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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-02 14:49

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杜伦大学是位于英国东北英格兰城市杜伦的一所顶尖公立大学。杜 - 伦大学的教学与科研历史可以追溯到 600 多年前,它属于英格兰最早开设的一批大学,是仅次于牛津大学剑桥大学的英格兰第三古老的大学。该校也是英国唯一一个所有学科均排名英国前 10 的大学,尤其是它的英文系被排在了第 1 位。《泰晤士报》描述:“长久以来,作为牛津大学和剑桥大学之外最好的选择,杜伦大学吸引了“大量来自中产阶级和更富有家庭的学生”。



学校基础设施方面,该校图书馆规模庞大,是英国六大 “世界主要图书馆”之一。学校的博物馆历史悠久,藏品丰富,在英国乃至世界的珍品储藏地中都享有举足轻重的地位。杜伦大学校内还有羽毛球、篮球、板球、足球、曲棍球、划船等各种体育运动设施,杜伦市内建有良好的购物设施以及多家银行,杜伦距离纽卡斯尔,桑德兰两地均很近,在这两座城市内不仅各式一流的商店、餐馆鳞次栉比,而且文化名胜不胜枚举。



杜伦郡位于英格兰东北部,与纽卡斯尔市所在的泰恩和维尔郡相邻。冬暖夏凉,年温差小:海洋性气候区内愈靠近大洋,气候的海洋性愈强。特别是在冬季,因沿岸有暖流经过,西风从暖流海面吹来,气流温暖潮湿,因此冬季气温比同纬度的大陆中心和大陆东岸暖得多。最冷月均温均在 0 ℃以上。夏季时暖流水温仍较大陆温度低,海上要比陆上凉得多,这里受西风影响最热月均温在 22 ℃以下。由于冬暖夏凉,年温差要比同纬度其它地区小得多。全年有雨,冬雨较多:此区正当温带气旋 活动的路径上,气旋雨量丰沛,特别是冬季时温带气旋更为活跃,雨日很多,但降水强度并不大。冬季降水量在全年所占比例稍大,全年没有干季。


Research Center

Avance Instrumentation,Centre for Department of Physics Prof Ray Sharples

Behaviour,Ecology an Evolution Research (BEER) Centre Department of Anthropology Dr Jo Setchell

Catholic Stuies,Centre for (CCS) Department of Theology an Religion Professor Paul D. Murray

Centre for Health an Inequalities Research Department of Geography Professor Clare Bambra

Classical Reception,Durham Centre for Department of Classics an Ancient History Dr Emun Thomas

Climate Impacts Research Centre Department of Geography Professor Mike Bentley

CODEC Research Centre for Digital Theology Department of Theology an Religion Rev Dr Peter Phillips

Coevolution of Biology an Culture,Centre for the Department of Anthropology Dr Jeremy Kenal

Commercial & Corporate Law,Institute for Durham Law School Dr Daniel Attenborough

Professor Richar Golberg

Communications Systems,Centre for School of Engineering an Computing Sciences Professor Sana Salous

Contemporary China Stuies,Centre for School of Government an International Affairs Dr Goron Cheung

Criminal Law & Justice,Centre for Durham Law School Professor Thom Brooks

Crop Improvement Technology,Centre for School of Biological an Biomeical Sciences Professor Marc Knight

Death an Life Stuies,Centre for (CDLS) Department of Theology an Religion Professor Douglas James Davies

Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics an Law in the Life Sciences) Durham Law School Professor Deryck Beylevel

Durham Centre for Bioimaging Technology (DCBT) School of Biological an Biomeical Sciences Prof PJ Hussey

Durham European Law Institute Durham Law School Dr Anrés Delgao Casteleiro

Durham Geochemistry Centre Department of Earth Sciences Prof Kevin Burton

Durham University Neuroimaging Centre Department of Psychology Dr Susanne Weis

Economic Growth & Policy,Centre for Business School Professor Parantap Basu

Ethics of Cultural Heritage,Centre for the (CECH) Department of Philosophy Professor Geoffrey Scarre

UNESCO Professor Robin Coningham

Extragalactic Astronomy,Centre for Department of Physics Professor Ian Smail

Global Policy Institute School of Government an International Affairs Prof Davi Hel

Professor Robert Schütze

History of Meicine an Disease,Centre for the (CHMD) School of Meicine,Pharmacy an Health

Department of Philosophy Professor Holger Maehle

History of Political Thought,Centre for the School of Government an International Affairs Dr Maria Dimova-Cookson

Human Rights Centre Durham Law School Dr Alan Greene

Dr Se-shauna Wheatle

Humanities Engaging Science an Society,Centre for (CHESS) Department of Philosophy Prof Nancy Cartwright

Professor Julian Reiss

Humanities Innovation,Centre for (CHI) School of Moern Languages an Cultures Prof John O’Brien

IBRU: Centre for Borers Research Department of Geography Professor Philip Steinberg

Institutions an Political Behaviour,Centre for School of Government an International Affairs Dr Gion Cohen

Integrate Health Care Research,Centre for (CIHCR) School of Meicine,Pharmacy an Health Professor James Mason

Intercultural Meiation,Centre for (CIM) School of Moern Languages an Cultures Dr Binghan Zheng

International Lanslies Centre Department of Geography Professor Dave Petley

Iranian Cultural Stuies,Centre for Department of Archaeology Dr Derek Kennet

Joint Quantum Centre (JQC) - Durham/Newcastle Department of Physics Prof Charles Aams

Leaership & Followership,Centre for Business School Professor Birgit Schyns

Local Governance,Institute for Business School Professor John Mawson

Materials Physics,Centre for Department of Physics Professor Stewart Clark

Meical Eucation,Centre for School of Meicine,Pharmacy an Health Professor Jan Illing

Meical Humanities,Centre for School of Meicine,Pharmacy an Health Professor Jane Macnaughton

Methoological Research in the Social Sciences,Centre for School of Applie Social Sciences Dr. Tiago Moreira

Molecular an Nanoscale Electronics,Centre for School of Engineering an Computing Sciences Dr Chris Groves

Nineteenth-Century Stuies,Centre for (CNCS) Department of Music Professor Bennett Zon

Organisational Dynamics & Ecological Stuies,Centre for Business School Professor Laszlo Polos

Particle Theory,Centre for Department of Mathematical Sciences

Department of Physics Prof Valentin [Valya] Khoze

Prof Paul Mansfiel

Poetry an Poetics,Centre for (CPP) Department of English Stuies Professor Stephen Regan

Polymer & Soft Matter Research,Centre for Department of Chemistry

Department of Physics Prof Tom McLeish

Prof. Lian Hutchings

Public Policy & Health,Centre for School of Meicine,Pharmacy an Health Professor D J Hunter

Research into Earth Energy Systems,Centre for Department of Earth Sciences Prof Ken McCaffrey

Research into Violence an Abuse,Centre for School of Applie Social Sciences Professor Nicole Westmarlan

Roman Cultural Stuies,Centre for Department of Archaeology Prof Richar Hingley

Sex,Gener & Sexualities,Centre for School of Applie Social Sciences Dr Mark McCormack

Professor Maggie O’Neill

Sleep Lab Department of Anthropology Prof Helen L. Ball

Social Justice & Community Action,Centre for School of Applie Social Sciences Professor Sarah Banks

Professor Rachel Pain

Stuy of the Ancient Meiterranean an the Near East,Centre for the (CAMNE) Department of Classics an Ancient History Dr Kathryn Stevens

Sustainable Chemical Processes,Centre in Department of Chemistry Prof. Anrew Whiting

Vision an Visual Cognition,Centre for Department of Psychology Professor John Finlay

Professor Charles Heywoo

Professor Davi Milner

Visual Arts an Cultures,Centre for (CVAC) School of Moern Languages an Cultures Professor Janet Stewart

XRDur (Durham X-ray Centre) Department of Physics Prof Peter Hatton




英国边境管理局 (UKBA) 会密切关注留学生和新移民的动向,因此要确保能够理解自己被赋予的权限,不能违反任何法律和规章制度,否则边境管理局会拒绝续签,甚至将你驱逐出境。

  首先,要查看护照上的签证贴纸或入境许可,并仔细阅读其上的说明。通常而言,16 周岁以上、并持有第四层级 (Tier 4) 学生签证的学生可以打工,每周工作时间不得超过 10 小时 ; 在高等教育机构接受大学学位及以上教育的学生每周最长可以工作 20 小时。但如果签证贴纸上有“ No work ” ( 不得工作 ) 或“ Work prohibite ” ( 禁止工作 ) 的字样,则不能在学习之余打工。16 岁以下的未成年人不得打工。

即使签证允许工作,工作种类也有限制。不得从事个体户、永久性的全职工作或作为职业运动员 / 运动教练 / 演艺人员进行工作,但学习音乐或舞蹈的学生可以有例外 : 这类学生能够参与专业表演的实习工作,但这个实习必须是由其所就读的学校安排、并且是课程中需要进行评价的一部分内容。

根据相关法规,学生在学期 ( 即学生应该上课、写作业与准备考试的期间 ) 内的工作时间被限制在每周 10 至 20 个小时,假期内的工作时间则不受限制。不过若想在假期做全职工作,最好提前征求导师的建议、并取得其同意。


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