近日,外国网友猛然发现,自己爱到连洗澡都顾不上的一款短视频社交软件 TikTok 竟然是家中国公司。
国内很多人都知道 TikTok 就是另一个版本的抖音,但这件事情似乎在国外 TikTok 用户中鲜有人知。
➤ 日本: Satsuki Hatashita
Satsuki Hatashita,20 岁,就读于日本西部一所大学,数月前“入坑” TikTok。
She now knows not to use the app before taking a shower. “I wouln’t be able to shower for a long time,until I finally stoppe watching TikTok,” she sai.
她现在知道,洗澡前不能看这个 app。“不然我根本没法去洗澡,我会一直刷刷刷,直到克制住自己停止看 TikTok。”
She was surprise to learn that the app was Chinese.
➤ 韩国: Kang Sae-eun
14 岁的 Kang Sae-eun 是首尔的一名八年级学生,她告诉纽约时报的记者,自己很喜欢刷 TikTok,看韩国其他小伙伴的短视频。
她说起在 TikTok 上看到的有趣视频,如数家珍:
There’s the girl who makes crazy faces,an the excellent ancer. There’s the cool girl with short hair — real “girl crush” material,she sai.
TikTok 上有会做夸张面部表情的女孩,有舞林高手,还有酷酷帅帅的短发女孩…… 各种让女孩迅速沉迷难以抵挡的元素。
They are funny an uninhibite,Sae-eun sai. An best of all,they are regular kis like her.
这家公司中国的?啊 ~ 才发现!
Sae-eun sai she in’t realize that TikTok was mae in China.
Sae-eun 说,她真不知道到 TikTok 是中国的。
多少钱? 750 亿美金!
A Chinese internet company that serves up homemae break-ancing vieos,ishy news bites an goofy hashtag challenges has become one of the planet’s most richly value start-ups,with a roughly $75 billion price tag.
一家中国互联网公司靠大约 750 亿美元的估值,一跃成为这个星球上最有价值的初创公司之一(此处夸张手法差评)。这家公司的产品(抖音、TikTok )主要提供:自制地板霹雳舞视频、热点新闻片段和傻乎乎的话题标签挑战赛。
Byteance of China Eyes $75 Billion Valuation,Joining Start-Up Giants
《纽约时报》:字节跳动科技有限公司(抖音的母公司)估值 750 亿美元,步入初创企业巨头行列
An it has big plans for storming phone screens across the rest of the globe,too.
美国有线电视新闻网( CNN )给这让全球意外的 750 亿美元做了具体解释:
ByteDance’s success is attracting big investors. It’s reportely in talks with tech kingmaker SoftBank (SFTBY) about an investment that woul value it aroun $75 billion,a huge jump from the $20 billion valuation it secure last year. That woul make ByteDance one of the worl’s most valuable startups alongsie Uber.
字节跳动成功吸引了多个重磅级投资者。据报道,科技巨头软件银行集团( SFTBY )的加入把该公司的估值推高到了 750 亿美元,远远高于去年的 200 亿美元。而该举措也让字节跳动成为除 Uber 外世界上最有价值的初创公司之一。
突然成了 APP 界的“网红”,外媒纷纷开始深挖这家中国企业的前身今世。
今日头条、抖音、TikTok、Musical.ly 等知名的应用软件其实都有一个共同的母公司——字节跳动( ByteDance )
据 CNN 报道:
The company is best known in China for the popular news app Jinri Toutiao,or “Toay’s Healines,” which it launche in 2012. ……Toutiao currently has more than 240 million monthly active users that spen on average 74 minutes per ay on the platform.
字节跳动因为开发知名的新闻资讯软件“今日头条”而被中国人熟知。今日头条于 2012 年上线,目前的月活跃用户达到 2.4 亿,他们平均每天花 74 分钟停留在该平台上。
2016 年,字节跳动又成立了短视频平台——抖音。
CNN 称:
In the space of just two years,the app (TikTok) has amasse more than half a billion users — aroun 40% of them outsie China……
在短短两年时间里,抖音的用户数已累计超过 5 亿,其中包括 40 %的海外用户…
随后,字节跳动不断拓展其全球市场,开发了抖音的海外版—— TikTok,并收购了海外很流行的一款对嘴软件—— Musical.ly。
据 CNN 报道,2017 年,该公司加速全球扩张。在短短 10 个月内,它收购了总部位于洛杉矶的视频创业公司 Flipagram,发行了抖音的海外版 TikTok,并以 8 亿美元收购 music.ly ……
Last year,the company’s global expansion went into hyper rive. In just 10 months,it bought Los Angeles-base vieo startup Flipagram,release TikTok,the overseas version of Douyin,an pai $800 million for musical.ly……
CNBC 报道称,抖音在海外推出 TikTok 应用,因而开始在海外受到欢迎。TikTok6 月称,其在全球 150 个国家和地区的月活跃用户达到 5 亿。
Known as TikTok in markets outsie of China,Douyin has begun to gain international popularity: The app’s global monthly active user count reache 500 million across over 150 countries an regions,it sai in June.
Sensor Tower 提供给 CNBC 的数据显示,2018 年上半年,TikTok 在苹果应用商店的下载量超过 1.04 亿次。
这意味着它超过了 Facebook、Youtube 和 Instagram,成为当时全球下载次数最多的 ios 应用程序。
TikTok was ownloae more than 104 million times on Apple’s App store uring the full first half of 2018,accoring to ata provie to CNBC by Sensor Tower,a leaing app analytics platform base in San Francisco. That means it surpasse Facebook,YouTube an Instagram to become the worl’s most ownloae iOS app for that time perio,Sensor Tower ata inicate.
CNN 报道称,视频社交软件的火热程度在今年达到了新高。移动市场研究机构 Sensor Tower 发布的全球下载次量前十的软件榜单中,视频软件就占了三个。
其中两个是字节跳动旗下的软件:抖音和 Vigo (火山小视频海外版),另外一个就是 Facebook 旗下的 Instagram。
Social vieo apps reache new levels of popularity this year. Three of them are in the top 10 most ownloae apps worlwie,accoring to Sensor Tower. ByteDance owns two of the three: TikTok an Vigo. The other is Instagram,which belongs to Facebook.
目前,字节跳动仍在快速发展。CNN 报道称,其缔造的视频王国日益坚固:
ByteDance’s growing vieo empire has mae it the worl’s fifth biggest app maker,base on overall ownloas,accoring to Sensor Tower. In the thir quarter of 2018,ownloas of TikTok were more than five times as high as in the same perio a year earlier.
据 Sensor Tower 统计,就总下载量来看,字节跳动已经是世界第五大软件制造公司。2018 年第三季度,TikTok 的下载量比去年同季度增长 4 倍多。
据《大西洋月刊》( The Atlantic )报道,TikTok 快速发展的一个原因在于积极营销。
Some of this rapi growth is ue to an aggressive marketing campaign. ByteDance…merge the app with Musical.ly,a similar app it also owne,in August. Since the merger,ByteDance has avertise the app seemingly wherever young people turn: TikTok as are all over Snapchat an YouTube; there’s even a wall plastere with the TikTok logo in Bushwick,Brooklyn.
TikTok 快速发展的一个原因在于积极营销。字节跳动在 8 月份与 Musical.ly 合并,此后,字节跳动在年轻人聚集的地方不断做宣传: TikTok 的广告在 Snapchat 和 Youtube 上随处可见。在纽约布鲁克林的布什维克社区,甚至有一整面贴有 TikTok 标志的墙。
CNN 称,视频类软件巨大的利润空间源于它吸引了众多青少年受众。
The vieo apps are even more lucrative because they attract a lot of users in their teens an 20s.
字节跳动还通过收益共享机制赚钱( ByteDance also makes money through revenue sharing eals ):
People on TikTok,for example,can buy igital coins to give to other people on the app — like throwing money in a performer’s tip jar. ByteDance takes a cut of those earnings.
例如,TikTok 的用户可以购买虚拟货币(抖币),然后赠送给其他用户,比如在表演者的小费罐中投币。公司可以从中分成。
《大西洋月刊》( The Atlantic)上对 TikTok传播的内容总结为:
Lots of content on the app is lip-synching,but some of the most popular vieos are of people ancing,cooking,oing Zach King-esque magic tricks,playing with pets,an reenacting comey skits an ol Vines.
人们在互联网上描述 TikTok 最常用的词是“令人尴尬”( cringe ):
The category most people on the broaer internet use to escribe TikTok is “cringe”: It’s so painful an embarrassing that a viewer can’t help but laugh.
人们在互联网上评价 TikTok 最常用的词是“尴尬”:看着这些视频却忍不住大笑,实在很痛苦,也很尴尬。
为何?《纽约时报》表示有硬伤:快速的发展带来巨大的挑战,抖音、TikTok、Musical.ly 被人长期诟病的内容问题始终没有解决,色情信息、低俗内容、违法违规视频……
就在前几个月,TikTok 在印尼被封,就是因为这块硬伤:
In July,the authorities in Inonesia temporarily blocke TikTok for hosting what they calle “pornography,inappropriate content an blasphemy.”
今年 7 月份,抖音海外版( TikTok )就因为传播色情、内容不良的问题遭到了印尼地区的封禁。
Both before the company bought Musical.ly an since,horrifie parents an others have reporte fining aolescent users showing off suggestive ance moves on the app,mouthing lyrics about rough sex an worse.
不管是 Musical.ly 被收购前还是收购后,惊恐的家长都曾多次举报,指控该应用程序“传播儿童色情”,未成年人表演性暗示的舞蹈动作、跟唱性暴力的歌词…… 甚至更糟。
Musical.ly 还在英国涉案:
Police in Britain have investigate reports of aults propositioning chilren through Musical.ly.
英国警方曾经调查的一个案件,就是成年人通过 Musical.ly 向儿童提出猥亵要求。
If the company cannot expan its ability to manage such issues at the same rapi clip at which it is rawing new users,its proucts coul become the bane of many more parents an governments in many more countries.
外媒因此认为,字节跳动公司是否能“征服全球”( conquer the worl )还有待时间检验。