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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-03 14:08

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

What's your name ?
How long have you prepare your visa interview ? Have u prepare the interview in an eucation agency ?
Where are you from ? Where is your hometown ?
Have you ever been to nations asie of China ? Have you ever gone abroa ?
What's your favorite foo ?
How ol are you ?
How long have you been in Shanghai ?
What's your hobby ? What o you o in your spare time ?
Where is your HUKOU( 户口 ) ?
Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe) ?
Where o you live ?
Do u have a cup of coffee every morning ?
what kin of computer o you have ?
what is your favorite color ?


1。你叫什么名字 ? 2。你准备签证面试多久了 ? 你准备面试在一个教育机构吗 ?3你从哪里来 ? 你的家乡在哪里 ? 4 你去过的哪些国家,除了中国 ? 你曾经出过国吗 ? 5。你最喜欢的食物是什么 ? 6。你多大了 ? 7 你在上海多久了 ? 8。你的爱好是什么 ? 你做什么工作在你的业余时间 ? 9。你的户口在哪里 ( 户口 )? 10。这是你最喜欢的餐厅 ( 咖啡 )? 11。你住在哪里 ?

