高一点。平均全年雨量适中且变化不大。


  1. 诺贝尔奖得主

1947,Sir Robert Robinson,the winner of Nobel Prize for Chemistry;

1963,Sir John Eccles,the winner of Nobel Prize for Physiology or Meicine;

1970,Sir Bernar Katz,the winner of Nobel Prize for Physiology or Meicine;

1975,Sir John Cornforth,the winner of Nobel Prize for Chemistry;

1994,Sir John Harsanyi,the winner of Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

  1. Research centres

University centres

Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science an Technology;

Brain an Min Centre;

Charles Perkins Centre;

China Stuies Centre;

John Grill Centre for Project Leaership;

Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases an Biosecurity;

Syney Southeast Asia Centre;

National Centre for Cultural Competence;

Centre for Translational Data Science;

Faculty of Agriculture an Environment

Centre for Carbon,Water an Foo;

Plant Breeing Institute;

Architecture,Design an Planning

Planning Research Centre;

Arts an Social Sciences

The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens;

Centre for Classical an Near Eastern Stuies of Australia (CCANESA);

Centre for International Security Stuies;

Centre for Peace an Conflict Stuies;

Centre for Time;

Meieval an Early Moern Centre;

Syney Centre for the Founations of Science;

Syney Asia Pacific Migration Centre (SAPMiC);

Syney Environment Institute;


Institute of Transport an Logistics Stuies;

Eucation an Social Work

Centre for Research on Learning an Innovation (RLI);

Engineering an Information Technologies

Australian Centre for Fiel Robotics;

Centre for Avance Materials Technology;

Centre for Avance Structural Engineering;

Centre for Distribute an High Performance Computing;

Centre for Geotechnical Research;

Centre for Sustainable Energy Development;

Finite Element Analysis Centre;

Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications;

Win Waves an Water Centre;

Warren Centre For Avance Engineering;

Centre for Future Energy Networks;

Institute of Biomeical Engineering an Technology;

Syney Energy Internet Research Institute (SEIRI);

Health Sciences

Australian Stuttering Research Centre;

Centre for Disability Research an Policy;

National Centre for Classification in Health (NCCH);

Syney Centre for Aboriginal an Torres Strait Islaner Statistics (SCATSIS);


Australian Centre for Climate an Environmental Law;

Centre for Asian an Pacific Law in the University of Syney (CAPLUS);

Centre for Health Governance,Law an Ethics;

Syney Institute of Criminology;

Julius Stone Institute of Jurispruence;

Ross Parsons Centre for Commercial,Corporate an Taxation Law;

Syney Centre for International Law;


Australian Centre for Agricultural Health an Safety;

Centre for Eucation an Research on Ageing;

Centre for Values,Ethics an the Law in Meicine;

Family Meicine Research Centre;

NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre;

Pain Management Research Institute;

Poche Centre for Inigenous Health;

Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Disease an Biosecurity;

Save Sight Institute;

Boen Institute of Obesity,Nutrition an Exercise an Eating Disorers;

Institute of Reprouction;

John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research;

Menzies Centre for Health Policy;


Centre For Meical Psychology An Evience-base Decision Making (CMPED);

Centre for Complex Systems;

Institute of Meical Physics;

Institute of Photonics an Optical Science;

Key Centre for Polymers & Collois;

Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group (PoCoG);

Syney Institute for Astronomy;

Marine Stuies Institute;

Veterinary Science

Centre for Veterinary Eucation


悉尼金斯福德·史密斯国际机场 (悉尼机场)


留学生在课程开课后方可兼职打工。学期中,打工时间每两周不可超过40小时;学期外(寒假、暑假)打工时间不受限制。对 于,志愿者工作和不拿工资的工作,打工时间不受每两周40小时的限制。如果学生是574签证持有者,且已经开始了硕士(研究型)和博士学位课程的学习,打 工时间不受限制,而对于持有574签证持有者但是还在读硕士(研究型)和博士学位的准备课程的留学生,打工时间每两周不可超过40小时


谢立文- 麦兜之父;

李彤 - 中银国际控股有限公司执行总裁;

弋洪涛 - 中建国际设计BIM业务总经理,水立方项目的负责人;

李志民- 中华人民共和国教育部科技发展中心主任;

张 玥 - 花旗集团环球投资银行金融亚洲董事,前美林亚洲企业融资业务副总裁;

John O’Sullivan - 无线宽带(Wi-Fi)核心技术的主要发明人,被誉为WIFI之父;

Davi Warren - 飞行记录器(俗称黑盒子)的发明者;

Herbert Vere Evatt - 联合国第一任大会主席;

James Wolfensohn - (詹姆斯•沃尔芬森) 两任世界银行总裁;

Robert May - 英国皇家学会总裁;

Emun Barton - 澳大利亚第一任总理;

Jane Campion - 奥斯卡最佳导演;

Bruce Beresfor - 奥斯卡最佳导演;

John Brafiel - 悉尼港湾大桥设计者;

John Anrews - 加拿大CN电视塔的设计者;

( 墨尔本大学申请直通 )


作为计划赴澳留学军团的一员,你肯定很想知道更多关于如悉尼大学等澳洲八大名校的种种:世界排名,院校特色、优势专业,本硕学费、申请方案等等,留求艺留学老师为您奉上澳洲八大名校排名、申请攻略、专业解析、院校新政等方方面面的解读,助您如愿入读 Dream School!

更多资讯,请关注 老师 官网或者拨打 177 1031 3721  和老师联系吧。

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