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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-10 16:21

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



Work an Holiay visa (subclass 462):
This visa lets people 18 to 30 years ol (inclusive) have an extene holiay in Australia an work here to help fun their trip.打工与度假签证(462签证)签证允许18至30岁(含)的人在澳大利亚度过长假并在这里工作以帮助他们的旅行。

Annual visa limit 年度签证数额限制
Every financial year we grant a limite number of first Work an Holiay visas to applicants from each eligible country except the Unite States of America. The financial year begins on 1 July an ens on 30 June.每个财政年度,澳洲向除美国以外的每个符合条件的国家的申请人提供数量有限的首次工作和假期签证。财政年度从7月1日开始,到6月30日结束。
once this annual limit is reache,we will not approve any further applications. You shoul wait until the following year to submit an application.达到当年年度限额后,将不会批准任何其他申请。申请者需要等到下一年才能提交申请。

Apply from 申请地要求
You must be outsie Australia when you apply for this visa an when we ecie your application. 签证申请时以及签证出结果时,申请者必须在澳洲境外

Processing times 签证审理时间
75% of applications in 37 ays 75%的申请者在37天之内
90% of applications in 47 ays 90%的申请者在47天之内

How long you can stay 在澳停留时间
This is a temporary visa. You must enter Australia within 12 months of the ate we grant it. We will not exten or efer this timeframe. 462签证是临时签证。获签者必须在使馆授予签证之日起12个月内进入澳大利亚。
This visa becomes active on the ate you enter Australia. once you have entere an the visa is activate,you can:该签证在获签者进入澳大利亚之日生效。申请者在澳洲可以:
stay in Australia for up to 12 months 在澳洲最长停留12个月
leave an re-enter Australia as many times as you like in that 12 months 在这12个月内,多次进出澳洲


