第1位:普林斯顿大学princeton University
第2位:麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology
第3位:哈佛大学Harvard University
第3位:斯坦福大学Stanford University
第5位:耶鲁大学Yale University
第6位:宾夕法尼亚大学University of pennsylvania
第7位:加州理工学院California Institute of Technology
第7位:杜克大学Duke University
第9位:布朗大学Brown University
第9位:约翰斯·霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University
第9位:西北大学Northwestern University
第12位:哥伦比亚大学Columbia University
第12位:康奈尔大学Cornell University
第12位:芝加哥大学University of Chicago
第15位:加州大学伯克利分校University of California,Berkeley
第15位:加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California,Los Angeles
第17位:莱斯大学Rice University
第18位:达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College
第18位:范德比尔特大学Vanderbilt University
第20位:圣母大学University of Notre Dame
第21位:密歇根大学安娜堡分校University of Michigan--Ann Arbor
第22位:乔治敦大学Georgetown University
第22位:北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
第24位:卡内基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University
第24位:埃默里大学Emory University
第24位:弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia
第24位:圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University in St. Louis
第28位:加州大学戴维斯分校University of California,Davis
第28位:加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California,San Diego
第28位:佛罗里达大学University of Florida
第28位:南加州大学University of Southern California
第32位:得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas at Austin
第33位:乔治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology
第33位:加州大学欧文分校University of California,Irvine
第35位:纽约大学New York University
第35位:加州大学圣巴巴拉分校University of California,Santa Barbara
第35位:伊利诺伊香槟分校University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
第35位:威斯康星大学University of Wisconsin--Madison
第39位:波士顿学院Boston College
第40位:罗格斯大学-新不伦瑞克Rutgers University--New Brunswick
第40位:塔夫茨大学Tufts University
第40位:华盛顿大学University of Washington
第43位:波士顿大学Boston University
第43位:俄亥俄州立大学The Ohio State University
第43位:普渡大学——主校区purdue University--Main Campus
第46位:马里兰大学帕克学院University of Maryland,College park
第47位:李海大学Lehigh University
第47位:德克萨斯农工大学Texas A&M University
第47位:乔治亚大学University of Georgia
第47位:罗切斯特大学University of Rochester
第47位:弗吉尼亚理工大学Virginia Tech
第47位:维克森林大学Wake Forest University
usnews美国大学排名 | 英文名 | 大学名称 | 学费 | 招生人数 |
#1 | princeton University | 普林斯顿大学 | $59,710 | 5,604 |
#2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 麻省理工学院 | $60156 | 4,657 |
#3 | Harvard University | 哈佛大学 | $59076 | 7,240 |
#3 | Stanford University | 斯坦福大学 | $62484 | 8,049 |
#5 | Yale University | 耶鲁大学 | $64700 | 6,645 |
#6 | University of pennsylvania | 宾夕法尼亚大学 | $66104 | 9,760 |
#7 | California Institute of Technology | 加州理工学院 | $63255 | 982 |
#7 | Duke University | 杜克大学 | $66172 | 6,640 |
#9 | Brown University | 布朗大学 | $68230 | 7,639 |
#9 | Johns Hopkins University | 约翰霍普金斯大学 | $63340 | 6,044 |
#9 | Northwestern University | 西北大学 | $65997 | 8,659 |
#12 | Columbia University | 哥伦比亚大学 | $65524 | N/A |
#12 | Cornell University | 康奈尔大学 | $66014 | 15,735 |
#12 | University of Chicago | 芝加哥大学 | $65619 | 7,470 |
#15 | University of California,Berkeley | 加州大学伯克利分校 | $48465 (out-of-state)$15,891 (in-state) | 32,831 |
#15 | University of California,Los Angeles | 加州大学洛杉矶分校 | $46326 (out-of-state)$13,752 (in-state) | 32,423 |
#17 | Rice University | 莱斯大学 | $58128 | 4,494 |
#18 | Dartmouth College | 达特茅斯学院 | $65511 | 4,458 |
#18 | Vanderbilt University | 范德比尔特大学 | $63946 | 7,151 |
#20 | University of Notre Dame | 圣母大学 | $62693 | 8,971 |
#21 | University of Michigan--Ann Arbor | 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 | $57273 (out-of-state)$17,786 (in-state) | 32,695 |
#22 | Georgetown University | 乔治敦大学 | $65082 | 7,900 |
#22 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 | $39338 (out-of-state)$8,998 (in-state) | 20,210 |
#24 | Carnegie Mellon University | 卡耐基梅隆大学 | $63829 | 7,509 |
#24 | Emory University | 埃默里大学 | $60774 | 7,101 |
#24 | University of Virginia | 弗吉尼亚大学 | $58950 (out-of-state)$22,323 (in-state) | 17,496 |
#24 | Washington University in St. Louis | 圣路易斯的华盛顿大学 | $62982 | 8,132 |
#28 | University of California,Davis | 加州大学戴维斯分校 | $46043 (out-of-state)$15,266 (in-state) | 20,699 |
#28 | University of California,San Diego | 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 | $48630 (out-of-state)$16,056 (in-state) | 29,401 |
#28 | University of Florida | 佛罗里达大学 | $28658 (out-of-state)$6,381 (in-state) | 9,484 |
#28 | University of Southern California | 南加州大学 | $68237 | 6,815 |
#32 | University of Texas at Austin | 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 | $41070 (out-of-state)$11,698 (in-state) | 18,459 |
#33 | Georgia Institute of Technology | 佐治亚理工学院 | $32876 (out-of-state)$11,764 (in-state) | 5,624 |
#33 | University of California,Irvine | 加州大学欧文分校 | $47759 (out-of-state)$15,185 (in-state) | 6,767 |
#35 | New York University | 纽约大学 | $60438 | 5,447 |
#35 | University of California,Santa Barbara | 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 | $45658 (out-of-state)$14,881 (in-state) | 6,017 |
#35 | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 | $36068 (out-of-state)$17,572 (in-state) | 16,302 |
#35 | University of Wisconsin--Madison | 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 | $40603 (out-of-state)$11,205 (in-state) | 3,687 |
#39 | Boston College | 波士顿学院 | $67680 | 5,895 |
#40 | Rutgers University--New Brunswick | 罗格斯大学-新不伦瑞克 | $36001 (out-of-state)$17,239 (in-state) | 6,115 |
#40 | Tufts University | 塔夫斯大学 | $67844 | 11,482 |
#40 | University of Washington | 华盛顿大学 | $41997 (out-of-state)$12,643 (in-state) | 15,421 |
#43 | Boston University | 波士顿大学 | $65168 | 12,504 |
#43 | The Ohio State University | 俄亥俄州立大学 | $36722 (out-of-state)$12,485 (in-state) | 6,989 |
#43 | purdue University--Main Campus | 普渡大学-主校区 | $28794 (out-of-state)$9,992 (in-state) | 7,350 |
#46 | University of Maryland,College park | 马里兰大学帕克分校 | $40306 (out-of-state)$11,505 (in-state) | 3,662 |
#47 | Lehigh University | 利哈伊大学 | $62180 | 3,988 |
#47 | Texas A&M University | 德州农工大学 | $40607 (out-of-state)$12,413 (in-state) | 5,246 |
#47 | University of Georgia | 佐治亚大学 | $30220 (out-of-state)$11,180 (in-state) | 7,528 |
#47 | University of Rochester | 罗切斯特大学 | $64384 | 10,098 |
#47 | Virginia Tech | 弗吉尼亚理工大学 | $36090 (out-of-state)$15,478 (in-state) | 7,056 |
#47 | Wake Forest University | 维克森林大学 | $64758 | 15,213 |
#53 | Case Western Reserve University | 凯斯西储大学 | $62234 | 5,084 |
#53 | Florida State University | 佛罗里达州立大学 | $21683 (out-of-state)$6,517 (in-state) | 7,299 |
#53 | Northeastern University | 东北大学 | $63141 | 12,482 |
#53 | University of Minnesota,Twin Cities | 明尼苏达大学双城分校 | $36402 (out-of-state)$16,488 (in-state) | 3,125 |
#53 | William & Mary | 威廉与玛丽 | $48841 (out-of-state)$25,041 (in-state) | 13,940 |
#58 | Stony Brook University--SUNY | 石溪大学(Stony Brook University | $30350 (out-of-state)$10,560 (in-state) | 10,523 |
#58 | University of Connecticut | 康涅狄格大学 | $43034 (out-of-state)$20,366 (in-state) | 5,669 |
#60 | Brandeis University | 布兰代斯大学 | $62722 | 7,917 |
#60 | Michigan State University | 密歇根州立大学 | $41958 (out-of-state)$15,372 (in-state) | 7,426 |
#60 | North Carolina State University | 北卡罗莱纳州立大学 | $31976 (out-of-state)$9,105 (in-state) | 2,207 |
#60 | The pennsylvania State University--University park | 宾夕法尼亚州立大学-大学公园 | $38651 (out-of-state)$19,835 (in-state) | 1,401 |
#60 | Rensselaer polytechnic Institute | 伦斯勒理工学院 | $61884 | 9,809 |
#60 | Santa Clara University | 圣克拉拉大学 | $59241 | 6,018 |
#60 | University of California,Merced | 加州大学默塞德分校 | $43777 (out-of-state)$13,000 (in-state) | 4,290 |
#67 | George Washington University | 乔治华盛顿大学 | $64990 | 4,757 |
#67 | Syracuse University | 锡拉丘兹大学 | $63061 | 6,160 |
#67 | University of Massachusetts--Amherst | 马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校 | $39293 (out-of-state)$17,357 (in-state) | 7,869 |
#67 | University of Miami | 迈阿密大学 | $59926 | 6,337 |
#67 | University of pittsburgh | 匹兹堡大学 | $39890 (out-of-state)$21,524 (in-state) | 8,416 |
#67 | Villanova University | 维拉诺瓦大学 | $64906 | 2,668 |
#73 | Binghamton University--SUNY | 宾厄姆顿大学,纽约州立大学 | $28203 (out-of-state)$10,363 (in-state) | 2,389 |
#73 | Indiana University--Bloomington | 印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校, | $40482 (out-of-state)$11,790 (in-state) | 11,703 |
#73 | Tulane University | 杜兰大学 | $65538 | 3,771 |
#76 | Colorado School of Mines | 科罗拉多矿业学院 | $42120 (out-of-state)$20,040 (in-state) | 3,294 |
#76 | pepperdine University | 佩珀代因大学 | $66742 | 14,134 |
#76 | Stevens Institute of Technology | 史蒂文斯理工学院 | $60952 | 5,095 |
#76 | University at Buffalo--SUNY | 纽约州立大学布法罗分校 | $30571 (out-of-state)$10,781 (in-state) | 6,012 |
#76 | University of California,Riverside | 加州大学河滨分校 | $46266 (out-of-state)$13,692 (in-state) | 1,789 |
#76 | University of Delaware | 特拉华大学 | $39720 (out-of-state)$16,080 (in-state) | 5,055 |
#82 | Rutgers University--Newark | 罗格斯大学,纽瓦克 | $35348 (out-of-state)$16,586 (in-state) | 4,099 |
#82 | University of California,Santa Cruz | 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校 | $47862 (out-of-state)$15,288 (in-state) | 15,652 |
#82 | University of Illinois--Chicago | 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 | $32833 (out-of-state)$17,811 (in-state) | 5,942 |
#82 | Worcester polytechnic Institute | 伍斯特理工学院 | $58870 | 4,859 |
#86 | Clemson University | 克莱姆森大学 | $39502 (out-of-state)$15,558 (in-state) | 6,073 |
#86 | Marquette University | 马凯特大学 | $48700 | 2,414 |
#86 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | 新泽西理工学院 | $34972 (out-of-state)$18,512 (in-state) | 3,011 |
#89 | Fordham University | 福特汉姆大学 | $61567 | 2,835 |
#89 | Southern Methodist University | 南卫理公会大学 | $64460 | 4,143 |
#89 | Temple University | 天普大学 | $35956 (out-of-state)$21,095 (in-state) | 6,110 |
#89 | University of South Florida | 南佛罗里达大学 | $17324 (out-of-state)$6,410 (in-state) | 3,672 |
#93 | Auburn University | 奥本大学 | $33944 (out-of-state)$12,536 (in-state) | 2,629 |
#93 | Baylor University | 贝勒大学 | $54844 | 3,156 |
#93 | Gonzaga University | 贡扎加大学 | $53500 | 1,126 |
#93 | Loyola Marymount University | 洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学 | $58489 | 4,860 |
#93 | University of Iowa | 爱荷华大学 | $32927 (out-of-state)$10,964 (in-state) | 2,647 |
#98 | Drexel University | 德雷塞尔大学 | $60663 | 2,776 |
#98 | Illinois Institute of Technology | 伊利诺伊理工学院 | $51763 | 7,208 |
#98 | Rochester Institute of Technology | 罗切斯特理工学院 | $57016 | 2,782 |
#98 | Rutgers University--Camden | 罗格斯大学,卡姆登 | $35841 (out-of-state)$17,079 (in-state) | 2,349 |
#98 | Texas Christian University | 德克萨斯基督教大学 | $57220 | 4,860 |
#98 | University of Oregon | 俄勒冈大学 | $41194 (out-of-state)$14,751 (in-state) | 1,499 |
#98 | University of San Diego | 圣地亚哥大学 | $56444 | 1,639 |
#105 | American University | 美国大学 | $56544 | 6,782 |
#105 | Arizona State University | 亚利桑那州立大学 | $32193 (out-of-state)$12,051 (in-state) | 1,938 |
#105 | California State University--Long Beach | 加州州立大学长滩分校 | $17200 (out-of-state)$6,904 (in-state) | 2,005 |
#105 | CUNY--City College | 城市大学城市学院, | $19010 (out-of-state)$7,340 (in-state) | 2,416 |
#105 | George Mason University | 乔治梅森大学 | $37976 (out-of-state)$13,812 (in-state) | 2,729 |
#105 | Saint Louis University | 圣路易斯大学 | $53244 | 1,777 |
#105 | San Diego State University | 圣地亚哥州立大学 | $20170 (out-of-state)$8,290 (in-state) | 6,971 |
#105 | University of Colorado Boulder | 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 | $41966 (out-of-state)$13,622 (in-state) | 31,103 |
#105 | University of Tennessee,Knoxville | 田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校 | $31434 (out-of-state)$13,244 (in-state) | 27,039 |
#105 | Yeshiva University | 叶史瓦大学 | $49900 | |
#115 | Brigham Young University | 杨百翰大学 | $64963 | |
#115 | Howard University | 霍华德大学 | $33344 | |
#115 | Iowa State University of Science and Technology | 爱荷华州立科技大学 | $26617 (out-of-state)$10,133 (in-state) | 25,241 |
#115 | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry | 纽约州立大学环境科学与林业学院 | $21036 (out-of-state)$9,206 (in-state) | 1,621 |
#115 | University of Arizona | 亚利桑那大学 | $37355 (out-of-state)$12,937 (in-state) | 40,407 |
#115 | University of New Hampshire | 新罕布什尔大学 | $38882 (out-of-state)$19,112 (in-state) | 11,480 |
#115 | University of San Francisco | 旧金山大学 | $58222 | |
#115 | The University of Texas at Dallas | 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 | $44812 (out-of-state)$16,412 (in-state) | 21,617 |
#115 | University of Utah | 犹他大学 | $33045 (out-of-state)$10,287 (in-state) | 26,355 |
#124 | Creighton University | 克莱顿大学 | $47000 | |
#124 | Fairfield University | 费尔菲尔德大学 | $56360 | |
#124 | Florida International University | 佛罗里达国际大学 | $18964 (out-of-state)$6,566 (in-state) | 45,442 |
#124 | James Madison University | 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学 | $30790 (out-of-state)$13,576 (in-state) | 20,346 |
#124 | University of Central Florida | 中佛罗里达大学 | $22467 (out-of-state)$6,368 (in-state) | 58,749 |
#124 | University of Denver | 丹佛大学 | $59340 | |
#124 | University of Missouri | 密苏里大学 | $34322 (out-of-state)$14,122 (in-state) | 23,752 |
#124 | University of Oklahoma | 俄克拉荷马大学 | $25880 (out-of-state)$9,312 (in-state) | 21,294 |
#124 | University of South Carolina | 南卡莱罗纳大学 | $33928 (out-of-state)$12,688 (in-state) | 27,343 |
#133 | California State University--Fullerton | 加州州立大学富勒顿分校 | $18954 (out-of-state)$7,074 (in-state) | 35,239 |
#133 | Chapman University | 查普曼大学 | $62784 | |
#133 | Elon University | 伦大学 | $44536 | |
#133 | Miami University--Oxford | 迈阿密大学,牛津大学 | $38127 (out-of-state)$17,055 (in-state) | 16,865 |
#133 | University at Albany--SUNY | 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 | $28998 (out-of-state)$10,408 (in-state) | 12,264 |
#133 | University of Dayton | 代顿大学 | $47600 | |
#133 | University of Houston | 休斯顿大学 | $27110 (out-of-state)$11,870 (in-state) | 37,943 |
#133 | University of Maryland,Baltimore County | 马里兰大学,巴尔的摩县 | $30308 (out-of-state)$12,952 (in-state) | 10,625 |
#133 | University of Vermont | 佛蒙特大学 | $43890 (out-of-state)$18,890 (in-state) | 11,898 |
#142 | Clarkson University | 克拉克森大学 | $57950 | |
#142 | Clark University | 克拉克大学 | $55187 | |
#142 | Loyola University Chicago | 芝加哥洛约拉大学 | $51706 | |
#142 | Oregon State University | 俄勒冈州立大学 | $35664 (out-of-state)$13,494 (in-state) | 28,905 |
#142 | Thomas Jefferson University | 托马斯·杰斐逊大学 | $45733 | |
#142 | University of Alabama at Birmingham | 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 | $26520 (out-of-state)$11,040 (in-state) | 13,032 |
#142 | University of Cincinnati | 辛辛那提大学 | $27140 (out-of-state)$13,530 (in-state) | 29,989 |
#142 | University of the pacific | 太平洋大学 | $55340 | |
#142 | Virginia Commonwealth University | 弗吉尼亚联邦大学 | $38247 (out-of-state)$16,353 (in-state) | 20,958 |
#151 | Colorado State University | 科罗拉多州立大学 | $33752 (out-of-state)$12,896 (in-state) | 26,062 |
#151 | Depaul University | 德保罗大学 | $44460 | |
#151 | Duquesne University | 杜肯大学 | $47146 | |
#151 | Michigan Technological University | 密歇根理工大学 | $41340 (out-of-state)$18,392 (in-state) | 5,710 |
#151 | Seton Hall University | 西顿霍尔大学 | $51370 | |
#151 | Simmons University | 西蒙斯大学 | $45538 | |
#151 | University of Kansas | 堪萨斯大学 | $28035 (out-of-state)$11,167 (in-state) | 19,241 |
#151 | University of Rhode Island | 罗德岛大学 | $35804 (out-of-state)$16,408 (in-state) | 13,927 |
#159 | Stockton University | 斯托克顿大学 | $23420 (out-of-state)$15,532 (in-state) | 8,138 |
#159 | University of Kentucky | 肯塔基大学 | $33406 (out-of-state)$13,212 (in-state) | 22,735 |
#159 | University of Massachusetts--Lowell | 马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校 | $35396 (out-of-state)$16,570 (in-state) | 12,391 |
#159 | University of Nebraska -- Lincoln | 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 | $27748 (out-of-state)$10,108 (in-state) | 19,189 |
#163 | Adelphi University | 艾德菲大学 | $47290 | |
#163 | Montclair State University | 蒙特克莱尔州立大学 | $22470 (out-of-state)$14,767 (in-state) | 17,290 |
#163 | Rowan University | 罗文大学 | $25564 (out-of-state)$15,700 (in-state) | 15,264 |
#163 | Seattle University | 美国西雅图大学 | $54285 | |
#163 | St. John's University (NY) | 圣约翰大学(纽约) | $50110 | |
#163 | University of Mississippi | 密西西比大学 | $26980 (out-of-state)$9,412 (in-state) | 17,302 |
#163 | University of St. Thomas (MN) | 圣托马斯大学 | $52284 | |
#170 | California State University--San Bernardino | 加州州立大学圣贝纳迪诺分校 | $14311 (out-of-state)$7,679 (in-state) | 16,813 |
#170 | Florida A&M University | 佛罗里达农工大学 | $17725 (out-of-state)$5,785 (in-state) | 7,709 |
#170 | Kansas State University | 堪萨斯州立大学 | $27816 (out-of-state)$10,942 (in-state) | 15,046 |
#170 | Mercer University | 美世大学 | $40890 | |
#170 | Quinnipiac University | 昆尼皮亚克大学 | $53090 | |
#170 | The University of Alabama | 阿拉巴马大学 | $33200 (out-of-state)$11,900 (in-state) | 32,458 |
#170 | University of Hawaii at Manoa | 夏威夷大学马诺阿分校 | $34218 (out-of-state)$12,186 (in-state) | 14,198 |
#170 | University of La Verne | 拉凡恩大学 | $48300 | |
#178 | The Catholic University of America | 美国天主教大学 | $55834 | |
#178 | Drake University | 德雷克大学 | $50114 | |
#178 | Ohio University | 俄亥俄大学 | $24114 (out-of-state)$13,746 (in-state) | 17,860 |
#178 | San Francisco State University | 旧金山州立大学 | $19404 (out-of-state)$7,524 (in-state) | 21,868 |
#178 | University of Arkansas | 阿肯色大学 | $28772 (out-of-state)$9,748 (in-state) | 26,269 |
#178 | University of North Carolina--Charlotte | 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 | $21338 (out-of-state)$7,214 (in-state) | 23,461 |
#178 | Washington State University | 华盛顿州立大学 | $29073 (out-of-state)$12,997 (in-state) | 22,612 |
#185 | Bradley University | 布拉德利大学 | $39680 | |
#185 | California State University,Fresno | 加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校 | $13112 (out-of-state)$6,974 (in-state) | 21,305 |
#185 | Hofstra University | 霍夫斯特拉大学 | $55450 | |
#185 | Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge | 路易斯安那州立大学巴吞鲁日分校 | $28631 (out-of-state)$11,954 (in-state) | 30,952 |
#185 | Missouri University of Science and Technology | 密苏里科技大学 | $31862 (out-of-state)$14,462 (in-state) | 5,501 |
#185 | Oklahoma State University | 俄克拉荷马州立大学 | $24764 (out-of-state)$9,244 (in-state) | 20,801 |
#185 | Samford University | 桑佛德大学 | $38144 | |
#185 | St. John Fisher University | 圣约翰费希尔大学 | $39666 | |
#185 | University of Detroit Mercy | 底特律大学 | $31058 | |
#185 | University of Idaho | 爱达荷大学 | $28052 (out-of-state)$8,816 (in-state) | 8,809 |
#195 | East Carolina University | 东卡罗莱纳大学 | $23602 (out-of-state)$7,325 (in-state) | 21,688 |
#195 | Russell Sage College | 罗素塞奇学院 | $36756 | |
#195 | Touro University | 特罗大学 | $21810 | |
#195 | University of Louisville | 路易斯维尔大学 | $29174 (out-of-state)$12,828 (in-state) | 15,921 |
#195 | University of Nevada,Reno | 内华达大学里诺分校 | $25950 (out-of-state)$8,994 (in-state) | 16,973 |
#195 | University of Tulsa | 塔尔萨大学 | $48102 | |
#201 | Indiana University-purdue University--Indianapolis | 印第安纳大学-普渡大学-印第安纳波利斯 | $33717 (out-of-state)$10,449 (in-state) | 17,727 |
#201 | La Salle University | 拉萨尔大学 | $35520 | |
#201 | The New School | 新学派 | $56244 | |
#201 | Robert Morris University | 罗伯特莫里斯大学 | $34740 | |
#201 | University of North Carolina--Wilmington | 北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校 | $22985 (out-of-state)$7,317 (in-state) | 14,294 |
#201 | Valparaiso University | 瓦尔帕莱索大学 | $46588 | |
#201 | Wayne State University | 韦恩州立大学 | $31614 (out-of-state)$14,925 (in-state) | 16,116 |
#201 | Xavier University | 泽维尔大学 | $48125 | |
#209 | Chatham University | 查塔姆大学 | $43810 | |
#209 | Florida Atlantic University | 佛罗里达大西洋大学 | $21655 (out-of-state)$6,099 (in-state) | 24,229 |
#209 | Illinois State University | 伊利诺斯州立大学 | $27011 (out-of-state)$15,171 (in-state) | 18,055 |
#209 | pacific University | 太平洋大学 | $54466 | |
#209 | Sacred Heart University | 圣心大学 | $48460 | |
#209 | University of Massachusetts--Dartmouth | 马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校 | $30992 (out-of-state)$14,854 (in-state) | 5,517 |
#209 | West Chester University of pennsylvania | 宾夕法尼亚西切斯特大学 | $22261 (out-of-state)$10,687 (in-state) | 14,392 |
#216 | Ball State University | 波尔州立大学 | $28766 (out-of-state)$10,758 (in-state) | 14,416 |
#216 | The College of St. Scholastica | 圣斯考拉斯蒂卡学院 | $40454 | |
#216 | Mississippi State University | 密西西比州立大学 | $26580 (out-of-state)$9,815 (in-state) | 18,305 |
#216 | Springfield College | 斯普林菲尔德学院 | $43707 | |
#216 | St. Catherine University | 圣凯瑟琳大学 | $49758 | |
#216 | Texas Tech University | 德克萨斯理工大学 | $24092 (out-of-state)$11,852 (in-state) | 32,579 |
#216 | University of Massachusetts--Boston | 马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校 | $37211 (out-of-state)$15,535 (in-state) | 12,221 |
#216 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | 北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校 | $22539 (out-of-state)$7,379 (in-state) | 14,198 |
#216 | University of St. Thomas (TX) | 圣托马斯大学 | $33660 | |
#216 | University of Wyoming | 怀俄明大学 | $22718 (out-of-state)$6,938 (in-state) | 8,518 |
#216 | West Virginia University | 西弗吉尼亚大学 | $26568 (out-of-state)$9,360 (in-state) | 19,059 |
#227 | Georgia State University | 佐治亚州立大学 | $29306 (out-of-state)$10,268 (in-state) | 28,927 |
#227 | Kent State University | 肯特州立大学 | $22316 (out-of-state)$12,846 (in-state) | 20,418 |
#227 | Misericordia University | Misericordia大学 | $38370 | |
#227 | Nova Southeastern University | 诺瓦东南大学 | $37080 | |
#227 | University of Alabama at Huntsville | 阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校 | $24770 (out-of-state)$11,878 (in-state) | 7,169 |
#227 | University of puerto Rico--Rio piedras | 波多黎各大学里奥彼德拉斯分校 | $$2,168 (out-of-state)$5,324 (in-state) | N/A |
#227 | University of Texas Rio Grande Valley | 德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷分校 | $19333 (out-of-state)$9,538 (in-state) | 26,434 |
#227 | Western Carolina University | 西卡罗莱纳大学 | $$8,532 (out-of-state)$4,532 (in-state) | 9,956 |
#227 | Widener University | 威得恩大学 | $53638 | 2,555 |
#236 | Azusa pacific University | 亚利桑那太平洋大学 | $42330 | 2,588 |
#236 | Belmont University | 贝尔蒙特大学 | $41320 | 7,376 |
#236 | Bethel University (MN) | 伯特利大学(明尼苏达) | $42930 | 2,533 |
#236 | Biola University | 拜欧拉大学 | $46704 | 3,499 |
#236 | Gallaudet University | 加劳德特大学 | $18254 | 914 |