You will gain theoretical an practical knowlege of methos to analyse an interpret the ata generate by moern biology. This involves the appreciation of biochemistry an molecular biology,together with IT an computer science techniques that will prepare you for multiisciplinary careers in research.
Programming SkillsBIOL6020115Manatory
Research Project 1-BioinformaticsBIOL6123060Manatory
Research Project 2-BioinformaticsBIOL6128060Manatory
Statistics & Experimental DesignBIOL6516115Manatory
Computational Approaches to BiologyBIOL6602115Manatory
PGT Supervisor Meeting (MSc)BIOL721000Manatory
PGT Avisor Meeting (MSc)-3BIOL730500Manatory
PGT Avisor Mtg (MSc)-1BIOL731300Manatory
PGT Avisor Meeting (MSc)-2BIOL732300Manatory
MSc Foo Security
We welcome stuents from iverse eucational backgrouns an we anticipate that many will be unfamiliar with all the topics in this programme. We have therefore esigne the programme so that it provies you with both a broa unerstaning of the major issues in foo security an the opportunity to selectively focus on aspects of particular interest.
Compulsory courses (totalling 60 creits)
lIntrouction to Foo Security
lFoo Security Funamentals: Foo of Animal Origin
lFoo Security Funamentals: Crops
Optional courses (totalling 60 creits*) selecte from
lRole of Insects in Foo Security
lMolecular Laboratory Skills
lGlobal Animal Prouction
lTechnology transfer an commercialisation of bioscience research
lCrop Biotechnology Applications
lPlant Genetic Engineering
lOmic analyses for the biomeical sciences; from genomics to metabolomics
lAnimal Ethics
lPolicies for Sustainability an Development (Foo Security)
lProuction of Foo from Animals
lSocietal Aspects of Antimicrobial Resistance
lGenetic an Genomic Aspects of Antimicrobial Resistance
*Most of the optional courses are 10 creit courses
Foo security project (60 creits)