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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-08 08:48

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>


梅西大学( Massey University )开设本科及硕士

Master of Construction ( C ) Quantity Surveying  ( Level9 ) 工程造价硕士

奥克兰小区  1 年制  每年 2 月开学    雅思要求: 6.5 ( 6.0 )

学费 36680NZD ( 2018 年)

Master of Construction(Quantity Survey)建造学(工程造价)硕士学位

Ø 学制 : 1 2 个月

Ø 学费: $35,6 20.00

Ø 开学时间: 2 月

Ø 课程 内容:

Ø The Master of Management is a 15-month,180-point programme stuie over five quarters. You will stuy core business courses before selecting from one of four specialisation options in Business,Accounting,International Business,or Marketing. You are able to confirm your choice of specialisation at the en of your secon quarter of stuy.

Ø You will also complete four professional evelopment moules as an important component of your egree. These will equip you with the professional skills that you will nee to enhance your employability an success in the business worl.

