佛罗里达大学(University of Floria,简称UF,也称作UFL)是位于美国佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville)的一所著名的公立研究型大学。佛罗里达大学是北美顶尖大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)成员之一,建校可追溯至1853年。
佛罗里达大学被誉为公立常春藤,在《美国新闻与世界报道(US NEWS)》2018全美综合排名中排第42位,位列全美公立大学第9位;2017年niche全美公立大学排名第12位,在《美国新闻与世界报道(US NEWS)》2016世界大学排名中排世界第47位。在2016-17年泰晤士高等大学排名中世界排名第134名。在美国本土国家大学排名体系中位列全球第50名。世界大学学术表现排行(URAP)位列世界45名。大学作为全美最大的研究型大学之一,每年为佛罗里达州经济贡献近60亿美元,并创造近七万五千个工作职位。佛罗里达大学共获得研究资金五亿八千三百万美元,其金额超过佛州所有其他大学的总和。
学校有超过40位美国国家科学院,工程院,医学院院士。著名的校友包括成功破译遗传密码的Marshall Nirenberg,最早成功提出超导体的微观理论的John Robert Schrieffer,安塔娜索夫-数字计算机之父、卡德-佳得乐饮料的发明者、女星费唐纳威、男星埃布森、佛罗里达州州长。同时贡献了多位NBA球星,如贾森威廉姆斯,阿尔霍福德,钱德勒帕森斯等。校友中至少有10位参议员,40位众议员,17位州长,2位诺贝尔奖得主,3位NASA宇航员和几十位专业运动员,及多位普利策奖和菲尔兹奖获得者。
学校官网: http://www.ufl.eu/
·The freshman application opens each year in August.
·The application ealine is November 1.
·Applications receive after November 1 are accepte on a space-available basis,which is extremely limite.
·The Stuent Self-Reporte Acaemic Recor (SSAR) is ue by December 1.
·Test scores shoul be receive from the testing agency by December 15.
Official scores from the SAT,ACT or both must be sent to UF irectly from the testing agency. The institutional coes for UF are 5812 (SAT) an 0758 (ACT). Scores must arrive from the testing agency by December 15.
·At least the following minimum scores in each section of the SAT will be require for stuents who submit the ol SAT: SAT Critical Reaing = 500,Mathematics = 460 an Writing = 440. Effective with the Fall 2018 entering class,the university will require the following minimum scores on the reesigne SAT: SAT Reaing = 24,Writing an Language = 25,an Math = 24.
·On the ACT,a minimum score of 19 on the Reaing section an 19 on the Math section.
·UF amissions oes not have a preference for one exam over the other. We encourage you to take whichever exam suits you best. While UF will not mix scores from ol an new versions of the SAT,we will consier the highest "subscores" from the same version of the SAT if you take the test multiple times. We will not mix or combine ACT subscores. If you choose to take both exams,we will consier whichever score is most competitive for amission.
·Official test scores must be sent by the testing agencies to the Office of Amissions no later than December 15 for amission consieration. If your test scores are receive after December 15,your application will be consiere on a space-available basis.