Each unit on this course is worth a certain number of creits.
In each year,you nee to stuy units worth a total of 180 creits. For example,4 units worth 30 creits an 1 unit worth 60 creits.
Core units in this teaching block inclue:
International Marketing
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Management Development
Changes to course content
We use the best an most current research an professional practice alongsie feeback from our stuents to make sure course content is relevant to your future career or further stuies.
Therefore,some course content may change over time to reflect changes in the iscipline or inustry an some optional units may not run every year. If a unit oesn ’ t run,we ’ ll let you know as soon as possible an help you choose an alternative unit.
Learning support
As well as support by faculty teaching staff an your personal tutor,you can use the University ’ s Acaemic Skills Unit (ASK).
ASK provies one-to-one support in areas such as:
acaemic writing
note taking
time management
critical thinking
presentation skills
working in groups
revision,memory an exam techniques
We use the best an most current research an professional practice alongsie feeback from our stuents to make sure course content is relevant to your future career or further stuies.
Therefore,some course content may change over time to reflect changes in the iscipline or inustry an some optional units may not run every year. If a unit oesn ’ t run,we ’ ll let you know as soon as possible an help you choose an alternative unit.
Learning support
As well as support by faculty teaching staff an your personal tutor,you can use the University ’ s Acaemic Skills Unit (ASK).
ASK provies one-to-one support in areas such as:
acaemic writing
note taking
time management
critical thinking
presentation skills
working in groups
revision,memory an exam techniques