商业分析专业,Business Analytics,简称 BA,是近几年新衍生出来的一个新型专业。越来越多的同学会找我咨询这个专业,同时随着热门度的提升,美国也有越来越多的学校开始开设这个专业。绝大部分学校专业命名就是 BA,但是也有少部分学校专业命名为 AA ( Applie Analytics )。接下来,我将系统的介绍一下 BA 这个专业,希望可以让大家能简单的了解一下商业分析这个专业。
BA 专业的课程设置主要就是围绕 商科,数学和计算机 三个方面,个人觉得和金融工程类似,但是由于兴起的时间并不长,所以课程难度低于金融工程,申请难度也比金融工程要低。但是这并不代表申请者不需要具备相关的背景,在你的成绩单上也要能看到你有这三方面的基础,那么你才具备申请的条件。不要求学的特别深,但是基础课程最好是都有学过。有很多学校官网上回明确写出有先决条件。
美国 US NEWS 排名前 100 的学校中,有接近 50 所开设 BA 硕士,大部分开设在商学院,也有少数开设在继续教育学院或者信息学院的,课程的侧重点也略有不同。另外呢,商业分析专业这个专业,是属于 STEM。这也是为什么近几年越来越多的的学生申请这个专业。
托福 : 106.5
GRE : 166 / 157 / 3.8
GPA : 3.7
学费:30*1936=58080 美元
(一共 30 个学分,每个学分 1936 美元)
Since the Master of Science in Data Science is a 30-creit egree program,most full-time stuents complete the program in three semesters (12 creits in the fall,12 creits in the spring,an 6 creits in the fall). Stuents must complete the program in five years. Please note that international stuents must be enrolle on a full-time basis,which is at least 12 creits per semester.
· an unergrauate egree
· prior quantitative coursework (i.e.,linear algebra,probability/statistics,etc.)
· prior introuctory to computer programming coursework (i.e.,Python,Java,C+,etc.)
GPA : 3.0
托福 / 雅思:
托福最低: 95
雅思最低: 7.5
The application for amission into the Master of Science in Analytics requires:
· Three letters of recommenation ( 3 封推荐信)
· Personal statement (500 wors) (个人陈述 500 词)
· Unofficial Transcripts from all unergrauate an grauate eucation attempte; minimum of 3.0 cumulative grae point average on 4.0 scale for unergrauate egree
· Unofficial GRE or GMAT score report
· Unofficial TOEFL or IELTS score report for International caniates who will/o not hol a egree from an institution where English is the primary language of instruction
· Resume or CV (no page limit) (没有页数限制)
· Caniate vieo (optional)
· Supplementary materials (optional), such as certificates or course escriptions
The total cost of the Master of Science in Analytics egree is about $85,000 to $95,000,epening on the stuent’s nees for cost of living.
The Master of Science in Analytics tuition for the2017-2018 acaemic year is $17,413per quarter. Our program spans over 5 quarters : the first fall,winter,spring,summer,an a secon fall quarter. Stuents grauate in December after their secon fall quarter. Tuition is ue for both fall quarters,winter,an spring quarters. During summer quarter,stuents fulfill their require internship an will not be bille for tuition.
学制:15 个月