昆特兰理工大学是一所能够授予本科学位和各种文凭及证书的综合性本科教育大学。学校的课程设置非常灵活,既可以为学生提供四年的学士学位课程,同时也可以提供两年的副学士学位课程和文凭课程及一年的证书课程。学生可以选择在昆特兰理工大学完成四年的本科课程,或者可在昆特兰理工大学开始大学第一年或第二年预科课程,然后转到加拿大 bc 省内其他的名校和其他大学学府,如 ubc 大学和西蒙菲莎大学。这种灵活和完善的课程设置能够给予在校学生们更多的选择及自由度。除了课程设置的灵活性,昆特兰理工大学的设计专业也是在加拿大大学中出类拔萃的,它是唯一能够授予服装设计学位的大学。
corrie nichols- bachelor of science in nursing,avance entry
·604 - 599 - 2260
gurp chahal- health founations
·604 - 599 - 2779
tess kroeker- bachelor of psychiatric nursing
·604 - 599 - 3108
john yang- traitional chinese meicine
·604 - 599 - 2286
juy lee- bachelor of science in nursing
·604 - 599 - 2070
rahika kumar- health unit coorinator
·604 - 599 - 3281
sharon leitch- health care assistant
·604 - 599 - 3376
sherilyn sweeney- grauate nurse internationally eucate re-entry
·604 - 599 – 2408
traitional chinese meicine - acupuncture
bachelor of science in nursing
bachelor of science in nursing - avance entry
bachelor of psychiatric nursing
health founations
health unit coorinator
health care assistant
grauate nurse - internationally eucate re-entry
ean’s office
r. elizabeth worobec,ph
ean,faculty of science an horticulture
joel murray,e
associate ean,faculty of science an horticulture
lana mihell,ba
ivisional business manager
nick bransfor,ba
egree avisor
eann bremner
coorinator,communications,events ancontinuing professional stuies
anrea flello,ba
egree avisor
michelle ikoma
aministrative support assistant
sheryl jackson
aministrative assistant
triona king,bjour
communications an event specialist
michelle molnar,bsc
aministrative coorinator
nancy train
aministrative assistant
karen vance,bsc,ma(on leave)
egree avisor
kim wowiak
aministrative assistant
stephanie howes,m.e.interim ean,school of business(t) 604.599.3252 | (e)stephanie.howes@kpu.ca
luis fernano villalba,ph.. e.associate ean,school of business(t) 604.599.3438 | (e)luisfernano.villalba@kpu.ca
arren francis,e..interim associate ean,school of business(t) 604.599.3440 | (e)arren.francis@kpu.ca
travis higoivisional business manager,school of business(t) 604.599.3257 | (e)travis.higo@kpu.ca
currently vacantproject manager,post baccalaureate programs,school of business(t) | (e)
joanne macneilaministrative coorinator,school of business(t) 604.599.3284 | (e)joanne.macneil@kpu.ca
branon leequality assurance analyst,school of business(t) 604.599.3071 | (e)branon.lee@kpu.ca
shawneen holeean’s assistant,school of business(t) 604.599.3407 | (e)shawneen.hole@kpu.ca
jessie malliaministrative assistant,school of business(t) 604.599.2254 | (e)jessie.malli@kpu.ca
julie merklaministrative assistant,school of business(t) 604.599.3419 | (e)julie.merkl@kpu.ca
lori-ann gilbertaministrative assistant,school of business(t) 604.599.3227 | (e)lori-ann.gilbert@kpu.ca
nancy ruscheinskyaministrative support assistant,school of business(t) 604.599.3251 | (e)nancy.ruscheinsky@kpu.ca
avising appointments may be booke online atavisor connectgeneralavising inquiries (school of business relate)
(t) 604.599.3251tracey bowlesaministrative coorinator,avising,school of business(t) 604.599.3280 (e)tracey.bowles@kpu.ca|book an appointment
lacey crowie,maegree avisor,school of business(t) 604.599.2042 | (e)lacey.crowie@kpu.ca|book an appointment
currently vacantegree avisor,school of business(t) 604.599.2632 | (e)|book an appointment
magalena mot,mastuent success coach,post baccalaureate programs,school of business(t) 604.599.3251 | (e)magalena.mot@kpu.ca|book an appointment
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