The Department of Psychology offers both Master of Science an Doctor of Philosophy egrees in Psychology. Areas of specialization in grauate training inclue cognitive psychology,social psychology,inustrial-organizational,an quantitative psychology. In aition,the Department of Psychology participates in a multiisciplinary program in Cellular an Behavioral Neurobiology.
Master’s Degree RequirementsThe M.S. egree is conferre after a stuent has complete thirty hours of coursework (incluing 5003,5013,5901,5911,6073),a master’s thesis (5980) an a successful final oral efense of the thesis. A nonthesis master’s egree woul consist of at least thirty-two hours.
Grauate Courses an DescriptionsG4023 Psychological Tests an Measurements. Prerequisite: 1113,2113,junior staning. An introuction to the measurement of human behavior. Special reference is given to tests of intelligence,achievement,personality an interest. (Irreg.)
G4243 Decision Making an Problem Solving. Prerequisite: 2113. 3203. Review of issues in inuctive thinking,euctive reasoning,inference generation,problem solving,insight,expertise,algorithms,an heuristics. The emphasis will be on current research investigations. (Irreg.)
G4313 Motivation. Prerequisite: 2113 an 3303. Primary motivational states an learne motivational states (e.g.,fear,frustration,anxiety,etc.) will be consiere as well as emotion an curiosity. Topics of current interest in both human an animal motivation will also be covere. (Irreg.)
G4403 Avance Personality. Prerequisite: 1113,2113,2403,2603 or 3603,3114 or concurrent enrollment,an junior staning; or permission of instructor. An examination of the major approaches,concepts,issues an research finings in the fiel of personality. (Irreg.)
G4453 Abnormal Psychology. Prerequisite: 1113,2113,an 2403,or permission of instructor. An examination of the major clinical an research finings in the fiel of abnormal psychology. Topics inclue stuies of conflict,anxiety,neurosis,character isorers,schizophrenia an psychotherapy. (F,Sp)
G4613 Current Topics in Developmental Psychology. Prerequisite: 2603 or 3603,2113 or permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of subject matter; maximum creit six hours. An avance seminar ealing with contemporary issues in evelopmental psychology. Content will vary with the instructor. (Irreg.)
G4703 Psychology of Leaership. Prerequisite: senior staning or permission of instructor. Provie stuents with an unerstaning of the psychological principles unerlying leaership in government,inustry,an society. Review psychological research on leaership an management,examining topics such as leaership skills,leaing changes in organization,leaer-follower relationships,an leaership tactics. Stuents will participate in various exercises to analyze leaership strategies an assess their potential strengths an weaknesses as leaers. (Sp)
G4733 Selecte Topics in Social Psychology. Prerequisite: 2403 or 2603,3703,junior staning,or permission of instructor. May be repeate once with change of topic; maximum creit six hours. Content will vary with the instructor. Deals with central topical areas of stuy in social psychology (i.e.,attitues an social cognition; person perception; groups an group ynamics; or theory construction). (Irreg.)
G4853 Neurobiology of Memory (Crossliste with Zoology 4853). Prerequisite: 3803 or Zoology 3103. Avance seminar ealing with current research on how the nervous system respons to,an is change by,experience. Experience is broaly efine an may inclue learning,maturation an/or pathology.
G4920 Current Topics in Basic an Applie Psychology. 1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: 1113 an 2113,or 1113 an six hours of other social sciences; or permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of topic; maximum creit nine hours. Content an number of creit hours varies with instructor an section. Focus on current topics in psychology not covere in existing course offerings. Intene for purpose of offering high interest course topics uring regular semester,summers an intersession. (F,Sp,Su)
G4940 Seminar in Psychology. 1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: 1113,2113,junior staning,permission. May be repeate once with change of topic; maximum creit six hours. Avance seminar ealing with contemporary issues an problems in psychology. Content varies with instructor. (F,Sp,Su)
5003 Psychological Statistics I. Prerequisite: grauate staning an unergrauate statistics course,or permission of instructor. Applie statistics with emphasis upon statistical problems in behavioral sciences research. Inclues probability,escriptive statistics,estimations an test of hypotheses. Techniques covere in epth inclue t-test,one an two factor ANOVA methos,multiple comparison methos (e.g.,Scheff,Tukey,Ryan,etc.),an the robustness of these techniques to violation of their assumptions.
5013 Psychological Statistics II. Prerequisite: 5003 or equivalent,or permission of instructor. The general linear moel is covere as it applies to the analysis of variance incluing fixe,mixe,an ranom moels,iniviual comparisons,analysis of covariance,an multiple regression. Also,some nonparametric techniques are iscusse incluing chi-square an istribution free proceures.
5043 Quantitative Methos in evaluation Research. Prerequisite: 5003 or equivalent. The role of quantitative analysis in psychological,eucational an program evaluation is iscusse,with emphasis on experimental esign,sampling theoory,ranomization tests,analysis of covariance moels an structural equation methos. (Irreg.)
5053 Exploratory Data Analysis. Prerequisite: 5003 or equivalent. Uses new statistical approaches by Tukey,Mosteller an others to introuce stuents to EDA. Topics inclue graphical ata analysis,robustness an resistance,ata transformations an fitting mathematical moels to ata.
5103 Physiological Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning or permission. Surveys the neuroanatomical,hormonal an neurochemical bases of foo an water intake,sleep an reaming,emotion,rewar an punishment,learning an memory,mental isorers. (Irreg.)
5203 Survey in Cognitive Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning or permission. Survey of the fiel of cognitive psychology esigne to provie a founation for the stuy of human higher mental processes. Topics inclue: pattern recognition,attention,episoic memory,semantic memory,psycholinguistics,comprehension,reasoning,ecision making an problem solving.
5280 Seminar in Cognitive Processes. 1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: 5203 or permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of subject matter; maximum creit six hours. Consiers special topics in cognitive psychology emphasizing recent research literature.
5403 Theories an Methos in Developmental Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning in the epartment or permission of instructor. Examination of the theories an methos specific to life-span evelopmental psychology. (Irreg.)
5413 Personality. Prerequisite: grauate staning or permission of instructor. Survey of moern personality theory an research. Strong emphasis on current limite omain theories of personality,research methoology unique to personality research,an major issues facing this area. Iniviual research proposals are evelope.
5423 Current Theories in Social Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning an permission of instructor. An overview of current theory an research in social psychology,incluing such topics as motivate cognition,automatic an controlle processing,stereotyping,impression formation,attributions,the self-concept an self-regulation,relationships,emotions,attitues,altruism,an aggression. (Irreg.)
5433 Classic Issues in Social Psychology. Prerequisite: Grauate staning an permission of instructor. An overview of classic theories an stuies from the first 100 years of social psychology. Topics inclue attitues an persuasion,group processes,attraction,social influence,conformity,helping,aggression,issonance,emotions,an attribution. (Irreg.)
5703 Survey of Inustrial/Organizational Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning. An overview of the theory an practices use in inustrial/organizational psychology. Focus on the general principles involve in applying psychological theory in the work place,consiering applications at the iniviual,group,an organizational level. Also consiers the major methoological techniques use to support those applications. (F)
5713 Training an Development. Prerequisite: 5703. Design an evelopment of training courses as well as practical consierations in the elivery of training in organizational settings. (Sp)
5723 Selection an Assessment in Organizations. Prerequisite: 5703. Covers a variety of substantive topics incluing; the choice an esign of pesonnel selection tools,valiation of employment tests,legal issues regaring personnel assessment an selection,assessment of intelligence,experience,personality an integrity,the use of common assessment methos such as situational jugment tests,interviews,bioata,an assessment centers,frame-of-reference training,theoretical an empirical literature regaring assessment center technology,an evelopment an aministration of an assessment center. (Irreg.)
5733 Techniques in Inustrial an Organizational Psychology. Prerequisite: 5703. Provies an overview of how to evelop an apply several methoologies an techniques that I/O psychologists commonly use to aress organizational nees. During this course we will explore topics such as basic consulting skills,job analysis,iniviual asssessment an selection,bioata,performance appraisal,a organizational surveys. Some basic familiarity with these areas is assume. This class focuses on how to evelop an implement these types of applications in organizational settings. (Irreg.)
5783 General Seminar in Inustrial an Organizational Psychology. Prerequisite: 5703. May be repeate with change of content; maximum creit nine hours. Examine in-epth one or more topics that provie a basis for current work in inustrial an organizational psychology. May inclue topics such as leaership,motivation,performance management,job satisfaction,an iniviual ifferences. (F)
5901 Founations of Psychological Science I. Prerequisite: amission to grauate psychology program. Overview of current research in psychological science. Discussion of ethics,professional evelopment,the peagogical arts,methoology an grantsmanship. Participants complete a first year research project incluing a grant proposal,presentation at a professional meeting an presentation at epartmental speaker series.
5911 Founations of Psychological Science II. Prerequisite: 5901. Continuation of 5901. Avance topics in professional evelopment,research planning,funing an communication.
5960 Directe Reaings in Psychology. 1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: grauate staning,permission of instructor,aviser an ean. Maximum creit nine hours. Supervise reaing of selecte topics in psychology by agreement of instructor an stuent. (F,Sp,Su)
5970 Pre-Master’s Research in Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning; pre-master’s status; permission of instructor. May be repeate; maximum creit nine hours. Supervise research in area agree upon by stuent an instructor. Stuents conucting research for the master’s thesis shoul enroll in 5990. (F,Sp,Su)
5980 Research for Master’s Thesis. Variable enrollment,two to nine hours; maximum creit applicable towar egree,four hours. (F,Sp,Su)
5990 Inepenent Stuy. 1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Grauate staning an permission of instructor. May be repeate; maximum creit nine hours. Contracte inepenent stuy for a topic not currently offere in regularly scheule courses. Inepenent stuy may inclue library an/or laboratory research an fiel projects. (Irreg.)
6013 Factor Analysis an Structural Equation Moels. Prerequisite: 5003,5013 or equivalent. Several exploratory factor analysis moels are iscusse incluing principle factors,maximum likelihoo,an alpha-factors analysis. Factor-analytic-like moels such as components analysis an image analysis are also covere. Offers an overview of the application of structural equations in the social sciences. (Irreg.)
6023 Statistical Moels of Tests Scores. Prerequisite: 5003,5013 or equivalent. Topics inclue classical test theory,item-sampling theories,latent ability test theory,item analysis an test valiation. (Irreg.)
6063 Seminar in Quantitative Psychology. Prerequisite: 5013 or permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of topic; maximum creit 15 hours. The topic or topics to be covere epen upon the faculty member or members in charge of the seminar at the time it is offere.
6073 Experimental Design for Psychology. Prerequisite: 5003,5013,or permission of instructor. Classical experimental esign applie to research problems in the behavioral sciences; completely ranomize,ranomize blocks,factorial,Latin square,fractional factorial an repeate measures esigns,confouning,an relate topics are iscusse. (F)
6123 Physiological Psychology Laboratory. Prerequisite: 5103 or grauate staning an permission of instructor. Instruction in techniques an concepts use in physiological psychology research to inclue neurophysiological,neuroanatomical an neuropharmacological analyses of behavior.
6203 Avance Tools an Methos in Cognition. Prerequisite: 5203 or permission. Demonstration an application of the tools an methos of the cognitive scientist,with a special emphasis on software tools,incluing Mathematica,SAS,S Plus,Neuralware,an Unix.
6213 Attention an Memory. Prerequisite: 5203 or permission. Detaile examination of current ata an theory in attentional an automatic processes,short- an long-term memory,implicit memory,an the effect of knowlege on memory.
6223 Quantitative Moels in Cognition. Prerequisite: 5203 or permission. Survey of quantitative moels in cognition,with an emphasis on memory an reaction time. Techniques for moel testing an evelopment will be taught an supporte by exercises.
6263 Introuction to Cognitive Science. Prerequisite: 5203 or permission. In-epth consieration of the interisciplinary approach to min. Inclues topics in cognitive psychology,artificial intelligence,linguistics,philosophy,an neuro-science.
6280 Avance Seminar in Cognitive Processes. 1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: 5203 or permission. May be repeate with change of subject matter; maximum creit 12 hours. Special topics in human learning an memory or in memory an cognitive processes will be consiere in etail,emphasizing recent research literature an evelopment of research proposals. (Irreg.)
6413 Stereotyping an Prejuice. Prerequisite: Grauate staning an permission of instructor. Classic an contemporary approaches in social psychology to the nature of prejuice an its motivational substrates,as well as the formation,content,use,an consequences of stereotypes. (Irreg.)
6423 Seminar in Social Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning an permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of topic; maximum creit nine hours. Intensive stuy of major problem areas in social psychology,incluing intrapersonal processes,group ynamics,the self,an research methos. Course topic will vary. (Irreg.)
6433 Seminar in Theories of Personality. Prerequisite: grauate staning in Psychology or permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of topic; maximum creit 12 hours. Intensive exploration of both traitional an moern theories of personality. Examples from several major categories of personality theory are examine through intensive primary reaings,writing,an iscussion. (Irreg.)
6453 Seminar in Interpersonal Relationships. Prerequisite: Grauate staning an permission of instructor. Covers classic an contemporary theories an finings in the social psychological literature on interpersonal relationships,with a focus on the biological,motivations,social an personality factors that contribute to attraction,closeness,satisfaction,an stability in yaic relationships. (Irreg.)
6643 Seminar in Developmental Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning or permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of topic; maximum creit 12 hours. Involves in-epth stuy of theory an research in major areas of evelopmental psychology,e.g.,social cognition,peer relations,emotions,temperament an personality,morality,aggression,theory of min. (Irreg.)
6703 Avance Seminar in Inustrial an Organizational Psychology. Prerequisite: 5703. May be repeate with change of content; maximum creit nine hours. Focus in-epth on one or more topics examining the area with respect to new theoretical evelopments an major research finings. Topics may inclue active,emergent research areas likely to lea to changes in theoretical an professional practice incluing motivation,team effectiveness,work an family issues,changes in job esign,etc. (Sp)
6713 Leaership Theories,Research,an Practice. Prerequisite: 5703. This grauate seminar examines the theoretical an empirical research as well as case stuies on a variety of topics in the fiel of leaership,leaership yas,outstaning forms of leaership (transformational,charismatic,pragmatic),politics,leaing innovation an change,assessing leaership effectiveness,gener an leaership,an cross-cultural leaership. (Irreg.)
6723 Groups an Teams in Organizations. Prerequisite: 5703. This course explores the literature on groups an teams in organizations. The goal is to unerstan group ynamics,with particular emphasis on those group processes most relevant to organizational groups,such as primary work groups,project teams,top management teams,an so forth. Some of the topics covere inclue group formation an evelopment,cohesion,social ientity,social influence,intergroup ynamics,group ecision making,creativity in groups,group performance,leaership in groups,an team training. (Irreg.)
6903 Seminar in Contemporary Problems. Prerequisite: five grauate courses incluing 5003 or permission of instructor. May be repeate with change of topic; maximum creit eighteen hours. Content epenent upon faculty member in charge of the seminar at the time it is offere. Intensive consieration of major contemporary issues in psychology. (F,Sp,Su)
6910 Reaings in Psychology. 1 to 4 hours. Prerequisite: avance grauate staning (post-master’s). May be repeate; maximum grauate creit nine hours. Supervise reaing for avance stuents. Topics chosen by agreement of instructor an stuent.
6920 Research in Learning,Motivation an Comparative Psychology. 1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: by permission of instructor only. May be repeate; maximum grauate creit 18 hours. Supervise iniviual laboratory research on major projects in an area of mutual interest with a faculty member. Upon avice of the instructor involve,enrollment for work on minor research projects in the above areas may alternatively be in 4990. (F,Sp,Su)
6923 History of Psychology. Prerequisite: grauate staning. Introuction to origin of moern psychology within science. Origins are examine from the ancient Greeks through philosophy,physiology,an astronomy. Special emphasis place on the historical trens an the people involve.
6930 Research in Cognitive Processes,Sensation-Perception an Physiological Psychology. 1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: by permission of instructor only. May be repeate; maximum grauate creit eighteen hours. Supervise laboratory research on major projects in an area of mutual interest with a faculty member. Upon avice of the instructor involve,enrollment for work on minor research projects in the above areas may alternatively be in 4990. (F,Sp,Su)
6933 Seminar in Human Learning an Motivation. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Special topics in human learning,motivation,an memory are consiere in etail. Emphasis is place on recent research literature an evelopment of research proposals.
6940 Research in Personality: Social an Developmental Psychology. 1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: by permission of instructor only. May be repeate; maximum grauate creit 18 hours. Supervise iniviual laboratory research on major projects in an area of mutual interest with a faculty member. Upon avice of the instructor involve,enrollment for work on minor research projects in the above areas may alternatively be in 4990. (F,Sp,Su)
6960 Research in Inustrial an Organizational Psychology. 1 to 6 hours. Prerequisite: 5703 an permission of instructor. May be repeate; maximum creit twelve hours. Provie guie research experiences preparatory for master’s an octoral egrees. Topics selecte in consultation with faculty member may inclue leaership,management ethics,an motivation. Exposure to key aspects of the research process incluing literature reviews,stuy esign,ata analysis,report preparation,proposal writing,paper presentation,an article writing. (F,Sp,Su)
6970 Post-Master’s Research in Psychology. Prerequisite: master’s egree an permission of instructor. May be repeate; maximum creit 12 hours. Supervise research for avance grauate stuents on major projects of mutual interest with a faculty member. (F,Sp,Su)
6980 Research for Doctor’s Dissertation. (F,Sp,Su)
6990 Inepenent Stuy. 1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Grauate staning an permission of instructor. May be repeate; maximum creit nine hours. Contracte inepenent stuy for a topic not currently offere in regularly scheule courses. Inepenent stuy may inclue library an/or laboratory research an fiel projects. (Irreg.)
申请材料:Applying to Grauate Programs in the Department of PsychologyTo apply to Department of Psychology,go to the Grauate College here.Besies the Grauate College requirements,the application shoul inclue:Three letters of recommenationA personal statementAny publications you may haveGRE scores from test taken within last two yearsThe ealine to apply is January 1st. Institution coes for GRE: OU - 6879Department (Masters) - M800Department (Doctoral) - D800