2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>
- BA (Hons) Illustration&mash;&mash;&mash;&mash;&mash;&mash;&mash;&mash;-
Course units
Year 1
- Unit 1: Introuction to BA Illustration,Graphic Design an 3D Design
- Unit 2: Defining the subject - What is Illustration?
- Unit 3: Context 1- Primary research
- Unit 4: Subject - Possibilities
Year 2
- Unit 5: Context 2 - Platform
- Unit 6: Subject - Metho
- Unit 7: Context 3 - Focus
- Unit 8: Subject - Auience an visibility
Year 3
- Unit 9: Context 4
- Unit 10: Subject - Realisation
2. BSc (Hons) Fashion Management
Year one
- Introuction to Fashion Management
- Principles of Business
- Marketing Management
- Prouct Management
- Financial Management
- Better Lives
Year two
- Business Analytics
- People Management
- Fashion Futures
- Consumer Insights
- Consultancy Project
3. BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing
Year one
- Introuction to the Fashion Business for Fashion Marketing
- Principles of Fashion Marketing
- Global Fashion Braning: Theory
- Introuction to Cultural an Historical Stuies
- Better Lives
- Global Fashion Braning: Communications
Year two
- Cultural an Historical Stuies
- Researching Consumer Behaviour an Psychology
- Social an Digital Marketing
- Work Experience base Learning