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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-10 08:29

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



一般在加拿大移民需要专科或者以上学历才可以进行移民,但在萨省,高中毕业就可以进行移民申请。萨省的工人与萨斯喀彻温省工作经验申请 - SINP 中,其中有一类是具有现有工作许可证的半熟练农业工人(Semi-skille Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit),进行这一类别的申请人,学历只需要已完成相当于加拿大中学教育(高中)或以上的学历即可。具体要求1、从萨斯喀彻温省的雇主处获得永久性全职工作。该职位必须符合以下国家职业分类(NOC)职业(Have a permanent full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer. The job is require to be in the following National Occupation Classification-NOC Occupations)NOC 8431: General Farm Worker    NOC 8431:一般农场工人NOC 8432: Nursery an Greenhouse Worker      NOC 8432:托儿所和温室工人。2、拥有有效的SINP工作批准函; 和 (Have a vali SINP Job Approval Letter; an )3、为雇主提供工作超过六个月,并持有移民,难民和加拿大公民(IRCC)签发的有效工作许可证。您的永久性全职工作机会必须与您过去六个月工作的职位相同 (Have worke for more than six months for the employer offering you the job,with a vali work permit issue by Immigration,Refugees an Citizenship Canaa (IRCC) . Your permanent,full-time job offer must be for the same position that you have been working in for the past six months.)您的工作许可必须是以下项目之一(Your work permit must be for one of the following programs)季节性农业工人计划 (Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program)加拿大国际经验;或者是(International Experience Canaa; or the)临时外国劳工计划(Temporary Foreign Worker Program)4、已完成相当于加拿大中学教育(高中)或以上的学历,如有效的教育证书评估所示(Have complete the equivalent of a Canaian seconary school eucation (high school) or above,as emonstrate by a vali Eucational Creential Assessment. )5、如果您的工作机会属于NOC“C”职业,则必须具有加拿大语言基准(CLB)4的最低语言分数(Have a minimum language score of Canaian Language Benchmark - CLB if your job offer is in a NOC ‘C’ occupation.)谁不能通过萨斯喀彻温省的经验申请 - 具有现有工人许可子类别的农业工人?(Who Can’t Apply through the Saskatchewan Experience – Agriculture Worker with Existing Worker Permit Sub-Category?)以下内容不适用于此子类别(The following can’t apply through this sub-category)加拿大境内申请难民身份的难民申请人(Refugee claimants in Canaa who are claiming refugee status from the Government of Canaa)毕业生在加拿大移民,难民和公民(IRCC)签发的研究生工作许可证(您必须申请萨斯喀彻温省经验 - 学生子类别或国际技术工人 - 就业机会子类别)(Grauates working on a Post-Grauate Work Permit issue by Immigration,Refugees an Citizenship Canaa (IRCC) (you must apply to the Saskatchewan Experience - Stuent sub-category or the International Skille Worker - Employment Offer sub-category)

