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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-02 14:22

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



School Uniforms are Inefficient an Unnecessary

Stuents Have Rights!

The First Amenment to the U.S. Constitution protects every iniviual’s freeom of speech: his or her right to express artistic,religious,an political viewpoints. In the 1970’s,however,several high school stuents were iscipline for coming to school wearing black armbans protesting the Vietnam War. These stuents successfully took their free speech case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,which famously note in its Tinker opinion that stuents “o not she their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.” The Court set out a framework for ealing with stuents’ free speech rights in school: that stuents have a First Amenment right to express themselves so long as that expression is not isruptive to the school ay.

Disruption is the right stanar – it means that stuents are able to express themselves so long as lessons can continue uninterrupte. Clothing is precisely the type of passive,nonisruptive meium that allows stuents to share their thoughts without interfering with eucational opportunities. Because stuents’ self-expression on clothing generally oes not isrupt class,uniforms are an inefficient an unnecessary bureaucracy that requires school officials to be worrie about what everyone is wearing. Instea,school officials shoul only be concerne with clothing that is actually isruptive – which both ress coes an simple common sense are more than aequate to hanle.

