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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-02 13:54

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>




How will I be taught?

Our teaching is heavily informe by research an combines acaemic rigour with practical relevance. Our internationally leaing faculty consists of acaemics who are at the forefront of knowlege within their fiel. They bring the lessons learnt from their most recent research into the classroom,giving stuents access to up to ate real life examples an scenarios an critical business thinking.


Your teaching an learning resources will be provie an we will be responsive to your nees an views. For your part,you will nee to put in the necessary amount of work both uring an outsie formal teaching sessions,an to make goo use of the facilities provie.


Methos of teaching

Most moules involve a mixture of lectures an small group teaching (calle classes,seminars,workshops or tutorials).


In a lecture,the lecturer will mainly be giving an overview of a particular aspect of the moule content (as well as opportunities for you to ask questions an be reflective),while in classes an workshops you will have an opportunity to practice techniques,iscuss ieas,apply concepts an consoliate your unerstaning in the topic.


What skills will I practise an evelop?

As a result of engaging fully with this course you will acquire an evelop a range of valuable skills,those which are iscipline specific as well as more generic ‘employability skills’. These will allow you to:


Grasp complex issues with confience. 自信地掌握复杂的问题。

Ask the right questions of complex texts. 问对复杂文本的正确问题。

Have an imaginative appreciation of ifferent views an options an analyse these critically.

Ientify an apply relevant ata. 对不同的观点和选择有一个富有想象力的欣赏,并对这些观点进行批判性的分析。识别并应用相关数据。

Develop practical research skills. 发展实用的研究技能。

Propose imaginative solutions of your own that are roote in evience. 提出你自己的富有想象力的解决方案,这些都是基于证据的。

Communicate clearly,concisely an persuasively in writing an speech. 在写作和演讲中清晰、简洁、有说服力地沟通。

Sourcing,interpreting an presenting relevant numerical information – to support the composition of projects reports an business cases. 采购、解释和提供相关的数字信息——以支持项目报告和业务案例的组成。

Work to ealines an priorities,managing a range of tasks at the same time. 工作到最后期限和优先事项,同时管理一系列的任务。

Work as part of a team,eveloping a collaborative approach to problem-solving. 作为团队的一部分工作,开发一种解决问题的协作方法。

Use IT programmes an stanar software packages,where appropriate. 在适当的地方使用IT程序和标准软件包


Core moules


Avance Financial Reporting 高级财务报告

Research Methos  研究方法

Management Accounting an the Control of Organizational Performance 管理会计和组织绩效的控制

Finance an Investment 金融与投资

Dissertation   论文

Optional moules


The University is committe to proviing a wie range of moule options where possible,but please be aware that whilst every effort is mae to offer choice this may be limite in certain circumstances. This is ue to the fact that some moules have limite numbers of places available,which are allocate on a first-come,first-serve basis,while others have minimum stuent numbers require before they will run,to ensure that an appropriate quality of eucation can be elivere; some moules require stuents to have alreay taken particular subjects,an others are core or require on the programme you are taking. Moules may also be limite ue to timetable clashes,an although the University works to minimise isruption to choice,we avise you to seek avice from the relevant School on the moule choices available. 这所大学致力于在可能的情况下提供各种各样的模块选项,但请注意,尽管每一项努力都是为了提供选择,但在某些情况下,这可能是有限的。这是由于一些模块的可用名额有限,这些名额是根据先到先得的原则分配的,而另一些模块在运行前必须有最少的学生人数,以确保能够提供适当的教育质量;有些模块要求学生已经学习了特定的科目,而其他模块则是核心或需要的。


