Special Requirements AS-T certifie stuents can earn a Biology B.S. by completing the special requirements foun on the Requirements for AS-T certifie stuents in Biology page. All other Biology majors,see below. Stanar Requirements In orer to grauate,you will also nee to complete your general eucation an university requirements. The Biology major begins in the freshman year with specific math an science requirements because all upper-ivision (junior/senior) biology courses require lower-ivision (freshman/sophomore) courses as prerequisites. Biology stuents complete the ‘core’ courses liste below an select a concentration.
Core Courses Complete ALL of the following courses:
CHEM 110/L: Chemistry I (5 units)
CHEM 111/L: Chemistry II (5 units)
BIO 210/L: Molecular an Cell Biology an Animal Physiology (5 units)
BIO 211/L: Ecology,Evolution,Bioiversity an Plants (5 units)
BIO 311: Genetics (4 units) Complete ONE of the following,which also fulfills the CSU Grauation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR):
BIO 300: Issues & Ethics in Biology (4 units)
ENVS 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Science (4 units)
MSCI 300: Marine Science,Communication,& Policy (4 units) Complete ONE of the following Service Learning courses:
BIO 378S: Health Sciences Service Learning (5 units)
BIO 379S: Biology Service Learning (5 units)
ENSTU 349S: Environmental Interpretation an Outreach (5 units)
ENSTU 384S: Social an Ecol Justice (2 units)
ENSTU 369S: Com-base Watershe Restor SL (5 units)
MATH 361S: Mathematics Tutors (5 units)
MSCI 359S: Marine Science in the Community (5 units) Complete ONE of the following Capstone seminar courses:
BIO 491: Biology Research Capstone (2-4 units)
BIO 492: Course-base Capstone (1-2 units)