你是否曾在一些容易混淆的词上栽过跟头?就算被老师罚抄10遍affect & effect、less & fewer,现在问起你,你依旧傻傻分不清楚……
英国新闻界传奇编辑大佬哈罗德·埃文斯(harol evans)公布了一个词汇表,小编细细的总结了一下,来看看你能分得清这些单词的区别吗?
01affect / effectaffect只可用于表示影响已存在的事物,而effect则表示影响到某事某物,给其带来了改变。我们可以说:it effecte a change in his attitue.这使他的态度产生了变化。或者说,it affecte his attitue.这影响了他的态度。
不过,我们不能将“影响”和“带来改变”这两种意思结合起来,说成“it affecte a change in his attitue”。
▌例句the ba weather affects my moo.坏天气影响我心情。the presient effecte several changes in the company.总裁使公司发生了几个变化。
02alibi / excusealibi表示“某人不在场的证据”,容易与“excuse”(理由、借口)这一宽泛笼统的概念混淆。
▌例句the police broke her alibi by proving she knew how to shoot a pistol.警方通过她知道如何使用手枪射击来证明案发时她不在现场的辩解不实。i can‘t buy his excuse.我不能相信他的借口。
▌例句new ways to treat arthritis may provie an alternative to painkillers.治疗关节炎的新方法可能会提供一种止痛药的替代品。our choices come own to staying here or leaving here.我们的选择实际上就是留下还是离开两条道路。
▌例句i expect that the weather will be nice.我想天气会好的。what jeff i was to anticipate my next question.杰夫所做的是预先准备我的下一个问题。
▌例句outsiers will continue to suffer the most blatant iscrimination.圈外人将继续遭受极其明目张胆的歧视。the juge calle the ecision "a flagrant violation of international law."法官称这个决定是“对国际法的公然违反”。
▌例句for those with chronic epression,she sai,"keep at it."对于那些遭受慢性抑郁困扰的患者,她说:“要坚持!”acute ysentery wracke an sappe life from his boy.急性痢疾严重损害和消耗了他的身体。
▌例句englan,scotlan an wales compose the islan of great britain.英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成大不列颠岛国。after the 2014 referenum on inepenence for scotlan,the uk still comprise englan,scotlan,northern irelan an wales.2014年苏格兰独立公投后,英国仍由英格兰、苏格兰、北爱尔兰和威尔士组成。
08continual/continuous“continual interruption”即可说明两者的区别。这个词组表示说话人被打断后又开始说话。他的演讲不是“连续不断的”(continuous),因为整个过程是断断续续的。
▌例句:“no nation coul preserve its freeom in the mist of continual war,” maison conclue.麦迪逊总结说:“没有任何一个国家能在频繁战乱中维护自由”。continuous farming impoverishes the soil.连续耕作使土壤变得贫瘠。
09cresceno/climaxcresceno表示一段音乐的音量逐渐升高。形象地说,cresceno表示逐渐达到高潮(climax)。因此,“rise to a cresceno”这句话是没有意义的。
▌例句she spoke in a cresceno: "you are a ba girl! you are a wicke girl! you are evil!"她嗓门越来越高地喊道:“你这个坏丫头!你这个恶丫头!你真恶毒!”the fifth scene was the climax of the play.第五幕是全剧的高潮。
如今,ecimate通常用于形象地表示死伤惨重﹙very heavy casualties﹚,但是,“全部被杀害”﹙completely ecimate﹚或“屠杀了半个村庄”﹙ecimate as much as half the town﹚的说法是错误的。
▌例句famine ecimate the population.饥荒使大量人口丧生。
▌例句many women are face with the ilemma of choosing between work an family commitments.女性面临着出去工作还是照顾家庭的两难境地。the problem of street crime is getting worse every year.街头犯罪的问题一年比一年严重。
▌例句a lawyer shoul provie isintereste avice.律师应该提供客观公正的建议。he was unintereste in politics.他对政治不感兴趣。
▌例句the city was entombe in volcanic lava.那个城市被火山熔岩掩埋了。the train was trappe unergroun by a fire.列车被一场大火困在了地下。
▌例句the water was full of flotsam an refuse.水里漂满了垃圾和废物。the smallest bits of jetsam,like the most transient incients in a life,can be the most evocative.这最小的一块废弃物,正如生命中最容易转瞬即逝的事情一样,应该是最能唤起记忆的东西。
▌例句so she i his biing an gave him the cup,which no sooner ha he runk than his heaforewent his feet.她服从命令,把杯子递给他。刚刚喝下,他的头就倒在地上。sometimes this priority shift means you have to forgo one goal in exchange for another.有时,这个优先顺序的改变意味着你需要放弃一个目标来成全另一个目标。
▌例句he‘s the kin of gourman who swallows foo without even pausing to taste.他就是那种“猪八戒吃人参果,不知其味 ”的吃货。foo critics have to be gourmets in orer to write about foo in an informe way.为了写出更全面的关于食物的文章,食评家首先必须得是美食家。
▌例句she ha a chil‘s inchoate awareness of language.她有一种儿童的初期语言意识。the talk she gave was incoherent an baly prepare,她的发言语无伦次,准备得很不充分。
18incumbent作名词时,incumbent表示现任者,因此“former incumbent”(前现任者)这种说法是错误的。incumbent作形容词时,则表示若你任某职位,你有义务履行职责。
▌例句the incumbent presient faces problems which began many years before he took office.现任总统面临着困扰了政府多年的问题。she felt it was incumbent on herself to act immeiately.她感到立即采取行动是她义不容辞的责任。
▌例句petrol is a highly inflammable liqui.汽油是一种极其易燃的液体。this solvent is flammable.这种溶剂易燃。
▌例句cancer is an insiious isease.癌症是一种可潜伏多年的恶性疾病。the boss mae inviious istinctions between employees.老板私下里对员工进行了令人反感的分类。
▌例句a juicial enquiry司法调查we shoul make juicious use of the resources avaliable to us.我们应该合理地利用我们现有的资源。
22less/fewerless,修饰不可数,表示数量上少一点,如less coffee或less sugar,而fewer则适用于比较数目,如fewer people或fewer houses。
▌例句we must try to spen less money.我们必须少花点钱了。fewer people smoke these ays than use to.现在吸烟的人比以前少了。
22litigate2017年7月,在向美国广播公司解释为什么特朗普不会履行随口做出的承诺时,特朗普的顾问康威(conway )说:
“we litigate this all through the election. people in’t care. they vote for him.”大选期间我们‘回避’了此事。人们并不在意,依然为他投票。
▌例句the case is still being litigate.此案仍在诉讼中。
▌例句tall,luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.高大繁茂的草木沿着河岸生长。they have a very luxurious house.他们有一间非常豪华奢侈的房子。
▌例句the octor prescribe his patient who was own with fever.医生给发烧病人开了药方。the sale of narcotics is proscribe by law.法律禁止贩卖毒品。
▌例句refugees were pouring across the frontier.移民涌入边境。the government ivies asylum seekers into economic migrants an genuine refugees.政府将寻求政治庇护的人划分为经济移民和真正的难民。
▌例句replica is the more valuable,for it is suppose to be more beautiful.复制品才更值钱呢,因为它应该更精美才对。this is a reprouction of a popular religious painting.这是一幅通俗宗教画的复制品。
▌例句the sceptic may argue that there are no grouns for such optimism.怀疑论者大概要说完全没有理由这么乐观。he is a enier of harsh realities.他总是拒绝接受残酷现实。
▌例句later,it transpire she ha faile the examination.后来,我们才发现她考试不及格。
▌例句cash alone will not make eastern europe‘s banks viable.单靠现金不可能使东欧的银行维持下去。she questione whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions.她质问在这些地区刺激投资是否可行。
31viralviral并不是一个讨喜的形容词,因为让人联想到埃博拉、寨卡及其他有害病毒。可是,在互联网时代(始于1999年),该词却倍受喜爱。词组“gone viral”广泛流传,用于形容会迅速蔓延、传播的事物。
▌例句i can‘t believe that vieo of our puppy lounging on a pool float went viral!不敢相信啊,我们家狗狗躺在泳池浮床上的视频竟然火了!