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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-03 02:46

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



康奈尔大学(Cornell University)是一所位于美国纽约州伊萨卡的世界顶级私立研究型大学(另有两所分校位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城),是著名的常春藤联盟成员。康奈尔大学由埃兹拉·康奈尔和安德鲁·迪克森·怀特于1865年建立,是八所常春藤名校中唯一创办于美国独立战争之后的新生力量,办学理念曾影响了整个美国高等教育,规模为当时全美高校之最。


截止2017年,共有56位康奈尔大学的校友或教研人员曾荣获诺贝尔奖,在全球高校中列第十二位,居全美第十位。康奈尔大学名列2017-18年US News全美大学本科排名第14。2017年世界大学排名机构CWUR排名世界第12;2017年世界大学学术排名世界第13;2018年QS世界大学排名世界第14、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名世界第19、usnews世界大学排名世界第23。

学校官网: http://www.cornell.eu/

本科专业链接,专业比较多,所以没法挨个列出来,你直接点击开链接,就是所有本科专业,但是勾选的时候要去掉HonOUR 的学位和MINOR 的,点击开你想了解的专业,就可以了解到这些专业的具体介绍了。


申请: https://amissions.cornell.eu/apply/first-year-applicants/amission-requirements

Cornell uses the Common Application (CA) or the Universal College Application (UCA),both of which can be complete an submitte online. Stuents will choose one format to submit all require application materials. Please o not mix-an-match or uplicate CA an UCA submitte application forms.


You must submit your scores for either the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT. Some of our unergrauate colleges/schools also have specific requirements for the SAT Subject Tests. Review the Freshman Amission Requirements Chart to see what’s require. It’s your responsibility to make sure that you have taken the right Subject Tests. All require scores must be officially reporte to Cornell from the testing agency by our application ealine. Note that Cornell requires stuents to submit all scores from SAT tests taken an oes not participate in the College Boar’s Score Choice.


Miyear Report - Submit the Miyear Report as soon after the application ealine as possible. We strongly encourage guiance counselors to submit this online too,so we can process your application faster. We unerstan that some stuents with schools on trimesters may not have any new grae information to report at the time of submission,an therefore o not nee to sen a Miyear Report.


SAT Subject Test Requirements by College

·Agriculture an Life Sciences: SAT Subject Tests are not require农业和生命科学专业不需要单项

·Architecture,Art,an Planning: SAT Subject Tests are not require建筑和艺术专业不需要

·Arts an Sciences: two subjects of your choice文理学院需要两门单项

·Engineering: mathematics (any level) an a science工程学院选择数学和一门科学

·Hotel Aministration: SAT Subject Tests are not require酒店管理不需要SAT单项

·Human Ecology: SAT Subject Tests are not require人类生态学不需要

·Inustrial an Labor Relations: SAT Subject Tests are not require工业和劳资关系不需要

Require Amission Interviews

Formal amission interviews arerequirefor applicants to:

·The architecture program in the College of Architecture,Art,an Planning. Applicants to the art epartment are encourage,though not require,to have an interview. Visit https://aap.cornell.eu/unergrauate-amissions or call 607.255.4376 to scheule an interview.

Formal amission interviews areofferefor applicants to:

·The School of Hotel Aministration (etails at hotelschool.cornell.eu/amissions/ugra ).

Though Cornell offers applicants the opportunity to meet with Cornell alumni amissions ambassaors,formal interviews are not require,nor offere,for any other unergrauate programs.


截止日期: https://amissions.cornell.eu/apply/application-timelines





The recommene minimum scores are:

TOEFL - Score of 100 (Internet-base exam) an 600 (paper exam)

IELTS - Score of 7


