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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-11 10:33

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>


Mechanical an Materials Engineering

Master of Engineering Science (MESc)


The Mechanical Engineering profession covers a very wie spectrum from nano-scale to inustrial-scale an inclues engines,robots,bio-mechanical an environmentally “green” systems.机械工程专业涵盖了从纳米级到工业广泛的领域,包括发动机、机器人、生物机械和环境“绿色”系统。

The thesis-base Grauate Research Program leaing to Master of Engineering Science (MESc) egree,provies cutting ege research opportunities to stuents using state-of-the-art experimental or computational research facilities uner the close supervision of a faculty member(s). The Department has research strengths in iverse areas aressing present ay challenges,as well as eveloping technologies for the future.基于论文的研究生研究计划获得工程科学硕士(MESc)学位,在教师的密切监督下,为使用最先进实验或计算研究设施的学生提供前沿研究机会。该部门在各个领域拥有研究优势,可以解决当前的挑战,并为未来开发技术。

Program Length课程长度

§6 Terms (2 years) 2年

Program Design课程设计

§Full-time stuy全职学习


Amission Requirements入学要求

§Four-year Bachelor of Engineering egree (or equivalent) from an accreite university; Stuents with a similar egree from another iscipline may be amitte on a case by case basis,with approval from the Associate Chair (Grauate Research Programs).获得认可的大学四年制工程学士学位(或同等学历); 在获得副主席(研究生研究计划)的批准后,可以逐案录取具有其他学科相似学位的学生。

§Minimum 78% (North American equivalent) from the last 2 years of full-time stuy,or the last 20 courses.最近两年的全日制学习或最近20门课程的最低78%(北美学历)

§Acceptance by a faculty member to serve as the thesis supervisor.由教师接受担任论文主管。

Aitional Requirements另外的要求

§Other factors such as publication recor an/or inustrial experience may also be beneficial.诸如出版记录和/或工业经验之类的其他因素也可能是有益的

English Language Proficiency英语要求

Applicants whose first language is not English must furnish evience of their proficiency in the use of the English language:****

§The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The minimum acceptable score is 86,with no iniviual score below 20 for the internet base version; 213 for the stanar electronic version; or 550 for the paper an pencil version,although some programs require a higher minimum score. [Western's TOEFL ID is 0984].托福最低要求86,小分不低于20

§The International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) of the British Council. The minimum acceptable score is 6 out of 9,with no minimum score below 6.0. The IELTS is offere in 6 test centres in the US an 3 in Canaa.雅思最低6,小分不低于6

§The Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) of the University of Michigan. Stuents must have at least 80 on each of the sections an an overall score of at least 85. Arrangements to write MELAB may be mae online.

<;i> The Canaian Acaemic English Language Assessment (CAEL Assessment). The minimum acceptable score is 60. The CAEL Assessment is offere in several countries throughout the worl as well as Canaa.

§Western English Language Centre Western's English Language Centre allows acaemically eligible stuents intereste in pursuing a grauate egree at Western the opportunity to receive a conitional offer of amission to grauate stuies without successful completion of an English language proficiency test. The conition is that the stuent must,in lieu of such a test,successfully complete Western English Language Centre's program. For more information,please visit http://englishlanguage.uwo.ca/ .

§CultureWorks . The requirement is successful completion of the High-Avance level.Click here for information regaring a conitional offer of amission,pening CultureWorks completion.

§Fanshawe College’s ESL Program . The requirement is grauation from Level 5,Avance Acaemic Preparation,with a minimum 80% in all components.

Application Dealine申请截止时间

International Applicants:国际学生

§February 1- Fall Term 9月入学:申请截止时间是2月1

§June 1- Winter Term1月入学:申请截止时间是6月1

§October 1- Summer Term5月入学:申请截止时间是10月1

Applications are processe on a rolling basis. We o not process an application until it is complete an all require ocuments are receive. Therefore we cannot guarantee consieration for the term requeste if ocumentation is receive after the ealine ate. In such a case,the application will be consiere for the next available term..申请以滚动方式处理。直到申请完成及所有所需文件均已收到,我们才会处理申请。因此,如果在截止日期之后收到文件,我们不能保证对所要求的条款进行考虑。在这种情况下,下一学期的申请将予以考虑。

Fiels of Research研究领域

§Automation Technologies an Systems自动化技术与系统

§Materials an Soli Mechanics材料与固体力学

§Mechanical Engineering机械工业

§Micro an Nano Systems微纳系统


