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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-10 11:33

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>




1. 圣诞和春节赴澳签证申请高峰即将来临,为避免延误,中国的澳大利亚签证处建议您尽早递交签证申请,请勿等到最后一刻!

2. 为帮助我们尽快评审您的签证申请,您应递交完整的签证申请以及签证材料。我们将根据您递交申请时提供的信息做出决定。

3. 在移民局官网可以随时查询 全球范围内签证评审时间。请注意,每月的评审时间会因申请量的变化、季节性高峰、复杂的签证申请,以及不完整的签证申请而受到影响。

4. 如果签证申请仍处于 全球范围内签证评审时间 之内,签证处不会对申请状态的问询进行回复。

针对常见签证类别,我们汇总了澳大利亚移民局官网2018-11-21最新发布的 全球范围内签证评审时间,




Dear Eucation Friens,

Greetings from Austrae China Eucation Team. We woul like to take this opportunity to remin you of below message from our Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) colleagues.

Travelling to Australia over the Christmas/Spring Festival Perio? Don’t forget your visa!


It will soon be peak time for visa applications to visit Australia uring the Christmas an Spring Festival holiays. To avoi isappointment,the Australian Visa Offices in China recommen that you loge your visa application as early as possible – preferably 6 to 8 weeks before your intene travel ate. Do NOT wait until the last minute.

圣诞和春节赴澳签证申请高峰即将来临,为避免延误,中国的澳大利亚签证处建议您尽早递交签证申请—— 最好在您计划赴澳日期前 6 至 8 周递交申请,请勿等到最后一刻

To help process your application as quickly as possible,you shoul loge a complete application with all supporting ocuments. A ecision may be mae using the information you provie when you loge your application.


The Department of Home Affairs offers a range of online services for clients to apply for visas an citizenship,track the status of applications,upate information,check visa status an notify changes to passport etails. Please refer to online Services for further information. You can also check current Global Visa Processing Times. Please note that processing times are impacte each month by changes in application volumes,seasonal peaks,complex cases,an incomplete applications.

内政事务部为申请人提供一系列在线服务,包括签证和公民申请、跟踪申请状态、更新信息、查询签证状态,以及通知护照信息更改。更多信息请见 在线服务。您也可以查询目前全球范围内签证评审时间。请注意,每月的评审时间会因申请量的变化、季节性高峰、复杂的签证申请,以及不完整的签证申请而受到影响。

For more information,refer to the following websites:


·         Department of Home Affairs – Immigration an Citizenship – contains general information on entering an leaving Australia,Australian visas,Australian citizenship an all online services 关于进入和离开澳大利亚、澳大利亚签证、澳大利亚公民身份以及所有在线服务的相关信息

·         Department of Home Affairs in China (available in both English an Manarin) – contains information specifically for visa an citizenship clients in China an Mongolia( 中英文可选) &nash; 专为中国和蒙古的签证及公民身份申请人提供的信息

If you nee aitional assistance an you are unable to fin the answer to your query using the websites above,use the Australian Immigration Enquiry form to make your enquiry to an Australian Visa Office in China. Please note that the Visa Office will not respon to case status enquiries within the Global Visa Processing Times.

如果您需要更多帮助,并在以上网站中无法找到问题的答案,您可通过 澳大利亚在线移民询问表格 向中国的澳大利亚签证处进行问询。请注意,如果签证申请仍处于全球范围内签证评审时间 之内,签证处不会对申请状态的问询进行回复。

