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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-02 18:53

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>


Olin 商学院于2014年秋天设立数据分析专业,起初侧重市场分析,名字为MS in Customer Analytics。后来更名为MS in Business Analytics,除原有Customer Analytics的track外还增加了 Healthcare Analytics,Supply Chain Analytics,an Financial Technology Analytics三个新的方向。对于申请高端院校BA 的 同学们 来说,WUSL 的MSBA 项目是不容错过的。针对申请中非常重要的vieo面试环节,希望以下攻略可以帮到大家。


开通 WUSL 网申之后,首先需要填写个人信息以及和国际生相关信息,在以上信息完成之后,注册网申的邮箱中会收到邀请录制vieo的邮件。邮件title一般为You’ve been invite to an assessment for Master of Science in ××。


点击绿色的的 check in 按钮就可以跳转到Kira的录制平台。开始vieo录制。



Google Chrome 59 or above

Mozilla Firefox 52 or above

Microsoft Ege 14 or above

Internet Explorer 11 or above

Safari 10 or above


在开始正式录制前,都有无限次练习的机会。每次练习中会有两个问题,在练习的过程中,熟悉录制流程,自己的语速控制,以及个人在屏幕中的形象等问题。此外 深圳留求艺留学 建议:提前收集面经过往申请季或当季的面经,充实自己的题库,及早进行准备;还需要提前测试网速,避免网络问题导致的录制不了的情况。在精心准备面经,熟练掌握流程,做好心理建设之后,开始进入到正式录制 vieo的过程中。


WUSL 商学院的vieo问题包含6个口语问题和一个写作问题。每个口语问题有 30S准备时间和 45S 回答时间。针对准备过程中是否开始录制的问题,Kira平台给出来的是这样的解释:

在正式回答问题前的这段准备时间,系统不进行录制的,并且在还剩 3秒钟的时候开始倒数,提醒申请人要开始正式录制啦。是不是很贴心。申请人可以利用好这段时间整理思路,查看自己在屏幕中的形象,及时的调整开始正式录制。



Three things we shoul know about you?.

Your favorite movie or book ?

Why customer analytics is right for you ?

Leaer or mentor you worke with.  What o you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills an attributes you most amire.

Why St. Louis

Top three reasons for choosing Olin ?

写作题目: A stuent is selecte as Class Presient an is scheule to accept the position an speak to the entire stuent boy on Friay. On Wenesay it is iscovere that the stuent has not complete a self-stuy course requirement that is manatory for all stuent senate representatives. The course takes a week to be complete. Given that the stuent has not starte the coursework an will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friay,please escribe what actions shoul be taken in orer to resolve the situation


Three things we shoul know about you?

What interests you most about St.Louis?

The traits or skills you have will help you be valuable in the professional analytics market?

Your favorite movie or book?

What excites you most about stuying at Olin?

Why MSBA is right for you?

写作题目: A stuent is selecte as Class Presient an is scheule to accept the position an speak to the entire stuent boy on Friay. On Wenesay it is iscovere that the stuent has not complete a self-stuy course requirement that is manatory for all stuent senate representatives. The course takes a week to be complete. Given that the stuent has not starte the coursework an will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friay,please escribe what actions shoul be taken in orer to resolve the situation


Three things we shoul know about you?

Favorite foo

Why St.Lousi

Favorite things about Olin

How to make impact in finance inustry an relevant to your career goals?

What’s the most challenging course in your unergrauate stuy,


总结下来的话 WUSL商学院的面试题目还是有很高的重合度,和去年申请季的情况也十分类似,有好的借鉴性,同学 们在好好准备的基础上,相信面试一定可以游刃有余。

