应用数学 (Applie Mathematics) 是数学的一个分支学科,集中于科技、工程、商科、工业等专业领域的数学理论应用。
就业展望 Stuents of applie math learn how to use math an statistics to solve problems in the applie sciences an engineering. Subjects of stuy inclue numerical analysis (approximation methos) an optimization theory (a ecision-making technique). 以美国为例,应用数学典型职业及其薪水如下:
l精算师( Actuary ): $106,680
l审计员( Auitor ): $71,040
l程序员( Computer Operator/Programmer ): $39,720
l核工程师( Nuclear Engineer ): $107,140
l数学家( Mathematician ): $101,280
l统计师( Statistician ): $79,570
l应用软件程序开发员( Software Developers,Applications ): $93,280
l金融分析师( Financial Analysts ): $89,410