Pre-professional architecture egree非专业学位
非专业学位,学制为四年。学位一般有BS in Architecture,BS in Architectural Stuies,BA in Architecture,Bachelor of Environmental Design,Bachelor of Architectural Stuies等。第一年基本上是与建筑无关的基础课或核心课,从第二年才开始建筑专业的课程。
读完此学位,要再读两年才可以拿到专业学位(Professional architecture egree)即M.Arch1。被称作”four-plus-two” program(共六年)。
Professional architecture egree (B.Arch)专业学位
Bachelor of Architecture (B Arch) 是第一个专业学位,学时长五年。从第一年开始就是专业的建筑课程,因此申请这种学位要求申请者入学之前就决定自己的专业,是不能选了unecie或其他专业再转入建筑系的。
Physics 物理
Design Funamentals 基础设计原理Trigonometry & Analytic GeometryCalculus 三角&解析几何微积分 Architectural History (numerous courses) 建筑历史
Architectural Drawing 建筑制图
Computer Graphics in Architecture 建筑电脑绘图
Architectural Theory 建筑理论Environmental Control Systems 环境控制系统
Architecture Structures 建筑结构Architectural Design (numerous courses) 建筑设计
Cornell University
California Polytechnic State University,San Luis Obispo
Syracuse University
Rice University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute an State University
University of Texas at Austin
Rhoe Islan School of Design
Pratt Institute
Auburn University
Southern California Institute of Architecture
▶著名 常春藤盟校成员之一,8所常春藤盟校中最年轻的一所,也是最大的一所
▶ 建筑学本科专业 常年稳居第一
▶ 康奈尔大学的博物馆是华裔建筑大师 贝聿铭 的作品,系馆则是 库哈斯 的作品
A portfolio is a require an critically important component of the application. All B.Arch. applicants must submit their portfolio online via Cornell AAP SlieRoom. The portfolio shoul contain several examples of freehan rawings incluing sketches as well as fully evelope work. In aition to rawing,a range of artistic meia nees to be emonstrate,but each applicant shoul emphasize the work where their skills an passion are expresse most strongly. Painting,printmaking,sculpture,photography,vieo,wooworking an other crafts can convey artistic experience an aptitue.
Please submit 15-20 slies with no more than two eicate to the same project. Images must be clear with no text on the page,unless it is integral to the artwork. A carefully crafte caption for each slie shoul state the intent,elaborate on the process an metho,an reflect on the outcome. Inclue a note that lists the size an meium of each piece,as well as whether the work was complete in class or inepenently. Any group projects shoul be creite accoringly an the task performe by the applicant note specifically.
The ealines for portfolio submissions are:
November 1 (early ecision first-year applicants)
January 2 (regular ecision first-year applicants)
October 1 (spring transfer applicants)
March 1 (fall transfer applicants)
Portfolios are ae to the applicant's amissions file for review by the architecture epartment amissions committee. An application is not consiere complete until all requirements have been receive,incluing the online portfolio an the interview evaluation.
Rhoe Islan School of Design 罗德岛设计学院
▶一直都以 高品质的教学 而闻名
▶ 定期举办 业内大咖的讲座和分享会
▶ 本科生课程较学术,偏重于基础知识的沉淀积累。在建筑类专业第一年的基础课程中,学生必须接受广泛的设计课,从徒手绘图、平面设计到立体设计,其过程让学生了解动手操作和实验精神的可贵
学费:$50,960 /年
Preston Scott Cohen(B.Arch 1983) - Geral M. McCue Professor in Architecture at Harvar Grauate School of Design (GSD). Principal of Preston Scott Cohen,Inc
Michael Gabellini(B.Arch 1981) - Architect & Interior Designer,Teacher at theParsons School of Design
Glenn Gissler(B.Arch 1984) - Architect
Richar Levine(B.Arch 1962) - Professor,
Green Architect & Sustainability Pioneer.
Michael Maltzan(B.Arch) - Principal an Founer of Michael Maltzan Architecture.
Naer Tehrani(B.Arch 1986) - Professor an hea of the Department of Architecture,MIT.
Principal an Founer of NADAAA.
Charles Cora(B.Arch 1975) - Architect
BAR(5yrs)语言要求:TOEFL 93 / IELTS 6.5作品集要求:You will uploa your portfolio in SlieRoom through the Common Application.Your portfolio shoul present 12–20 examples of your most recent work that showcases your thinking an making. The work shoul reflect a full range of your ieas,interests,experiences an abilities in the arts. This can inclue work in any meium,in finishe or sketch form,an can be the result of an assigne project or a self-irecte exploration.We recommen that you inclue some evelopmental research an/or preparatory work for one of your submissions. It is helpful to show your process of thinking an investigation so we can see how you evelop your ieas. A sketchbook or journal page may be an appropriate way to share your process. Consier also incluing the finishe piece an preparatory work(s) in a single image. There is an area in SlieRoom where you can inclue brief text escriptions for your submissions.We strongly iscourage the submission of works in PDF format that inclue multiple pages,especially when there are numerous elements on a single page. These are ifficult for reviewers to view an assess an are likely to excee the allowe limit of 20 work examples.