英属哥伦比亚大学 建筑学硕士专业申请
专业:Architecture (BArch,BA/BSc,MArch,MA/MSc,PhD)****
学位:Master of Architecture (M.Arch) (Vancouver)
语言要求:The minimum scores are:
TOEFL - 100 iBT or 600 paper base
IELTS - Overall ban score of 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in each component of the acaemic (not general) test.
特色:受CACB、NAAB (National Architectural Accreiting Boar) 承认
备注:需要Statement of Interest和作品集
Your portfolio is submitte igitally in your online application. The PDF can be a maximum of 20 letter-size (8.5" x 11") pages an must be uner 10MB in size.
Tip: Use 150 pixels-per-inch or even 72 ppi images,or try saving the file as a Reuce Size PDF (“Save as Other”) in Aobe Acrobat,to bring own the file size.
The intent of the portfolio is to highlight esign potential. You shoul use the portfolio to showcase your interests an accomplishments,an to show how you coul contribute to a emaning professional program.
Your portfolio shoul emonstrate your ability to conceptualize projects in two an three imensions through a variety of meia. The portfolio may contain rawing,painting,sculpture,photography,installation,printmaking,ceramics,fashion esign,an wooworking,as well as other meia. Showing your creative process an ability to think conceptually will also provie context for your work.
You shoul organize your portfolio into a clear,well-crafte ocument. The portfolio shoul have concise,escriptive text on each page to aequately explain the work. If working in collaboration with others,please clearly inicate your contribution to the submitte work.