2019&2020 年的满位情况如下:
2018 年第四学期将于 12 月 12 日(周三)结束,所有教职工将于一月底休假,请务必 在 2018 年 11 月 30 日之前提交所有新申请。
2019 International Fees an Charges
2019 International Fees an Charges are available now. Please fin the attache.
Current 2019 & 2020 Vacancies(these may change at later stages)
We are please to let you know that we still have some availabilities for 2019 & 2020 as follows:
As our available places are fille up quickly,please o encourage your clients to submit applications as soon as they can.
2018 En of School Year
The Term 4 will en on Wenesay,12 December. All the teaching staff will be on leave an return in late January 2018. Please be avise tosubmit all new applications no later than 30 Nov. 2018.