什么时交互设计呢?交互设计(英文Interaction Design,缩写IXD),是定义、设计人造系统的行为的设计领域,它定义了两个或多个互动的个体之间交流的内容和结构,使之互相配合,共同达成某种目的。交互设计努力去创造和建立的是人与产品及服务之间有意义的关系,以&rquo;在充满社会复杂性的物质世界中嵌入信息技术&rquo;为中心。交互系统设计的目标可以从&rquo;可用性&rquo;和&rquo;用户体验&rquo;两个层面上进行分析,关注以人为本的用户需求。
MA Communication Design
作品集要求: MA Communication Design at Winchester School of Art is both practice an theory base. It is important that you emonstrate your artistic ability in a portfolio,as this will be the etermining factor for entry. Your portfolio shoul inclue evience of exploring how esign respons to evelopments in meia an igital culture,examples of work that shows an innovative an experimental approach to tackling a esign challenge,an examples of work that emonstrates an engagement with the full range of contemporary ‘communication esign’ not just graphics esign . Please inclue a variety of projects in your portfolio. Your portfolio shoul not excee ten megabytes in size.
作品集要求:Select one of the following two options on the screen:Image Uploa (25 iniviual images) [Refer to Note 4 below for further etails]Website link (a rop box or website link) [Refer to Note 5 below for further etails] Image Uploa (25 iniviual images)
If you have chosen this option you must uploa exactly 25 images,no more or less. Maximum size of 200kb per image
Images must be one of the following file types: .gif,.jpg,.png
Before you submit your 25 images,check each image to ensure you are happy with the size an level of etail you can see as this will be what GSA Amissions staff viewing your application will also see.
You will not be able to change your images once you have submitte your 25 images.
If you select this option a box will appear where you can type in a website aress or a Dropbox link.
MA Design: Expane Practice in Interaction & Technology
作品集要求:Applicants with a non-esign backgroun: you shoul submit a short piece of writing (500-1,000 wors) aroun a topic relevant to the programme (use this as an opportunity to articulate your views on topics that align with your chosen stuio) an a 10-page visual ocument relate to this topic. Your visual ocument provies a platform for inventive,insightful an iiosyncratic treatments of that topic. As an example to support your own approach,this visual ocument was evelope uring the exploratory phase of a sustainability project.