很多时候申请难度之所以变大是因为在选择之初我们就进入了误区,比如有的学生和家长会因为价格问题而选择一般的小机构去做留学这件大事,殊不知留学这件事,如果你在一开始的时候选对了机构,能省钱的地方其实很多,但是若是用了不专业的机构,不仅全程自己需要操心,费神费力,最终还拿不到好的录取结果,打击申请人的信心,是赔了夫人又折兵啊,这正是应了“选择大于努力”这句话了。所以今天我们就来详细讲一下LSE这四个 金融相关的硕士项目,让大家清楚在专业选择时如何选到最适合自己的那个专业,从而提升拿到offer的几率!
MSc Finance 招生比例:115/1580(7%)
MSc Finance an Economics 招生比例:60/840(7%)
MSc Finance an Private Equity 招生比例:46/824(5%)
MSc Risk & Finance 招生比例:49/995(5%)
MSc in Finance
另外,项目与 MSc in Finance & Private Equity 项目的学习课程很相似,所以在申请时只能在两个项目中选择一个申请,并且要在PS中阐明选择项目的原因。
MSc in Finance & Economics
MSc Risk an Finance
MSc in Finance & Private Equity
2010年设立的新项目,跟MSc in Finance十分类似,只比后者多了一节专业论文课。由于该项目与MSc in Finance项目的学习课程很相似,所以只能申请这两个项目中的一个,而且必须阐明选择项目的原因。
该项目表示欢迎任何专业的申请者,但是也偏好数理能力好的申请者。从录取的情况来看,这个项目像 MSc in Finance,需要有很强的综合背景。
MSc in Finance
Many of our grauates join analyst programmes at major investment banks. Other stuents have joine consultancies,boutique firms,hege funs,asset management firms or start-ups or have gone on to further stuy. This programme is not intene as suitable preparation for the PhD Finance at LSE (if you are intereste in PhD stuy,please see MSc Finance an Economics).(来自官网)
MSc in Finance & Economics
The MSc Finance an Economics is an ieal preparation for a variety of careers in the global financial services sector,with the emphasis on financial economics being particularly attractive to investment banks,the financial services sector more generally an consulting firms. The programme also provies a rigorous training an preparation for octoral research in the area.(来自官网)
MSc Risk an Finance
The programme equips you for career opportunities in consulting,finance an banking,insurance,management,regulation an supervision,an public aministration,among others. This programme is not intene as suitable preparation for the PhD Finance at LSE (if you are intereste in PhD stuy,please see MSc Finance an Economics).(来自官网)
MSc in Finance & Private Equity
A significant proportion of grauates join either investment banks or boutique corporate finance firms as analysts as a first step in their careers into the worl of private equity. However,some have been hire irectly upon grauation by private equity or venture capital firms. Following a similar structure to the generalist MSc Finance,the programme also prepares you for various roles in investment banks,consultancies,hege funs an asset management firms,or to pursue further stuy. In aition,having met on the programme,stuents have worke together on entrepreneurial ventures an start-ups.
This programme is not intene as suitable preparation for the PhD Finance at LSE (if you are intereste in PhD stuy,please see MSc Finance an Economics.(来自官网)
在PS回答学校Why this programme的时候,你需要言之有理言之有据啊,连自己都说服不了,你哪里来的自信说服挑剔的LSE?
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