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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-08 03:37

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

又是一年申请季,又到了为写文书而绞尽脑汁的时候了,不知道大家是否还记得这个曾经拿到了 5 所常春藤大学的录取通知 的女孩 :耶鲁大学哥伦比亚大学,宾大,达特茅斯和康奈尔大学,此外,当年录取率低至 4.69% 的斯坦福大学也给她抛来了橄榄枝(羡慕)。


被 6 所顶尖美国名校青睐,除了优秀的学术成绩,申请文书起了极其重要的作用。虽然写出了精彩的文书,但是和广大同学们一样,在 1000 字之内表达自己的特质并不容易,因此在动笔之前,就使劲想,想清楚自己有哪些性格特点,并锁定一两个集中描述。

在确定要给招生官展示自己的哪些特质后,她选择了用顽皮的语调进行描述:通过以美国人们熟知的场景 —— 到 Costco 购物作为引子,引起读者的兴趣,描述了一幅又一幅大家熟悉却从未深刻研究过的画面,从而顺理成章带出了自己的性格特点 —— 永不停歇的求知欲。

这篇文书后来也 让几位藤校招生官对这篇申请文书进行了点评,下面各位招生官的反馈。


Nelson 曾在康奈尔担任本科招生工作,他说:文章开头设置悬念,勾起了读者的好奇心,自然而然吸引读者一直读下去。接着读下面几段,她的故事慢慢聚焦起来,随着她的描述,读者在脑海里也会升起一幅画面。

达特茅斯学院的前招生主任 Davi 说,身为招生官,短期难要阅读数百篇申请材料,学生需要展示 ta 与众不同的地方,才能让招生官在一天工作结束后还有印象。而这篇文书之所以能让人记住,是因为她独特的阐述角度。当我看到文章开头描述一个 2 岁的女孩飞奔去 Costco 要免费的样品时,我不由自主读下去想看个究竟。


除了巧设悬念,通篇文章的描述能让读者对作者产生好感。这也是文书的亮点之一。Nelson 说: “ 在看文书前,我对 Brittany 一无所知,但看完文书,我想对这个充满求知欲的、机智的、丰富幽默、善于表达的年轻姑娘了解更多。她的文书成功在能让读者对她产生好感。”

宾大招生官 Hirschfel 也同意这一点,并说,从招生官的角度看,那些脱颖而出的申请人都有一个共同点:让别人喜欢,即让人对 ta 产生好感(招生官肯定不会录取自己不喜欢的学生)。

&lquo;From the unergrauate committee perspective,stuents who stoo out ha only one thing in common: likability,&rquo; Hirschfel Legatt sai.


&lquo;By the en of the committee iscussion,amissions officers woul be most excite to amit — an eventually meet — stuents whose essays coul illuminate the unique ientity of the person behin the application,&rquo; she continue.


康奈尔前招生官 Nelson 说,我还注意到了 Brittany 在文书中的用词,如果你回过头再看这篇文书,并把所有的动词标亮,你会发现这些词都是精心挑选的,它们不仅描述了动作,还表达了作者的心情,比如 :charge,rampaging,wiene,slice,sprinte,touch,taste,stick,explore,scour,whiske,scale,survey,towere,navigate.

夸了这么多,Nelson 也提出了一些修改建议:从我个人来说,我会建议 Brittany 减少形容词和副词的使用,使文章简短,更容易阅读。当然,这也不是什么大毛病。

宾大前招生官 Hirschfel 说,她 有讲好故事的能力,她的文书最大的优点是绘声绘色地展示了她是一个怎样的人。通篇读完,我们形成的印象是这个女孩有见地,有创新思维,幽默风趣。我尤其记得一个既发人深省又忍俊不禁的句子: ‘If there exists a thirty-three ounce jar of Nutella,o we really have free will?’

不过,招生官对文书的审核是主观的,仅凭一篇文书也不可能获得好几所名校的录取。这个美国女孩获得 6 所顶尖名校的录取还离不开优异的成绩。她是美国高中 Concor High School 这一届最优秀的毕业生,高中成绩年年名列前茅,今年毕业时还作为学生代表致告别辞(致辞的学生一般是毕业班最优秀的学生)。除了成绩顶尖,她去年还参加了麻省理工学院的 STEM 暑期课程,学习天体物理和科学写作。

以下为 Brittany Stinson 申请文书原文

题目 : Some stuents have a backgroun,ientity,interest,or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application woul be incomplete without it. If this souns like you,then please share your story.

原文: Managing to break free from my mother’s grasp,I charge. With arms flailing an chubby legs fluttering beneath me,I was the ferocious two  year ol rampaging through Costco on a Saturay morning. My mother’s eyes wiene in horror as I jettisone my churro; the cinnamon sugar rocket gracefully slice its way through the air while I continue my spree. I sprinte through the aisles,looking up in awe at the massive bulk proucts that towere over me. Overcome with woner,I wante to touch an taste,to stick my hea into inustrialsize freezers,to explore every crevice. I was a conquistaor,but rather than searching the lan for El Dorao,I scoure aisles for free samples. Before inevitably being whiske away into a shopping cart,I scale a mountain of plush toys an surveye the expanse that lay before me: the kingom of Costco.

为了摆脱妈妈的钳制,我一进 Costco 就冲出去了。所以,周六早上在 Costco 里横冲直撞、精力旺盛、连四肢都管不住的那个两岁小女孩就是我了。看见我把 churro (西班牙油条)扔出去,妈妈的眼睛都恐惧地瞪大了。肉桂糖的甜甜圈也随着我的狂欢在空中划过。我在过道上冲刺短跑,饱含敬畏地看着那些远远高于我的成山堆叠着的货物。我真是对这些太好奇了,我想去碰触和品尝,想把脑袋伸进巨大的冰箱中,想去探索每一个缝隙。我就是一个征服者,不过不是去征服传说中的黄金国,而是扫荡过道中的免费试用品。当然,最终我还是被妈妈抓进了购物车里,但在此之前我已经丈量了这个矗立在我面前的广阔世界: Costco 王国。

Notorious for its oversize portions an ollarfifty hot og combo,Costco is the apex of consumerism. From the ays spent being tote aroun in a shopping cart to when I was finally tall enough to reach lofty sample trays,Costco has enure a steay presence throughout my life. As a veteran Costco shopper,I navigate the aisles of foostuffs,thrusting the majority of my weight upon a generously fille shopping cart whose enormity juxtaposes my small frame. Over time,I’ve evelope a habit of observing fellow patrons tote their carts pile with frozen burritos,cheese puffs,tubs of ice cream,an weightloss supplements. Perusing the aisles gave me time to poner. Who nees three pouns of sour cream? Was culture yogurt any more wellmannere than its unculture counterpart? Costco gave birth to my unfettere curiosity.

因超大分量和 1.5 美金的热狗套餐而臭名昭著,Costco 简直是消费主义的代名词。从我还是个只能待在购物车里的小女孩时起,直至我高到能够着试用品托盘,Costco 一直是我的生活中不可或缺的一部分。作为一个老练的 Costco 买家,我能迅速将食物定位,选一辆与我的小身板匹配的巨大购物车,然后把我大部分的重量倾注其上。后来,我又养成了一个新习惯:观察周围的顾客,看他们把冷冻的墨西哥卷饼、芝士泡芙、几桶冰淇淋和减肥药统统塞进购物车里。在过道上的详细考察,让我有时间去思索:谁会需要三磅重的酸奶油?发酵酸奶比普通酸奶更好吃吗? Costco 滋生了我无穷无尽的好奇心。

While enjoying an obligatory hot og,I i not fin myself thinking about the ‘all beef’ gooness that Costco boaste. I instea consiere finitues an infinitues,unimagine uses for tubs of sour cream,the projectile motion of sai tub when launche from an eighty foot shelf or maybe when pushe from a speey cart by a scrawny seventeen year ol. I contemplate the philosophical: If there exists a thirtythree ounce jar of Nutella,o we really have free will? I experience a harsh physics lesson while observing a shopper who ha no evient familiarity of inertia’s workings. With a cart fille to overflowing,she mae her way towars the slope exit,continuing to push an push while steaily losing control until the cart escape her an went crashing into a concrete column,52” plasma screen TV an all. Purchasing the yuletie hickory smoke ham inevitably le to a conversation between my father an me about Anrew Jackson’s controversiality. There was no questioning Ol Hickory’s eication; he was steafast in his beliefs an pursuits – qualities I am compelle to amire,yet his morals were crooke. We both foun the ham to be more likeable–an tener.

当享受着超市的热狗时,我想的不是 Costco 鼓吹的 “ 全牛肉 ” 卖点,而是在考虑有限与无限,考虑酸奶油的其它用法,比如当酸奶油桶被从 80 英尺高的货架上扔出来或者从瘦骨嶙峋 17 岁顾客疾驰的购物车中挤出来时所进行的抛物运动。有时我在思考更哲学化的问题:在三盎司的巧克力酱面前,我们还有真正的自由意志吗?我还在 Costco 上过一堂物理课。一个顾客似乎并不熟悉惯性这回事:她的购物车塞得满满当当,可她还是在下斜坡出口处不停地推啊推,最后购物车果然失去控制,狠狠地撞向一根水泥柱、一台 52 寸等离子电视和其它好多货品。而另一次购买胡桃木烟熏火腿的经历则引发了我和父亲之间关于 Anrew Jackson (美国第七任总统,外号 “ 老胡桃木 ” )的争论。Jackson 总统的历史贡献是毋庸置疑的,他对自己的信仰和追求是如此的坚定,那是一种我特别仰慕的品质。然而,这不能掩盖他的道德是有很大瑕疵的。无论如何,我和父亲还是达成了一致意见,胡桃木烟熏火腿比 “ 老胡桃木 ” 总统更讨人喜欢,也柔软得多。

I aopte my exploratory skills,fine tune by Costco,towars my intellectual eneavors. Just as I sample buffalo-chicken ip or chocolate truffles,I probe the realms of history,ance an biology,all in pursuit of the ieal cart–one overflowing with theoretical situations an notions both silly an serious. I sample calculus,cross-country running,scientific research,all of which are now househol favorites. With cart in han,I o what scares me; I absorb the warehouse that is the worl. Whether it be through attempting aerial yoga,learning how to chart blackboy raiation using astronomical software,or ancing in front of hunres of people,I am compelle to try any activity that interests me in the slightest.

运用这些在 Costco 里得到的探索技能,我努力去开发自己的头脑。正如我尝试布法罗鸡蘸料和松露巧克力,我在历史、舞蹈和生物的领域中进行着同样的探究,这种感觉就像是在寻找一辆理想的购物车,里面充满了既有趣又严肃的理论和概念。我去尝试微积分、越野跑和科学研究。而似乎因为有了这样一辆购物车在手,我敢于去挑战那些令我恐惧的事情,Costco 就仿佛囊括了整个世界。无论是尝试空中瑜伽,还是学习如何利用天文软件绘制黑体辐射,或者是在几百人前面跳舞,对于任何感兴趣的事情我都义无反顾。

My intense esire to know,to explore beyon the bouns of rational thought; this is what efines me. Costco fuels my insatiability an cultivates curiosity within me at a cellular level. Encoe to immerse myself in the unknown,I fin it ifficult to complacently accept the “what”; I want to hunt for the “whys” an issect the “hows”. In essence,I subsist on iscovery.

强烈的求知欲和对超越理性思考边界的探索,共同造就了今天的我。是 Costco 将无穷无尽的好奇心植入到我每一个细胞中。如今,在陷入到未知领域时,我已经无法满足于仅仅接受 “ 这是什么 ”,我想去搜寻 “ 为什么 ” 、去解析 “ 怎么做 ”。事实上,探索成了我的立身之本。


