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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-02-26 18:24

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)是美国著名大学,也是波士顿仅次于哈佛大学麻省理工学院的波士顿五大名校(哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、塔夫茨大学、波士顿学院布兰迪斯大学)之一,也是25所“新常春藤”成员之一。从学生录取、教师的教学到学术研究、教学和科研设施的建立以及对教师的业绩评估等,塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)都遵从以质取胜、注重革新的办学原则。塔夫茨大学同时注重学科在公共服务中的价值,并以良好的国际化和海外留学项目而闻名,并在德国、智利、中国和加纳等国设有海外中心。塔夫茨大学拥有美国最古老和最富盛名的国际关系研究生院之一 ---弗莱彻法律与外交学院。著名的生物医学研究中心--塔夫茨医学中心 (Tufts Meical Center) 是塔夫茨大学医学院的主要教学医院。弗里德曼(Frieman School) 营养科学与政策学院在营养学上名声在外,是学术界的标杆之一。塔夫茨大学在2016年《美国新闻与世界报道》杂志的美国大学综合排名中位居第27名,在2015年美国CollegeFactual全美大学综合排名第39位。


学校官网: https://www.tufts.eu/



Profile of The Class 2021


At Tufts,we have a stuent boy mae up of more than numbers. Our stuents have strong graes an test scores,but we look for more than that when making a class. We amit stuents who are well roune in all areas of their lives – acaemic,social,an extracurricular.






Acceptance Rate



Mi 50% Range for SAT - EBRW


Mi 50% Range for SAT - Math


Mi 50% Range for ACT


Mean ACT Composite



Enrolle Stuents


Arts an Sciences




U.S. Citizens Who Are Stuents of Color*






Black or African American


Two or More Races


Percentage Receiving Nee-base Ai


1st Generation College Boun


Foreign Citizens



Public High School


Inepenent School


Religious/Parochial School


U.S. States Represente (excluing Puerto Rico an DC)


Foreign Countries Represente


*IPEDS (within the Department of Eucation) classifications require that this number not inclue foreign citizens


截止日期: http://amissions.tufts.eu/apply/first-year-stuents/

Application Dealines




Early Decision I

November 1


Early Decision II

January 1


Regular Decision

January 1

By April 1

ED1:11月1日,ED2:1月1日 RD:1月1日


  1. Testing: Beginning with applicants to the Class of 2023,Tufts requires either the SAT or the ACT. We o not require SAT Subject Tests,the SAT Essay,or the writing section of the ACT; you may submit those scores to Tufts if you choose to sit for these sections,but please note that they are not require an sening them will not increase a stuent’s likelihoo of amission.

不需要SAT单项或则和sat Essay /ACT writing这一部分,如果考了递交上来也不会增加学生的录取几率


Complete Common Application or Coalition Application,


Exam Timing

To ensure that your exams arrive on time,plan to take your stanarize testing well before the application ealines.

These are the latest possible test ates that can be consiere for each roun:

·Early Decision I: Stuents may take the October ACT / November SAT

·Early Decision II: Stuents may take the December ACT / December SAT

·Regular Decision: Stuents may take the February ACT / December SAT

In these cases,please be sure to sen your scores irectly to Tufts University through the College Boar when you sit for your exam (provie you sen the scores irectly,there isn’t a nee to rush your scores). This will ensure that we receive your scores in time to be consiere in your application.





A personal interview is not a require element of Tufts’ unergrauate amissions process,though first-year applicants may request an optional interview. The interviews are conucte by members of the Tufts Amissions Network or by one of our senior interviewers. Interviews will be scheule either locally in the home or school area or via Skype or FaceTime. Tufts oes not offer on-campus interviews or interviews with amissions officers.

Intereste stuents may request the optional interview via the Application Checklist after their application has been submitte. The link to request an interview is on your Tufts Status Page.

Application Type

Dealine to Request an Interview

Early Decision I

November 8

Early Decision II

January 8

Regular Decision

January 8

上面是申请不同时段,面试申请的最终日期,可以通过SKYPE 或者Facetime进行面试。

关于面试的一些小提示: http://amissions.tufts.eu/apply/first-year-stuents/alumni-interview/interview-blog/

I am an alumni interviewer,one of those eicate Jumbo gras who volunteer to meet with Tufts applicants for a conversation an – the way I see it – a chance to see how the whole of a particular iniviual – you – is more than just the sum of the parts.

If I fin you reaing a book while you waite for me in the reception area at my office,we might en up having a conversation about writing,an books we have enjoye. If you mention that you work at a horse farm,I might ask you to explain to me some of the basics of horseback riing.

It’s not that I am testing you – Does he really unerstan the social commentary in Eith Wharton? Does she know horses or is she is just making some extra money mucking out stables? – but that I want to give you a chance to iscuss things that you are passionate about.

I want the chance to unerstan an appreciate who you are,not just what you are.

Don’t get me wrong,all of the acaemic work an activities that you have one uring your high school years is really important,an your common application an Tufts writing supplement are – obviously – the place to talk about those things.

But if you are applying to Tufts,I have a strong hunch that there is more to know about you. Something special,unusual,or unexpecte that is a part of who you are as much as that 5 on the AP History exam or the years you playe first viola in the school orchestra.

Maybe ‘interview’ is the wrong wor. Perhaps ‘conversation’ is a better way to escribe the 40-to-60 minutes that you an I will spen together. After all,our meeting is meant to be a corial an low-key.

I will have receive some basic information regaring who you are an some of the activities in which you have been involve,but I am not privy to your acaemic recor or any part of your common application or Tufts writing supplement. I may use the information I o get as a way to start our chat,but I won’t ask emeaning (what coul possibly be interesting about volunteering at a homeless shelter?) or bizarre (If you were a tree,what kin of tree woul you be?) questions.

Instea,I will let our conversation go where it may. I’ll give you the opportunity to tell me about your life,your worl an your values. I might ask you why you are intereste in Tufts. If you are the quiet type,I will probably ask some questions to keep our talk going. If you are a talker like me,we may well blab for an hour before either of us stops to take a eep breath.

A few other things you shoul know:

Di I mention that our interview – I mean conversation – will most likely be your last chance to have a personal impact on your amissions portfolio? No pressure (!),but you shoul be aware of what a great opportunity this is for you.

Your ‘interview persona’ shoul be you . Don’t be afrai to be yourself,an efinitely on’t try to be something or someone you are not. If,for instance,you nee to get serious or “heavy” to make a point,o it. If you want to tell a silly or funny anecote,o it. This may seem obvious,but I think it is important to mention.

I think it’s best if your answers to my questions are spontaneous. But if you feel strongly that you want to prepare,my avice is this: Think about some key points you might want to make when talking about your interests or activities. Then,speaking alou to a frien or family member (or yourself),practice escribing those things. Try to avoi making etaile written notes; just jot own a few key wors if you must. Being accustome to putting the thoughts together as you go an saying – not reaing – the wors shoul help you feel more comfortable at interview time.

I am going to share my overall impression of you with the amissions office,so boy language an appearance are important,too. I also encourage you to sit up straight (turns out our mothers were right about that one),an maintain eye contact when we are talking. I o not expect you to wear a suit or other formal business attire for our meeting,but you shoul ress neatly an appropriately.

Shortly after we meet,I will write up a report of our meeting an submit it to Tufts amissions. I am sure that every interviewer hanles these written reports ifferently,but because I write for a living (kin of),I reaily amit to obsessing over my reports. I will strive to escribe my overall impression of you,an then back that up with information an examples from our talk. You might say that my reports are answers to essay questions,not fill-in-the blanks pop quizzes.

So,why o I o these interviews,anyway? From the moment that I first visite Tufts as a high school stuent some 37 (yikes!) years ago,I felt something very special not just about the place but also about the people – stuents,faculty,everyone. That feeling intensifie through my four unergrauate years,an is reflecte toay in the many Tufts friens who are still an important an cherishe part of my life. I guess I just want to o my part to help make sure that Tufts is still a place to fin – an be – those special people.



English Language Testing

English language testing is require for stuents for whom English is not the primary language an not the language of instruction in their seconary school. Stuents with at least three years of stuy in a seconary school where the primary language is English o not nee to submit English language testing,though they may if they woul like. Tufts accepts the following English language tests,with the corresponing recommene minimum scores:


Recommene Minimum Score

TOEFL (Internet -base)






The Tufts coe for TOEFL submission is 3901.


