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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-03 16:01

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



按照简单粗暴的说法,面签就是申请英国学生签证Tier 4的小伙伴们,前往签证中心递交申请材料的时候,需要在一个“小黑屋”里跟面试官进行视频对话。对话是全英文的,时间长度为5-10分钟。




Tips1. 正确着装


2. 礼貌和微笑





3. 表达方式要清晰


4. 避免移民倾向


5. 明确签证官希望了解的问题











  1. Are you fit an well enough to be interviewe? 你准备好接受面试了嘛?
  2. What’s your name an DOB ?你叫什么名字?什么时候出生?
  3. Do you know anyone at all in the UK. 在英国你有认识的人嘛?
  4. Is any of your family outsie China now? If so,who are they an where? 你的家人有在国外的嘛?如果有,他们是谁,在哪儿?
  5. Do you know anyone who intens to stuy in the UK. 你知道有哪些人会去英国读书?
  6. Do you know anyone you know refuse a visa to go to the UK? 你有认识的人被英国拒签了嘛?
  7. Have you ever applie for a visa to go to any other country? 你之前申请过其他国家的签证嘛?
  8. Is this your first tine applying for a visa? 这是你第一次申请签证嘛?
  9. Is this the first time going out of the China? 这是你第一次离开中国嘛?
  10. Why o you want to go to the UK? 为什么想去英国?
  11. What will you o in the UK? 你去英国要干嘛?
  12. An how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?要呆多长时间?你想在英国最多呆几天?
  13. Why o you inten to stuy in the UK rather than China? 为什么选择去英国读书,而不是待在中国?
  14. What egree will you plan to pursue in the UK? 你计划在英国获得什么学位?
  15. Do you think UK has some more avantages than other countries? 你认为英国比其他国家更有优势嘛?
  16. When i you have the iea to go abroa to stuy ? 你什么时候有留学想法的?Do you know about UK? 你了解英国嘛?
  17. When will you arrive in UK? 你什么时候到英国?


  1. What is your future plan? What will you o after grauation? 你进一步的计划是什么?毕业后要干嘛?
  2. Woul you come back after grauation? 你毕业后会回国嘛?
  3. What egree o you inten to achieve after grauation? 毕业后会获得什么学位?
  4. Will you want to settle in the UK? 你想定居英国嘛?
  5. After grauation,will you plan to fin a job in the UK? 毕业后,你想在英国工作嘛?
  6. In the UK,you will earn much money than in China. Then why o you say you will come back to China? 在英国,你会比在中国赚更多的钱,为什么说自己选择回中国?
  7. Woul you stay if a local company wants to hire you after grauation? 如果毕业后有当地企业想要雇佣你,你会留下吗?
  8. What o you think your future position will be after your stuy? 毕业后,你未来的职业会是什么?
  9. An what o you think about your future salary? 你以后的薪水呢?


  1. Where will you stuy ? 你要去哪儿学习?
  2. How i you know this University? 你怎么知道这个大学的?
  3. How much o you know about this university? 你对这所大学了解多少?
  4. Which subject will you stuy ?/what is your propose course? 你学习的科目是什么?/你计划就读的课程是什么?
  5. Which course will you stuy? What is the course arrangement? How much o you know about your course? 你要学习什么课程?课程设置怎么样?你对自己的课程了解多少?
  6. How many hours will you stuy per ay? 每天学习几个小时?
  7. When is the opening ate of school term? 学校开学日期是什么时候?
  8. Where are you going to live in UK? 你会住在英国哪个地方?
  9. Do you nee use English in your stuy? 学习过程中你会用到英语嘛?
  10. Do you have to take the English Course? 你要上英语课嘛?
  11. Have you ever consiere other schools while applying ? What are they? 申请大学的时候,有考虑过其他学校嘛?有哪些?
  12. Then why o you choose this university? 你为什么要选择这所大学?
  13. Why o you choose xx? Why o you want to stuy xx? 你为什么选择XX专业?为什么想学习这个?
  14. What is your last egree obtaine? 你获得的上个学位是什么?
  15. When i you grauate? 你上个学位是什么时候毕业的?
  16. What o you o now? What have you stuie? 你现在在做什么?学习了什么内容?


  1. What are your tuition fees? 你的学费是多少?
  2. What about the living expenses? 生活费多少?
  3. Do you know how much money oes it cost for the entire perio of your stuy? 你知道整个学习期间需要花费多少钱嘛?
  4. Is the fun available ? how much? 资金充足嘛?有多少?
  5. Does it inclue the stocks? 包括股票嘛?
  6. Where oes the money come from? Who will pay for your courses? 这些资金来源是什么?谁出的钱?
  7. What is their annual income?/ What is your parents' salary? 他们的年收入多少?/你父母薪水是多少?
  8. What o your parents o? How can they supporte you? How oes the money come from? 你的父母是做什么的?他们能供你读书嘛?钱从哪儿来的?
  9. Can you give some escription of your father’s company? Can you give some escription of your mother’s company?你能说一下自己父亲/母亲的工作单位吗?

