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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-02 17:41

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

  • Describe how you have taken avantage of a significant eucational opportunity or worke to overcome an eucational barrier you have face.



Things to consier: An eucational opportunity can be anything that has ae value to your eucational experience an better prepare you for college. For example,participation in an honors or acaemic enrichment program,or enrollment in an acaemy that’s geare towar an occupation or a major,or taking avance courses that interest you &mash; just to name a few.

If you choose to write about eucational barriers you’ve face,how i you overcome or strive to overcome them? What personal characteristics or skills i you call on to overcome this challenge? How i overcoming this barrier help shape who are you toay?

在咨询规划的过程中,很多学生在文书的素材提供过程中不积极,拖到即将截止才给文书老师提供寥寥无几的素材,一是学生有拖拉的习惯,另外是因为学生没有参加足够的课外活动,不知道该如何写,因此不能凯凯而谈。在此,留求艺老师倡导准备出国读本科的学生提前 2-3 年进行长线规划,做能叫得上名的 5-10 个活动,有主线活动,有参与的活动,分层次的去准备,以便提供更多的素材,去全方位的在美国院校面前展示自己。


