Master of Biotechnology
Master of Computational Biology
Master of Environmental Science
Master of Ecosystem Management an Conservation
Master of Geography
Master of Geoscience
Master of Urban Horticulture
Master of Science (Biosciences)
Master of Science (Chemistry)
Master of Science (Earth Sciences)
Master of Science (Ecosystem Science)
Master of Science (Mathematics an Statistics)
Master of Science (Physics)
1. 悉尼科技大学Insearch学院告知,凡是2018年10月1日 – 2019年3月31日期间接受预科offer及大一文凭(非商科)offer且持有中国护照的学生,可以获得5周语言学费减免(价值约2500澳币),学生开学也可获得新生大礼包一份。
2. 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学 Insearch 学院现推出精英人才( Elite Talent )奖学金计划,学校希望奖励在诸如艺术、音乐、表演和体育等领域,或在创业和志愿服务等社区建设领域,或其他有趣的课外活动方面付出努力、坚持不懈而表现杰出的中国学生。
AMC Principle’s Merit Scholarship:
Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) Honours (P4F1) commencing in Semester 1,2019;
Master of Logistics Management (Avance) (27G) commencing in Semester 1 or 2,2019;
Master of Business Aministration (Avance) Maritime Logistics Management (27C) commencing in Semester 1 or 2,2019;
Master of Engineering (Maritime Design) (27B1) commencing in Semester 1 or 2,2019;
Master of Professional Engineering (Specialisation) (N7E) commencing in Semester 1 or 2,2019.
AMC Global Logistics Relocation Bursary:
申请Bachelor of Global Logistics an Maritime Management 的学生将有机会获得4000澳币的生活补贴,该份奖学金自动审理!